Quote Originally Posted by phillykev View Post
Why would they be bothered? Did you paint a big penis on the dragon or something?
it = holstered Glock

April 18th, 2011

Not a whole lot happened over the weekend. The lady and I went out a few times and no one said anything until today. I went to the doctor's office to get something for this damned eye irritation, and the nurse who checked me in asked me what I did for a living that made it necessary to carry a gun around.

"I live in a crazy world with some violent people who sometimes like to act like animals. Same world you live in."
"Oh! Well then..."
"...and so as not to appear like a jerk, I work in IT. Aside from that, I find myself in West and South Philly a lot, so I like to protect myself."

She didn't say anything else, and took my information. The doctor came in a few moments later, joking -

"I'm not going to get shot when I come in, am I?"

I asked her if everything was okay, and she just mentioned that it's extremely rare for someone to come into the office with a gun, unless they're a police officer. Everything else was business as usual - no one said anything at Rite Aid, or at Wendy's when I went to lunch.