Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Carbondale, Pennsylvania
    (Lackawanna County)
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    Default We've got questions, you got answers

    Happy 4th of July peeps. I went shooting today with some people I have not seen in a while. My buddy Charlie just picked up an SKS, and this was the first time I've shot a 7.62/39 and I have to say I don't like the SKS cause its old and idk junky sorta IMO. But god fucking damn I wish I had 4 or 500 bucks right now to get an AK or a WASR, i'm just wondering when I finally get to pop off AR rounds how i'm going to like them. Anyway Charlie's brother works for Jerry's Sports Center warehouse and he can get a discount on gun there, and I believe its a discount on whole sale hes sitting on a good deal here and can't take advantage of it because hes only 19. He doesn't really want any rifles or anything he does want he can't afford or can afford but can't trick it out EX. AR-15 w/e brand name, but with the red dot and fore grips and all that jazz it's just unaffordable which understandable. I don't try and act like I know everything but I've learned a lot thanks to my own initiative and this great website...its to bad I didn't print those pamphlets up because I could have used a bunch today for recruiting new members and someone in desperate need of education.

    So we were shooting and I was explaining things and instructing that there are 3 ways of doing things the your way, the wrong way and the right way... pulling the trigger with your middle finger and rested the index on the slide I don't believe is the correct way, omg this one I was ready to tackle him like in the movies with the long NOOOOOOO...looking down the barrel of a gun that is loaded, won't fire, while whacking it with the hammer cocked lol yeah I know I wish no1 told this guy that we were going, i guess um "don't fire from behind the line" that was a problem until I lined up the rifle cases and bags and said stand at the line and shoot nowhere else when someone else is up. Everyone was open to advice and instruction no real problems everyone caught on quick and had a great time. But the 19 year old and this girl had questions I just can't answer. These were asked in a serious way not to be a jerk...these are what I remember, but i'm sure i'll recall more later or tomorrow. But any help is appreciated

    Can you shoot, point, or say "stop I have a gun" your gun if there is a group of people trying to assault you? What if one of them has a baseball bat or are a lot bigger than you, what if there drunk and running isn't something you can do to a certainty that you won't be chased or put in a position to be subdued and get your gun taken.

    What if someone tries to steal your gun while your carrying what are your options?...say you stop them and they keep advancing and running away isn't an option or you'll be followed/chased?

    If you get pulled over for say speeding, can the cop hold your gun while being detained? Can you tell him in so many words to Fuck off : ) by quoting law and not letting him near it?

    18 year olds can't buy a handgun from a store...Can his brother buy one and sell it to him not gift it?
    (which I guess you could say it was gifted if someone asks but still collect money, and no I'm not advocating breaking laws) could I buy what they want and sell it to them? (I'm in no relation)

    If your not doing anything wrong and a cop sees you have a gun and he demands you surrender it to him, Do you have to listen to him? or can you tell him no I'm not doing anything wrong leave me alone paley?

    if you don't have a ltcf, when are the only times your aloud to bring it in your car.....can it be put in trunk unloaded legally? (for a friend i don't want to see go to jail on a gun beef)

    Can a person who owns a gun, rifle or shotgun "lend" it to another party who is either family or of no relation?

    Thanks for the help, once Davids computer is up and running he'll be joining.

    Who's got the good fireworks this year and I don't mean the lead ones : )

    Be safe and smart, I don't want to read about one of your kids losing fingers or eye sight because you or the uncle running the fireworks this year had a few too many.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Elizabeth, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: We've got questions, you got answers

    ***Not a lawyer***

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    Can you shoot, point, or say "stop I have a gun" your gun if there is a group of people trying to assault you? What if one of them has a baseball bat or are a lot bigger than you, what if there drunk and running isn't something you can do to a certainty that you won't be chased or put in a position to be subdued and get your gun taken.

    You never draw to stop someone, you draw to fire and end the threat. Knowing that, once you've brought the firearm to the attention of the attacker they may have had a sudden change in disposition and decide to leave you alone without shots being fired. Sometimes the draw motion of reaching to your side and holding the gun in it's holster is enough to stop a threat, but even this should only be done if you're intending to fire if the threat doesn't stop.
    If the attacker poses a serious threat to your health or life or someone else's, you're justified in defending yourself and stopping the threat. The weapon only matters in terms of distance. Anything closer than about 21 feet is too close for fists, knives, or bats because any closer and they could run up to you before you've drawn. If you don't feel you can safely escape, you're justified in defending yourself. This can be extended to someone else under attack, you felt you couldn't leave due to the danger of the other person's life or health being at risk.

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    If you get pulled over for say speeding, can the cop hold your gun while being detained? Can you tell him in so many words to Fuck off : ) by quoting law and not letting him near it?
    If your not doing anything wrong and a cop sees you have a gun and he demands you surrender it to him, Do you have to listen to him? or can you tell him no I'm not doing anything wrong leave me alone paley?

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    (which I guess you could say it was gifted if someone asks but still collect money, and no I'm not advocating breaking laws) could I buy what they want and sell it to them? (I'm in no relation)

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    if you don't have a ltcf, when are the only times your aloud to bring it in your car.....can it be put in trunk unloaded legally? (for a friend i don't want to see go to jail on a gun beef)

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    Can a person who owns a gun, rifle or shotgun "lend" it to another party who is either family or of no relation?
    Last edited by MuzzleFlash; July 4th, 2009 at 03:31 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: We've got questions, you got answers

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey01023 View Post
    Happy 4th of July peeps. [...]
    Be safe and smart, I don't want to read about one of your kids losing fingers or eye sight because you or the uncle running the fireworks this year had a few too many.
    This would have been enough.

    I love your uncle, have a great holiday.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Scranton, Pennsylvania
    (Lackawanna County)
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    Default Re: We've got questions, you got answers


    In all my years of carrying, I have drawn only twice; and in either case I did not fire because the act of drawing eliminated the threat. If it didn't, in both cases, I was prepared to fire, and potentially take another human's life.

    If such a drastic measure is not needed, then the weapon should never be presented. If it comes out, you must be prepared to kill.

    I know it sounds brutal, because it is. Never point a weapon at anything or anybody you are not willing to destroy.

    Hope you had a great 4th!
    "...a REPUBLIC, if you can keep it."

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Carbondale, Pennsylvania
    (Lackawanna County)
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    Default Re: We've got questions, you got answers

    Quote Originally Posted by wa3ra View Post

    In all my years of carrying, I have drawn only twice; and in either case I did not fire because the act of drawing eliminated the threat. If it didn't, in both cases, I was prepared to fire, and potentially take another human's life.

    If such a drastic measure is not needed, then the weapon should never be presented. If it comes out, you must be prepared to kill.

    I know it sounds brutal, because it is. Never point a weapon at anything or anybody you are not willing to destroy.

    Hope you had a great 4th!
    lol who was dumb enough to make a move against you? 6'7 and a brick shithouse...this person had to be high, drunk or had the iq of a box of rocks

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