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    Default Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Please Note: The poster was issued an infraction for this post.

    Perhaps he should have checked on this first:
    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Amen. **PROUD III**

  2. #2
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    Default re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by Kb! Bob View Post
    Perhaps he should have checked on this first:
    I said it in a different thread and I will say it again........Europe will hardly send any extra troops. This is not only because they don't want to, but also because they can't.
    Political reasons are not even involved here because that is just a bunch of BS.
    "This is not a U.S. mission alone," Rasmussen says. But many Europeans consider the Afghanistan mission to be just that, and the U.S. escalation could make it more so.
    Just like I predicted a couple of days ago.
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  3. #3
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    Default re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    when did france get troops?

  4. #4
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    Default re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Well so here we are AGAIN in a 'GW Bush', 'go it alone' mode ... boy the hits just keep on coming.

    One of these days the US will learn to keep it's nose out of others business, they (we) will stop thinking we are 'all that' and will FINALLY realize it isn't our job to play 'world cop' ... then again as stupid as most Americans are I doubt it.

    retracted - see my later post

    Don't you (the OP) think it is time to grow the fuck up and stop with the bullshit, tin foil hat, 'Barry' crap? Until you have one stitch of serious evidence to back it (which means take all your tin foil hat sites like worldnetdaily and stick them) how about shutting up.

    Like him or not, he IS the President of the United States .. your childish, meaningless, tin foil hat barbs, that have not one ounce of proof behind them do nothing but prove your ignorance... until you have a shred of evidence (which you never will) how about honoring the office, no matter what you think about the man.
    Last edited by dc dalton; December 3rd, 2009 at 12:16 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe seems that I spoke to soon. Several European news sites claim that Europe will send at least 5000 extra and probably even a couple thousand more. Having the advantage of being multilingual made me decide to check some Dutch and German news sites. The Navo is sending more troops they say.

    It is a far cry from the troops they should be sending but it seems true that they are sending reinforcements.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    OH and speaking of stupid

    Don't you (the OP) think it is time to grow the fuck up and stop with the bullshit, tin foil hat, 'Barry' crap? Until you have one stitch of serious evidence to back it (which means take all your tin foil hat sites like worldnetdaily and stick them) how about shutting up.

    Like him or not, he IS the President of the United States .. your childish, meaningless, tin foil hat barbs, that have not one ounce of proof behind them do nothing but prove your ignorance... until you have a shred of evidence (which you never will) how about honoring the office, no matter what you think about the man. <--- Newsweek, not exactly FoxNews <--- 4th paragraph from the bottom, from his college newsletter <--- Book written by his high school friends in Hawaii <-- The BBC

    Does this count as a "shred" yet or should I keep going?

    This isn't a Birthers thing, apparently "Barry" is a nickname for Barack, much like "DC" appears to be a nickname for "guy who may need to consider that he is taking himself a little too seriously on the old internet massage board".
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    Default Re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    Well so here we are AGAIN in a 'GW Bush', 'go it alone' mode ... boy the hits just keep on coming.
    Let's remember why we had to "go it alone" last time: A number of other security council nations were on Saddam's payroll. Remember the "Oil for Food" scandal, or the scandal involving Kofi Annan's son? The reason the security council kept resisting further sanctions is because about half the permanent members of the council were on the payroll. They wouldn't vote for action because they were corrupt. Corrupt people will act in their own corrupt interests. Someone has to do the right thing, and that's us.

    One of these days the US will learn to keep it's nose out of others business, they (we) will stop thinking we are 'all that' and will FINALLY realize it isn't our job to play 'world cop'
    You should probably tell the rest of the world that. They keep coming to us begging for our help. Like the saying goes, "No better friend, no worse enemy". When the shit hits the fan, people expect us to step up. We're the Fixers. And, really, we are "all that". I doubt there is another nation that has given as much to others, has done as much disaster relief, has come to the defense and aid of others, as we have. If Iran had a natural disaster of some kind, I bet we'd be offering aid there, too, and would make it clear that diplomatic and political situations can be put on hold until the country's people are back on their feet (IE: We might not like each other, but we're willing to help out your people in the interests of humanitarianism, if you'll let us). That doesn't mean we can go walking around kicking over ant hills, but it does mean that we have earned a certain status. The fact is, a world without US involvement is worse off. Are we perfect? Hell no. Do we make mistakes? Certainly. But, on the balance, this world is a better place for our involvement.

    how about honoring the office, no matter what you think about the man.
    "Bushitler", "Darth Cheney", "The Shrub", "The Chimp", Condi's monkey caricature.

    Clearly, it's ok to disrespect the office when you don't like the man. I think it cheapens the country and the Institution of the Presidency when it happens, but hey. That's the world we live in now apparently. It's not right, but that's the tip of a very, very large iceberg, I'm afraid.
    Last edited by FNG19; December 2nd, 2009 at 11:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    That reminds me of a good joke...

    Q: How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?

    Quote Originally Posted by mcmcallister View Post
    when did france get troops?
    A: Nobody knows. It's never been done.

    P.S. Smile, it is a joke.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Oops! "Thanks for all the apologies Barry" -Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by FNG19 View Post
    "Bushitler", "Darth Cheney", "The Shrub", "The Chimp", Condi's monkey caricature.

    Clearly, it's ok to disrespect the office when you don't like the man. I think it cheapens the country and the Institution of the Presidency when it happens, but hey. That's the world we live in now apparently. It's not right, but that's the tip of a very, very large iceberg, I'm afraid.
    And you NEVER saw that out of me or any other intelligent person here (keyword intelligent) ... yes I called Bush 'president potato head' (because of his actions and his apparent lack of a 'clue' as to what as going on) but this 'Barry' and other bullshit is just is just as childish as it comes.

    I may not like him, I MAY call him out on his supposed policies but I will be damned if I start running with the tin foil hat nonsense that permeates the web.

    IF we are 'going there' then let's also start the "Bush and Cheney planned 9/11' stuff too ........ cause it's all the same 'verbal masturbation' that so many ignorant people like to spread.

    WAY too many stupid people in this world (and country) that will believe ANYTHING they read. Takes someone with an intelligent mind to disseminate the nonsense spewed upon us each and every day by the MSM and the flock of 'asswipe and asshole' internet sites running with anything they can dream up. I choose intelligence and any that would decide to 'run with' stupidity I can do no more than laugh at and 'attempt' to set them right. If I can't then they get added to the 'ignorant American' list.

    Just my 'pet peeve' with ignorant people and the reason I don't associate with, nor tolerate them

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