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  1. #1
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    Default National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    One of my more unspeakable habits used to be watching "Family Guy." For those of you who have been under a rock since the Whigs were in office, it's an extremely edgy animated show about a dysfunctional, fictional family living in fictional Quahog, RI. The series is the brainchild of one Seth MacFarlane.

    For the longest time I dealt with his cheap shots against the Right, against Republicans, even against firearms owners, mostly because I managed to find enough hilarity in most of the rest of it to chalk it up to 1A. But then, one episode, back in October of 2008, just took it way, way, way too far.

    Stewie, Brian, and Mort, three characters in the show, find themselves having time-traveled back to Berlin during WWII. Needing to disguise themselves, they roll three German officers and outfit themselves in their uniforms:

    That episode was quite enough. While I may be completely convinced that Barack Obama is a socialist, nigh unto a Communist, and quite capable of doing unspeakable things to our Constitution, I'm not quite sure that I'm as equally sure of the depth of his possible perfidy and malfeasance towards this country to brand him a Nazi with 100% conviction. It just isn't quite there for me, neither in my conscience nor my beliefs, to strip Barack completely of his humanity and objectify him without reserve. Additionally, the irony that the Nazis, or NSDAP, took a substantial amount of material from the extreme Leftist playbook of post-WWI Europe isn't lost on me, either.

    Not so for Seth MacFarlane and the McCain/Palin ticket, nor quite likely for any other pair that the GOP might have decided to trot out that year. No, Seth went for the throat from a $2B bully pulpit, well beyond the ability to electospam of everyone, with the exception of a Bill Gates, and permanently changed my viewing habits.

    The decisions that we will face from this point on out will undoubtedly get more and more difficult. The division that we might experience could even see us engaged in vitriolic contretemps at regional and national levels, as we go through the bumpy ride of what looks to be an attempt to redefine the United States' political orientation and world role.

    I do hope that we manage to get through this with our humanity intact. Some, I think, lost theirs scrabbling upwards to lofty heights of achievement and entitlement.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    Quote Originally Posted by King 5.45 View Post
    I do hope that we manage to get through this with our humanity intact. Some, I think, lost theirs scrabbling upwards to lofty heights of achievement and entitlement.
    Yeah, I know people felt the same way when things like Barack, the magic negro was penned and performed by Limbaugh's cronies (on an album called "We Hate the USA."

    Or any number of iterations of this:

    It's fair to say that a multitude of people of many political stripes tossed humanity directly out the window in this election cycle. It's unfortunate and perhaps indicative of a new wave in politics--the culture wars (once a bastion of the Republican party strategy) have indeed been escalated--but in new media. Television, the internet, et al. And, Nazi jokes in shitty taste nonwithstanding, the Republicans lost that culture war for one of the few times ever (this is almost entirely due, IMHO, the the idiotic choice of Palin as the VP pick--the jokes were simply too easy).

    I suggest, in the case of the Family Guy, that you not watch it. That's the simplest way to express your dissatisfaction with Fox for airing it, although you may also consider not buying products that advertise during the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by King 5.45 View Post
    The decisions that we will face from this point on out will undoubtedly get more and more difficult. The division that we might experience could even see us engaged in vitriolic contretemps at regional and national levels, as we go through the bumpy ride of what looks to be an attempt to redefine the United States' political orientation and world role.
    That shark, as it is, has been jumped. The mindless astroturfing at town halls illustrates it. But I'd suggest you consider "an attempt to redefine the United States' political orientation and world role" a bit differently.

    For every action, there is a reaction. For every effect, a cause. The results of the last election, or any election for that matter, illustrate this quite clearly. Rather than waxing vaguely about vitriol and redefinitions, it may prove useful to consider how to move the debate beyond the echo chamber and actually convince those whose mind (and vote) are open to move in a different direction next time. The very events you envision, while making for somewhat entertaining television, will not produce effective causation to alter the results of future elections.

    Apropos of nothing, there is no small amount of irony that the show in question airs on Fox.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    Quote Originally Posted by pyld View Post
    Yeah, I know people felt the same way when things like Barack, the magic negro was penned and performed by Limbaugh's cronies (on an album called "We Hate the USA."
    Barack the Magic Negro was never Rush Limbaugh's Personal Bitch.

    Or any number of iterations of this:
    What? This was once considered to be the greatest, most noble form of patriotism by the left!

    As was this.

    It's all a part of life's rich pageant according to Saul Alinsky.

    It's fair to say that a multitude of people of many political stripes tossed humanity directly out the window in this election cycle.

    It's unfortunate and perhaps indicative of a new wave in politics--the culture wars (once a bastion of the Republican party strategy) have indeed been escalated--but in new media. Television, the internet, et al.
    Humanity being lost?

    Not really.

    It's just that politics has always been smash-mouth.

    It was for Grover Cleveland.

    Jefferson was a victim, too.

    The left is now complaining about it because their guy is in power.

    Whether you know it or not, you're attempting to enforce a double-standard here.

    It's not enforceable, though.

    Because of our First Amendment, Alinsky's tactics can be applied by anyone at any time.
    These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. LMAO

  4. #4
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    It'd be a sad day when I let a cartoon offend me.

    The Simpsons make fun of everything and everyone and so does Family Guy. Big deal. I laughed at both cartoons.

    "This doesn't happen in America! Maybe in Ohio, but not in America!"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    Quote Originally Posted by King 5.45 View Post
    One of my more unspeakable habits used to be watching "Family Guy." For those of you who have been under a rock since the Whigs were in office, it's an extremely edgy animated show about a dysfunctional, fictional family living in fictional Quahog, RI. The series is the brainchild of one Seth MacFarlane.

    For the longest time I dealt with his cheap shots against the Right, against Republicans, even against firearms owners, mostly because I managed to find enough hilarity in most of the rest of it to chalk it up to 1A. But then, one episode, back in October of 2008, just took it way, way, way too far.

    Payback is coming.
    These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. LMAO

  6. #6
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    Quote Originally Posted by kunsunoke View Post
    1. I'd ask WiTF could name a kid after a Linux distro/African philosophy, but I can just imagine the Birkenstocked blissninny dishrag eunuch of a man-like biological specimen that would.

    2. I'm really offended by MacFarlane and choose not to support him by refraining from viewing his products. I think Obama would be in the bunker with Michelle (can't resist it, given the "button treatment" central to this thread), flinching at the nearby impact of artillery rounds, before Seth would recant.

    3. I have nothing against free speech, but involving one's self in discourse with another human being of a diametrically opposite point of view should be a voluntary act. I was expressing myself, and looking neither to give you (who will intuit your identity effortlessly at this stage) a place to post your broadsides nor to provide entrée into a Jane-you-ignorant-slut series of pointless gainsaying exchanges that would ultimately descend into belittling digs. I understand your P.O.V., do not share it, and do not welcome your attempts to engage me in soon-to-be impolite social intercourse.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: National Politics and Making Hard Decisions About What We Do

    Quote Originally Posted by King 5.45 View Post
    1. I'd ask WiTF could name a kid after a Linux distro/African philosophy, but I can just imagine the Birkenstocked blissninny dishrag eunuch of a man-like biological specimen that would.
    Yes, exactly.

    And they named their dog Che, too.

    The poor little mutt has to eat vegetables instead of meat, because meat is too cruel.

    This is a Mike Judge show - father of Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill. This show will be subversive as hell.

    2. I'm really offended by MacFarlane and choose not to support him by refraining from viewing his products. I think Obama would be in the bunker with Michelle (can't resist it, given the "button treatment" central to this thread), flinching at the nearby impact of artillery rounds, before Seth would recant.
    Right, what I'm saying is you have options now. Animation has not abandoned you, King 5.45.
    These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. LMAO

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