Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    This appeared in today's edition of the Daily Intelligencer in Bucks County. This is extreme and blatant misinformation on the part of the so called Representative.
    I would love to see the editorials bombarded with letters refuting her and her ridiculous fact devoid editorial.
    You can go here to do it.

    Federal gun bill a threat to states

    By: Vera Monahan
    The Intelligencer

    To the Editor:

    As state representative of the 200th Legislative District, I am extremely concerned about pending federal legislation (S 845/HR 1620, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2009) that would allow someone from one state to carry a concealed firearm in another state.

    Let me make this clear: I do not stand alone against this proposal. I am the national co-chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the State Legislators Against Illegal Guns (SLAIG). This bipartisan alliance of Democrats and Republicans exists to keep guns and criminals indelibly separate.

    If S 845/HR 1620 is enacted, SLAIG has determined that three detrimental effects would inevitably follow: (1) states' ability to make common-sense gun legislation would quickly diminish; (2) gun owners who are licensed to carry a concealed weapon in the issuing state would then be permitted to carry in another state, even if the individual would be ineligible for a permit in the state in which he/she is carrying; and, (3) gun traffickers would "shop" for states with the most lenient standards and simply transport illegal guns beyond state lines.

    I urge members of Congress to carefully consider the impact this legislation would have on state legislators' ability to draft and implement laws that are important to our constituency.

    State Rep. Cherelle L. Parker

    200th Legislative District


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Shelby, North Carolina
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    Didn't the bill say that the carrier would have to be eligible in the State in which they were carrying subject to the laws of THAT State and not their home State?

    I'm going to go read it now, but if I'm right, then yeah, this person doesn't have a good understanding of the bill.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    Someone already posted this yesterday, I think. This whole letter can be refuted very simply, especially the third point.

    Everyone write your senator and let's get this bill passed!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    I'd like to see a few letter's to the editor to get more of the General Public informed by other than these full of shat anti's. How they try to compare law abiding citizens to gangbangers and feeding lies and BS to the public infuriates me. Sent mine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    The editors and owners of Pennsylvania newspapers seem to be coordinating their efforts against this legislation.

    Note the selective use of references, or none at all, in this OP-ED.

    The pro-gun lobby likes to argue that all such concealed carry permit-holders are law-abiding citizens interested only in upholding the Constititution. They ought to look at the list of crimes committed by those permited to carry a concealed weapon. (www.


    The pro-gun lobby is also fond of claiming that concealed-weapon permits are linked to lower crime. This research has long been dismissed and discredited.

    And this is what they want their sycophants to do -

    Those who don't want to be among the casualties for 2009 should call Specter (202-224-4254 and Sen. Bob Casey (202-224-6324), and urge them to kill this idea. *

    Check out the comments below the OP-ED

  6. #6
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    These people are idiots. And that last line just frustrates me to all hell. If the states all collectively decided on a set of laws that were reasonable then this would not be an issue. All they have to do is a background check(like PA does) and make sure that person is elligible by the standards of the law. I am not even 100% sure on what basis they check in the state of PA but it seems to work pretty well. (I do not have a criminal record so I do not worry about it much)  289

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    Recent gun sales, I believe, prove that other than those brainwashed sheeple, most Americans understand they must protect themselves. The Brady' a country of 300 million it shouldn't be too hard to find a few LTCF holders who do commit a crime. However, statisically it's infinitesimal. Their efforts and time would be much better spent working to KEEPING THE PERPS IN JAIL !!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    Well there are morons posting on the news paper site. Guy claiming Pa residents couldn't carry in NJ becasue the do not give carry permits. I hate when people talk without knowing things.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    I commented...

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: National Reciprocity...State Representative MISINFORMATION !!

    (3) gun traffickers would "shop" for states with the most lenient standards and simply transport illegal guns beyond state lines.
    So, I did not know gun traffickers actually apply for Conceal Carry Licenses?
    Charlie - Ex-PA Resident

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