My wife works as a home based care provider and yesterday had her gov't issued vehicle break down. Luckily it was close to town so she made it to a place where it could be helped and she had cell service, but such we agreed shouldn't be taken for granted. Her department has a budget surplus and it was my immediate suggestion that if money is use it or lose it she should ask for a satellite phone.

I know they're a great thing to have and theoretically work anywhere on the surface of the Earth. They can cost anything from $500 to $3000+. You can rent them but that's not the goal here as it's a departmental purchase for her use, so it's to own. I have a slight inkling of how they work, but only rudimentary understanding at best. Beyond that I don't know very much at all about them.

So who here does know? Have one? Used one? What's good and what's not? Who to buy from, or who not to? Recent experiences? Money is an object to a point as we're going through a purchasing department, but obviously this is going to need to be worthwhile in getting it. It is especially for times of year in upstate NY and PA where snow or ice storm can knock out the phones, make roads impassable, etc. so this needs to be up to the task and rock solid.

Any and all help is much appreciated.