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  1. #1
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    Default ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    ‘The Axis of Idiots’ by J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

    May 5, 2008

    ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You’re the runner-in-chief.

    Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the U.S.S. Cole and the First Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.

    John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam .. Your military service, like your life, is more fiction than fact. You’ve accused our military of terrorizing women and children in Iraq .. You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam .. You’re a fake. You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did the Vietnamese. Iraq , like Vietnam , is another war that you were for, before you were against it.

    John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can’t win militarily in Iraq .. You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa . Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military ex pert! Are you sure you didn’t suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You’re a sad, pitiable, corrupt and washed up politician. You’re not a Marine, sir. You wouldn’t amount to a good pimple on a real Marine’s backside. You’re a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

    Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help us! See Dick run..

    Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu Ghraib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying that Iraqi’s torture chambers were open under new management. Did you see the news, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrated another beheading for you. If you truly supported our troops, you’d show the world poster-sized pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it. Your legislation stripping support from the South Vietnamese led to a communist victory there. You’re a bloated, drunken fool bent on repeating the same historical blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on your wide, gin-soaked rear-end in Washington …

    Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, the Holly wood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam; Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think that we’ll run away again, and all they have to do is hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.

    American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can’t strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

    You are America ’s ‘AXIS OF IDIOTS.’ Your Collective Stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don’t ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam … If you want our Soldiers home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

    Yes, I’m questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I’m also questioning why you’re stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don’t deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it.

    No, Mr. President, you don’t get off the hook, either. Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Your Soldiers are dealing with the outside force. It’s your obligation to support them by confronting the AXIS OF IDIOTS.

    America must hear it from you that these self-centered people are harming our country, abetting the enemy and endangering our safety. Well up a little anger, please, and channel it toward the appropriate target. You must prosecute those who leak national security secrets to the media. You must prosecute those in the media who knowingly publish those secrets.

    Our Soldiers need you to confront the enemy that they cannot. They need you to do it now.
    "Having a gun and thinking you are armed is like having a piano and thinking you are a musician" Col. Jeff Cooper (U.S.M.C. Ret.)
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveM55 View Post

    ‘The Axis of Idiots’ by J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

    May 5, 2008

    ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    John Kerry. You’ve accused our military of terrorizing women and children in Iraq .. You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam ..

    I would think that bombing civillian targets would count as terrorism, whether or not intentional, it still scares the piss out of people. I will say that they kind of twist this though.

    I also find it hard to believe that people can still support the war in Iraq. It's clear that there was no reason to invade. Hussein was against Al Qaeda in fear that they would undermine his regime. Sure he was a bad guy but since when has it been our job to go around removing despots that pose no threat to us.

    Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis,

    Well, holding people without charge, trial or representation whilst torturing them sure sounds like good old American values right? Sounds like something fascists would resort to.

    Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu Ghraib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying that Iraqi’s torture chambers were open under new management.

    Right because we should always accept what our government and military do. It's always the right thing, and questioning it makes you an un-patriotic coward. We're allowed to torture people because we're the good guys right?

    American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can’t strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

    I find it funny that this guy puts it out like he's against torture.

    No, Mr. President, you don’t get off the hook, either. Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within. Your Soldiers are dealing with the outside force. It’s your obligation to support them by confronting the AXIS OF IDIOTS.

    America must hear it from you that these self-centered people are harming our country, abetting the enemy and endangering our safety. Well up a little anger, please, and channel it toward the appropriate target. You must prosecute those who leak national security secrets to the media. You must prosecute those in the media who knowingly publish those secrets.

    Our Soldiers need you to confront the enemy that they cannot. They need you to do it now.
    This sounds like one of those idiots that blindly support infringements on our rights in the name of security.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    you get rep for that one

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Man you just have to love these one sided Rush Limbaugh bullshit slanted articles .....

    Just simply amazing there isn't a single Republican on there (actually it's not)

    Lopsided, biased, unadulterated right wing neocon BULLSHIT

  5. #5
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Hehehe Truth hurts.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    Man you just have to love these one sided Rush Limbaugh bullshit slanted articles .....

    Just simply amazing there isn't a single Republican on there (actually it's not)

    Lopsided, biased, unadulterated right wing neocon BULLSHIT
    There may not be a single republican on there, but I still have yet to hear that a single piece of that article is untrue. There are also repbublicans at fault, but just because there are none in the article, does not lessen what was posted. If you are going to call BULLSHIT, then challenge the assertions in the article. Dont' just shout NEOCON and RIGHT WING without backing up what you are saying. REP SENT to the OP.
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon118 View Post
    There may not be a single republican on there, but I still have yet to hear that a single piece of that article is untrue. There are also repbublicans at fault, but just because there are none in the article, does not lessen what was posted. If you are going to call BULLSHIT, then challenge the assertions in the article. Dont' just shout NEOCON and RIGHT WING without backing up what you are saying. REP SENT to the OP.
    Like I said the truth hurts. Hehehehe. Rep to you buddy. I have seen this shout of neocon more than once for the same simple reasons here.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    My complaint would be the same if it was someone shouting LIBERAL!!! NEW WORLD ORDER!!! LEFT WING!!!! As soon as I hear these things, the rest of the message is left out as I'm already numb. Knowledge comes in all forms and from all walks of life. Party affiliation doesn't make someones information correct or not.
    The 2nd amendment is the RESET BUTTON on the constitution.
    Faith, Fun, and Firearms.
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    Quote Originally Posted by Falcon118 View Post
    There may not be a single republican on there, but I still have yet to hear that a single piece of that article is untrue. There are also repbublicans at fault, but just because there are none in the article, does not lessen what was posted. If you are going to call BULLSHIT, then challenge the assertions in the article. Dont' just shout NEOCON and RIGHT WING without backing up what you are saying. REP SENT to the OP.
    I'm not saying there isn't truth there BUT this ANOTHER neocon writer attempting to make all the problems in the world point to Democrats (actually liberals in this case) and anyone with half a brain knows there are as many thieving republicans (notice I DID NOT say conservatives) that are as much at fault yesterday, today and tomorrow ..... if we want to play the blame game let's bring out ALL those at fault, ALL those that made the back room deals, all those that 'voted against it before they voted for it' .... because there is one HUGE shit load of blame and finger pointing to go around with BOTH sides!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ‘The Axis of Idiots’

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ ..............

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