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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    race card is a go!

    Why worry? As The Turner Diaries reveals, ofays and guns go together like grits and runny eggs.

    What the hell is wrong with white people? Numerous media reports of late have detailed a run on gun stores by crazed crackers who believe the new black President-elect will take their firearms away shortly after he's sworn in. In a piece for the Republic this week that echoed similar stories by the national press, an Apache Junction gun store owner said of the boom, "the day after the election, it was more than Y2K and more than September 11, 2001."

    He went on to claim that his customers are, "normal people, not kooks." I beg to differ. Likely these nuts already have more than one gat in their homes, and here they are stockpiling more and more, as if they're readying themselves for Armageddon. Of course, in their minds, some of them may be doing just that.

    Do these wing-nutty 'tards really think come January 20 the coppers will be coming around to confiscate whatever heat they have? Apparently so. Even though Obama himself bent over backwards during the campaign to reassure these nimrods they had nothing to fear but blowing their own heads off by accident while cleaning their Glocks.

    "If you've got a rifle, you've got a shotgun, you've got a gun in your house, I'm not taking it away," Obama stated during the campaign.

    Actually, the sort of gun legislation that's likely to make it through the next Congress to the President's desk will be the sort of stuff nearly all but the most insane NRA members would back. Oh, like, you know, that maybe not everyone should have easy access to an AK-47 and all the ammo their house can hold. Still, I know if there were a way for the average person to purchase his own portable nuclear warhead, these bullet-crazed boneheads would demand that as their right under the Second Amendment.

    There is something more sinister about these runs on the gun stores, however, than just buffs trying to hold on to what's theirs. There's the fear of the black man, and the contention by those on the extreme right that Obama's presidency can never be legitimate -- those niggling details of 365 electoral votes and 53 percent of the popular vote aside. I've already blogged about the lunacy of those obsessed with Obama's birth certificate. They will never be satisfied. Even if these nudniks were allowed to sniff and lick the original document in person (not that I'd allow these deranged doofi within a 100 yards of it), they'd just come up with some other cockamamie reason why Obama cannot be allowed to take office.

    So we have a popularly-elected black president, and a number of radical wackjobs who believe he ain't fit to be Prez and who are stockpiling arms and ammo. Mix in the sort of paranoia we haven't seen since the rise of the militia movement in the '90s, and I think it's safe to be on the lookout for the kind of domestic terrorism that occurred in 1995 when Timothy McVeigh parked his Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

    Indeed, eerily, the racist novel published in 1978 that inspired McVeigh, The Turner Diaries, begins its account of a white supremacist revolution with black men, working for the government, coming to take away a white guy's guns. In this dystopian work of fiction, authored by the late William Pierce of the neo-Nazi National Alliance under the pseudonym Andrew MacDonald, Congress has passed something called "the Cohen Act," outlawing the private ownership of guns in the United States. Civilian authorities backed by African-Americans armed with knives raid homes looking for any weapons that haven't been turned in yet to the police. Those who haven't complied are arrested.

    The "Cohen Act," among other things, sparks a violent, supremacist rebellion, with Jews, blacks, federal judges, FBI agents, and anyone else who opposes these rebels, targeted for extermination. This bloody, racist account had life imitating art in the '80s with the rise of The Order, a secretive neo-Nazi group responsible for a string of violent robberies, shootouts and murders till they themselves were either gunned down or captured.

    Could we be on the verge of a similar wave of racist violence, egged on by the "Obamanation" -- in the words of his detractors -- of a black man being sworn in as President? I hope not, but the specter of hordes of paranoid Caucasians snapping up guns like there's no tomorrow is hardly a reassuring one

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Where did you get that shit?

    I don't think anyone not on the black panther mailing list will ever read that garbage anyway.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Ya, not suprised that some people think this way.. it's insane..

    While yes, their ARE many people who hate he's black (You know where I'm talking about heh) I absolutely have never thought anyone here disliked him for the simple reason he's black.

    So it's just ignorance to put in the junk mail box

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    I think there would have been an increase in the # of gun purchases if Hillary or any other Democrat won.

    I really didn't hear too much of the racial aspect of the election as the labor union's ( mine included) backed him completely stating that you should vote your job and lobby your hobby (at least now I know that my right to protect myself is just a hobby)

    I did personally go out and buy another box of 9mm hoping that would get me through the next 4 years AND I intentionally have held off buying the AR10 I've wanted just so I wouldn't be called a Crazy White Folk and His Gun.

    Did it work?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    Ya, not suprised that some people think this way.. it's insane..

    While yes, their ARE many people who hate he's black (You know where I'm talking about heh) I absolutely have never thought anyone here disliked him for the simple reason he's black.

    So it's just ignorance to put in the junk mail box
    I don't care what color his skin is. What scares me is his politics! I'd have voted for Colon Powell, but he was to smart to run. (I've seen the job, and I don't want it!)
    "Anything not compulsory, is strictly prohibited!!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Don't these people realize *this* is what propagates racism?

    For the record, at the last gun store I was in a black guy was filling out his paperwork for a purchase. Is he really a "crazy cracka" at heart?

    WTF is wrong with people??

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    It's funny, my dad told me that in the days surrounding the election he actually saw a rise in the number of elderly blacks that live in places like homewood and the hill district in Pittsburgh buying home defense weapons from his shop.

    The other thing I just cannot stand is the constant race card being played. I cannot stand this man for his politics, but yet it always comes down to being accused of disliking him for being black. Welcome to a new era of America, a new era where excess racism will be fabricated out of nothing. Change I can't believe.
    - "If guns are outlawed, only the zombies will have guns"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    shit never ends...

    why isn't this guy ridiculed like Don Imus? He's doing the same exact thing, but instead of being racist towards blacks, it's towards whites.
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewjs18 View Post
    shit never ends...

    why isn't this guy ridiculed like Don Imus? He's doing the same exact thing, but instead of being racist towards blacks, it's towards whites.
    Didn't you get the memo? That's not "racism".

    The first requirement of racism is that it originates from a non-African-American. It's impossible for them to be racist - even if they wanted to be.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Crazy White Folks and Their Guns....

    Quote Originally Posted by gnbrotz View Post
    Didn't you get the memo? That's not "racism".

    The first requirement of racism is that it originates from a non-African-American. It's impossible for them to be racist - even if they wanted to be.
    Thanks for reminding me....I thought Obama would fix all this. hehehehehe
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

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