On a related note..

I went down to Philly this week with my son's school class, to the National Constitution Center, the Liberty Bell, and Independence Hall. While in the NCC, we saw a multi media live show on the Constitution and it's history. I will tell you, I cried. I cried thinking about the perilous situation our fore-fathers put themselves in, how they risked their reputations, freedom, and their very lives, to throw off the yoke of subjugation and to create something the world had never seen, but that so many had yearned for. I cried thinking about the bastardized version of their dream, that we call America, today, and about how slump shouldered they would be, if they could see what the fruit of their devotion has become.

I took my son through the exhibits, not sure which of us was more enthralled, well, OK, I am fairly sure it was me.. I stood within feet of where these devoted men, argued and discussed what would be the single most important political document ever crafted... surrounded by Wackenhut armed security as I was...

It solidified my beliefs in what this country could, and should be.

I would strongly recommend that anyone coming into the area, stop and spend some time among these hallowed relics...