Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Bucks Cty, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
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    Default Big Sis Seeks Millions MORE Rounds of Ammunition...

    Paul Joseph Watson
    May 3, 2013

    The Department of Homeland Security has released a market survey asking companies if they are able to provide 2 million rounds of ammunition within a short time period, increasing concerns that the federal agency is continuing its arms build up in preparation for domestic unrest.

    Image: Infowars

    With the DHS already having committed to purchasing over 1.6 billion bullets over the course of the last year, a “request for information” on “reduced hazard training ammunition” posted on the FedBizOpps website quizzes bullet manufacturers on how fast they can supply large quantities of ammo;

    - Are you capable of producing large quantity orders of any training caliber specified with a short turnaround time of 30-60 days?
    Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled....Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    yorkville, Ohio
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    Angry Re: Big Sis Seeks Millions MORE Rounds of Ammunition...

    Well are you shocked?, im not. Anything to keep us from getting it im thinking,Seems obama has dhs buying all the ammo to keep it off shelves for us gun owners he cant get the guns? hey lets just buy up all the ammo and make the price go sky high , most wont be able to afford to even shoot their so called assault rifles if we do this.This guy is .something else and will do w/e it takes to get what he wants,which is total gun removal from us all, and defensive capabilities of the public.
    Last edited by Milsurpshooter60; May 6th, 2013 at 08:54 AM.


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