Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bucks Cty, Pennsylvania
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    Default OMao to campaign for gun laws

    His next 4 years job.

    President Obama will pitch his gun control proposals to the public and the law enforcement community Monday, as he calls for a ban on assault weapons and seeks to install universal background checks for gun buyers.

    Obama will attempt to rally support for his plan in Minnesota, a Democratic-leaning state where officials have been studying ways to reduce gun-related attacks and accidents for several years. His visit to the Minneapolis Police Department's Special Operations Center will mark the first time Obama has campaigned on his controversial proposals outside of Washington.
    Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled....Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Sciota, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: OMao to campaign for gun laws

    Glad to see the economy and jobs issues have been fixed. Now he can go about taking care of his pet projects!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: OMao to campaign for gun laws

    I saw his propoganda piece on the news. I really wish the local police departments would NOT send their staff's to these political showcases. They simply look like jerks in the background and I feel sorry for those of them that are their just to see "the show" that came to town. Too bad they don't turn their backs when he starts speaking!!
    My GGG Grandpappy,front row (20th NC, Co. F.) and Family Circa 1900.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    delux apt in the skyhi !, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: OMao to campaign for gun laws

    Quote Originally Posted by spblademaker View Post
    Glad to see the economy and jobs issues have been fixed. Now he can go about taking care of his pet projects! bout it? This guy stinks of political evil!.....Why cant the public actually see what he is ALL about?

    I have a bad feeling this is a stage being set up for a false flag op involving a false attempt on him to garner outrage from the public against guns.

    eyes wide open people...........this Antigun "public" campaign stinks of false flag!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Exton, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: OMao to campaign for gun laws

    Millions out of work, country deeper in debt than ever, violent crime has trended downward for 20 years, international terrorism is rearing up again... I have a great idea, let's go on a tax-payer-paid roadtrip and promote taking away rights!

  6. #6
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: OMao to campaign for gun laws

    The NRA or other responsible pro-Bill of Rights organization should shadow his appearances with some well known and respected speakers.

    The President is entitled to his views, but he is not yet King. We, and those that think like us, are equally entitled to express our views.

    What it comes down to in the end, is public opinion. Who can sway the most minds? I think the 2014 elections will be ours. If all of the people who have been buying up guns and ammo turn their angst into votes then we will add pro freedom voices to the House and the Senate. Then in 2016 we can do even better.

    One thing that President Obama said that really troubles me is that he would like to push his agenda "before people forget Newtown". I absolutely hate the politicizing of the death of these poor little kids and their teachers.

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