Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Teaching kids about guns and use

    I'm sure some of you have kids, I'm curious how people train their kids to use and learn about guns. I know there are plenty of accidents which happen each year because kids think guns won't hurt them, or perhaps the parents are dimwits who don't tell their kids anything about life.

    Are there any guidelines which most train their kids, even if they're personal preference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    I use the Cornered Cat method.

    Peace is the the first choice of a wise man; superior firepower a close second. ~ Me

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    Quote Originally Posted by MrUgly View Post
    I use the Cornered Cat method.
    Ah, neat. I've never seen the corneredcat site. They mention using ear plugs. I've always used commercial grade ear protection same as construction workers use. Know if using ear plugs or full sized ear muffs are more common for kid gear protection when shooting a gun?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    I discussed this a while back. Here is my idea and how I handle kids and firearms in the house.
    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    Both of my children have had me drilling firearm safety into their heads since they could express understanding of what I say. I've made teaching the basics of safety as important as learning their ABC's.

    My son is 7 and has been going to the range with me for about a year now. Every trip involves the same conversation on the way. In fact he has gotten to the point where he starts rattling off the rules on the way without me saying anything.

    Despite all this I keep all my firearms locked away. You can't be certain if their friends know not to play with a firearm they find. Another reason I stress safety to my kids is that I'm hoping if they are ever at a friends house and find a firearm at least my kids will have the sense to leave it alone and tell an adult.

    I really feel firearm safety should be taught in school as well. While it is a parents responsibility in my opinion, some redundancy couldn't hurt. Considering how tragic the lack of knowledge can be I don't think it can stressed enough.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    Nice. I'm happy to hear people who do teach their kids well. Many people have this notion, I quote, "Its the governments job to teach people, its why we have public schools" mantra.

    I don't know about locks If I had kids I'd have to have some type of multi lock system which relied on parts not having keys. When I was little, about age 8 and up, I thought it was cute to take different sized paperclips, form them, and unlock everything in the house.

    I think I'd have a gun cabinet which was the following: key lock, biometric, and password. Hopefully none of my offspring aren't as damned brilliant when it comes to figuring those things out.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoyoteJack View Post
    Both of my children have had me drilling firearm safety into their heads since they could express understanding of what I say. I've made teaching the basics of safety as important as learning their ABC's.

    My son is 7 and has been going to the range with me for about a year now. Every trip involves the same conversation on the way. In fact he has gotten to the point where he starts rattling off the rules on the way without me saying anything.

    Despite all this I keep all my firearms locked away. You can't be certain if their friends know not to play with a firearm they find. Another reason I stress safety to my kids is that I'm hoping if they are ever at a friends house and find a firearm at least my kids will have the sense to leave it alone and tell an adult.

    I really feel firearm safety should be taught in school as well. While it is a parents responsibility in my opinion, some redundancy couldn't hurt. Considering how tragic the lack of knowledge can be I don't think it can stressed enough.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use


    1. Teach the Four Universal Rules
    2. Let them know they can handle them as long as you are there. All they have to do is ask.
    3. Take them to the range and teach them the basics. Or have someone else who knows how do it for you.

    Just like everything else in their young lives, familiarity will not breed contempt. It will breed boredom.

    With a little bit of time and luck, they will have a new sport that they can participate in for a lifetime. Try that with football.
    Never underestimate the value of early training.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    Just last night my nine year old asked me whether or not my pistol could hurt someone if the mag release was pushed. I physically went through every scenario with him, even field stripping my weapon so he could see all the parts and how their combined actions made a bullet fire. An hour later, all rules gone over and all questions asked and answered, off he went back to watching tv. I am very confident he will do the right thing if he ever comes upon an unsecured firearm. Teach them, show them, and talk to them.

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    I have two teenage sons, one 17 and the other 20. I started to teach them the basics of firearm safety when they were around 10. I always believed in the old addage "curiosity killed the cat." I agree with teaching kid's and getting them familar with firearms, so it basically becomes "ho hum" for them. They are not left wondering and thinking about the guns in the home, and frankly, teaching them and involving them, probably gives them a feeling of responsibility.

    I also find it important to teach kid's for safety reasons and situations they may encounter OUT of the home, and without adult supervision. Fact is, kid's are kids. They have friends, and they can't be watched over 24-7. It's nice to feel as though your kid's have enough of an understanding of firearms to perhaps diffuse a situation, should it arrise.

    Ignorance can be a real killer.... IMO, the #1 cause of accidental firearm discharges where kid's or novice's are involved, stems from the belief that because the magazine is removed from a semi auto, the gun is unloaded and safe. Of course had they been trained properly it wouldn't be an issue, because they would NEVER point the gun at anyone, they would NEVER assume the gun was empty, and they would NEVER have their finger on the trigger...if only we lived in a perfect world.

    Although I can trust my kid's, I still do not. I still keep my gun's locked away. My loaded pistol goes in a small safe by my bed. No keys to the safe, just a 4 digit electronic combination keypad. My long gun's are locked in a decorative wooden cabinet that was handmade by an Amish fellow. It's not super secure, as it has locking glass doors...but I make sure the ammo for those gun's is also locked in my small safe.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Teaching kids about guns and use

    My son is only 4 months old, but I am in the habit of keeping all the guns locked up. The guns all have gun locks on them, the guns are all in the safes, the safes are in the basement, the basement door is locked.
    All the keys are on my car keys, so when I am not around, the keys are not either.
    Beretta 92fs INOX custom polished
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