Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Where are the antis on this site?

    I've been following this board for a while now and I'm always shocked that antis don't ever find their way on here. Personally I like going behind enemy lines and "enlightening" the "Occupy" types and anti gunners. I always get flamed into the ground by overly emotional reactions and illogical conclusions from people who have never handled a real gun, let alone fire one, who are trying to legislate away my rights. I hope by doing that I can plant seeds here and there and convert people like I was converted a very long time ago when I finally sat down and looked at the arguments and statistics of both sides of the gun debate. Plus its fun to shut them down on all the points they try to make. Personally I wish more of them would come on so we could spread our views more. Another thing I notice when I go spread my views on leftist sites and pro-brady campaign entities the responses I get are usually name calling or failure to accept the facts when related to gun control. I also notice that 95% of the time once I really get on a roll I get my posts deleted by the webmaster of the site (without breaking any of their rules or name calling) and eventually get banned. The last site I was on banned me for pointing out that if someone is on the hook for a murder charge they could care less if the gun they used was legal or not. Does anyone else do this or have an interesting story about converting an anti? I'd like to hear some war stories from others on the front lines of the gun debate from beyond the OC reports I read.
    Last edited by Emoticon; July 24th, 2012 at 01:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    Sure one of the mods will correct me if I'm wrong.

    JMO...When they do show up they end up getting banned. It's clear they're not here for a logical discussion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bucks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    The Left works on gut feelings, and when they encounter facts, they invariably ignore them. That's why so many of the Brady Campaign's core arguments are provable lies, that's why Josh Sugarmann of the VPI explicitly stated that a key strategy to getting the public to support bans on semi-automatic guns would be the public's ignorance and confusion regarding the difference between machineguns and semi-autos. The MSM blatantly worked at increasing this confusion, bu invariably showing footage of machineguns being used at target ranges when discussing semi-autos (if it were not intentional disinformation, you'd expect the errors to sometimes be in our favor, with semi-autos being discussed while pics of Winchester lever actions were shown,or machineguns would be discussed while semi-autos were slow fired. Never happened, it was always MG's as backdrop to semi-auto topics.)

    The truth doesn't help their argument, neither do the facts. So when they do show up here, it's always to troll and ridicule, as they seek reinforcement of their prejudicial stereotype that we're all barefoot troglodytes who have trouble getting proper sight alignment because of the large brow ridges and protruding jaw muscles.

    I was musing about Progressive "debate" tactics today, and I wondered how our usual "9mm vs .45" discussions would go, if one side used Liberal Logic.....

    "I prefer the kinetic energy of the larger .45 round."

    - "Well, since you're saying that bigger is always better in every instance, I suppose you'd be overjoyed carrying a sidearm with a 2" bore, right? Right?"

    "Well, no, I didn't exactly say that, and I'd imagine that the recoil alone would-"

    - "So now you're backtracking!! You and your .45 and your hatred of 9mm owners, you disgust me, I bet that the racists who used fire hoses on the civil rights marchers carried .45 caliber guns,too."

    "What the HELL have you been smoking?"
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bryan, Texas
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    Very intelligent people on this site, wouldn't last too long.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    You send your child and some friends off to see a simple movie ?
    Maybe it's time to re-think how love is defined and just what responsibility covers with-in the family and loved one's circle.

    I here it all the time ,"I would gladly trade my life for their life". I'd do anything ? No , you would not do anything , you have the choice.

    Just don't make our choices .

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    Quote Originally Posted by EandGWZ View Post
    Very intelligent people on this site, wouldn't last too long.
    I completely agree. The few times that I have seen an anti on this site they were run out of here faster than you can blink an eye. They might not have been banned right away, but just about everyone called them on their trolling (not because they had a differing opinion, but because of their antagonistic way of presenting it). If the person didn't learn to "play nice", try to remain civil they, or if they were banned and tried to come back with another screen name, they would then be banned.

    This being said, members of this board have been quoted by antis, so the antis are reading our posts at least occasionally.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    Antis always turn tail and run. I just had one attack me on Facebook over a pro 2A post I made.

    Some of the highlights....

    Him: It's kind of hard for a 24 year old to kill 12 people with his bare hands in a room full of men bigger than him don't you think?

    Sorry but weapons are for pussies who can't fight, real man use their hands.

    Me: If you ever fall victim to a home invasion in which the actors are intent upon killing you and your family do you intend to fight with your hands? Disarming the law abiding in the name of stopping criminals is as foolish as expecting signs stating "gun free zones" to be a deterrent to crime. Gun bans work great, just ask Mexico.

    Him: Take the gun out of the home invaders hands and yeah I'll gladly take those odds. Again take away the guns and less people will die.

    So you assume because a pretty much 3rd world country failure would also be ours? The beauty of our country is while the law protects your right to have a gun it also protects my right to change your law

    Me: And what form of magic do you propose using to take the gun out of the home invaders hands? The same kind Newark NJ uses? Oh wait.....maybe Chicago....wait no....dammit. I know, the same kind used in the war on drugs! Shit, nope.

    Rights to change laws yes, rights to change the constitution no so much. The day that starts you will see a lot more than the 2nd amendment going away. The first step of all known tyrannical governments in history is disarmament of the public.
    In the end, when presented with facts and logic, and especially as more people joined the discussion, he exited leaving this as his last stand.

    And no a simple thread on Facebook is not going to change my mind on something I have believed in for years so no need to try.

    But I will leave this thread by saying, doing NOTHING about gun control is worst than banning them IMHO.

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein
    Last edited by csmith; July 24th, 2012 at 09:47 AM.
    Let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    You're bullshitting yourself if you don't think that there are many stealth anti's in here...not posting...just observing to see what their enemy is doing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    Quote Originally Posted by capitolcop View Post
    You're bullshitting yourself if you don't think that there are many stealth anti's in here...not posting...just observing to see what their enemy is doing.
    Not just Anti's, I would be shocked if there wasn't reps from the ATF, FBI and Pa State Police monitoring everything we say and do.
    When you are called a racist, it just means you won an argument with an Obama supporter.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Where are the antis on this site?

    The few that do show up usually get banned for trolling. ..which is what they do when they come to a pro-gun site and start raising hell.
    RIP: SFN, 1861, twoeggsup, Lambo, jamesjo, JayBell, 32 Magnum, Pro2A, mrwildroot, dregan, Frenchy, Fragger, ungawa, Mtn Jack, Grapeshot, R.W.J., PennsyPlinker, Statkowski, Deanimator, roland, aubie515, SteveWag

    Don't end up in my signature!

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