Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    So...I needed to escort my wife's grandmother, who speaks virtually no English, to apply for her U.S. passport. She insisted on doing it at the Monroe County courthouse and I needed to go with her to explain a change in name document. I had decided to leave my firearm in the car, but when we drove by, a deputy was getting in his car, so I hailed him. I explained I had a LTCF and needed to go inside, but was reluctant to leave my weapon in the car. He told me to just bring it in, show my LTCF and there would be no problem.......
    I was stunned!... I asked if he might radio on ahead and let them know I was coming, and he said there was really no need, I should just have my LTCF out, inform them I need to check my firearm and there would be no problem...

    "OK", I thought to myself... I was literally shaking as I approached the detector. I waited for a group to go ahead of me, then I told the guard I had a LTCF and needed to check my firearm. I was asked if I had it on me, and when I nodded, i was instructed to just come through the detector and walk over to the lockers and hold there. I stood there for a few seconds and then she came over with a key, unlocked one of the doors, and told me to proceed with placing anything I needed to, inside. I was still shaking from nerves as I placed my cell phone, wallet, and lighter inside. Then, as I prepared to unholster, I turned and asked her if it was ok to leave my holster on my belt. That's when I noticed that they had blocked off all the access points and had ordered everyone in the hallways to freeze, while I was securing my weapon.

    She told me it was fine to leave my holster on. I was now embarrassed that they had stopped the whole first floor, and were making them wait for me to finish. I placed my firearm in the locker and told her that was all, so she locked the door and walked me over to a table. She called the all clear and everyone was allowed to continue on with their business. She started filling out a receipt and told me that they recommend not bringing sidearms. I told her that I really wasn't comfortable leaving it in the car, and she said that they do not advocate leaving it in the car, and that it was my right to bring it and have it secured, but they suggest that if you know you will be coming here, to leave it home. She gestured at the scene my securing the firearm had caused, and said that was why, they had to secure the whole floor when a firearm is checked,.....for safety. I was given my receipt and sent on my way. When we finished, I went through the whole thing again, same procedure.

    My thoughts on the whole thing? Don't get me wrong, the guards were professional and polite through the whole thing, I just have the feeling that the procedure is in place specifically to discourage people from utilizing it. It really forces you to be the center of attention in a situation that should really be handled in a much more discreet manner. I would even venture to say that one of the points to doing it this way, is to encourage bad feelings toward firearm carriers. They literally made everyone wait exactly where they stood during the whole securing process. I know I would probably have thought, "Damn guy just had to bring a gun here didn't he... Now I am stuck here until he's done...", if I was detained and forced to wait. I am not sure I want to go through that again, and I guess that was their objective.......

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Good grief.

    I bet some liberal bureaucrat stayed awake one night thinking of that procedure to discourage firearm owners.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    My thoughts on the whole thing? Don't get me wrong, the guards were professional and polite through the whole thing, I just have the feeling that the procedure is in place specifically to discourage people from utilizing it.
    I agree. They have a disturbing trend of showing contempt for the law.

    "Well, we have to secure your firearm, but we don't want to..."

    Tough shit.

    I could care absolutely less about what they "recommend". Their dramatization of the securing process is their problem and I would write a letter outlining that to the Sheriff. (hint, hint)

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Interesting. I for one, would carry there everytime I go from now on. I don't care about being the center of attention at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pa. Patriot View Post
    I could care absolutely less about what they "recommend". Their dramatization of the securing process is their problem and I would write a letter outlining that to the Sheriff. (hint, hint)
    That would be a good idea. Let the sheriff know that it is your right to carry a firearm. And it is their job to have lockers available for you to use. But you didn't appreciate them asking you not to bring it again because they don't like to check firearms.
    Last edited by Zef_66; August 12th, 2008 at 12:37 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    They either want to embarrass her/him, bring attention to her/him, or make it look like a firearm owner wants to bring attention to herself/himself. That's a bit obnoxious.

    It's cool that they make everyone sitting ducks when you're messing around with a firearm.

    Do you know if you entered into a 913 "court facility" when they had to leave the checkpoint? (Not every checkpoint is going to be inside or at the beginning of a "court facility".)

    Next thing I recommend, headcase, is getting 10 or 20 folks together to plug up the place for 30-60 minutes. Everyone's gotta wait through Bullet Time!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Wow Headcase, it sounds like they are doing whatever they can to make you feel like dirt, even though they know you have the legal right to carry, regardless of how you are carrying. When I was in Allentown, even though the sheriff and deputy were having fits of apoplexy, no one was too concerned about where I was pointing my pistol as I cleared it. I did ask if I was pointing it in a safe direction though. I still have to deal with the "don't do it again" part. I am waiting for my suppressor paperwork to go through, and then sending a training memo.

    In contrast, when I entered the Northampton Co. government building, they were very good about it - no scene, no yelling, no admonition to leave it home. Of course, that was a long time ago. Who knows what has changed since then? But in any case, good job!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    This got me curious about Monroe Co. sheriff, so I checked out his website for LTCF apps and found these strange (illegal?) requirements to apply under "Paperwork Necessary for Concealed Weapons Permit":

    * Photocopy of Local 1% Earned Income Tax or other tax paper if retired/disabled

    * If disabled - Written documentation from your doctor or social security explaining the nature of your disability.

    As an additional note, however, it does appear that they will issue non-resident LTCFs, which is cool.

    Wish they wouldn't (as so many sheriffs do) use the term "Concealed Weapons Permit"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    I do believe a mountain is trying to be made out of a molehill here (of course, in flatland Florida a molehill might very well be considered a mountain).

    One is only embarrassed if one is embarrassed. I, for one, don't embarrass very easily. I've been in the shower when mama-san came traipsing through with the laundry, I've watered the tires of a vehicle in downtown Washington, D.C. in the middle of the day, I've had female doctors examine me from head to toe. If you think you're suddenly the center of attraction, you might be, or not.

    If they act like it's no big deal, and you act like it's no big deal, then it's no big deal. You may think the entire world is watching you, but in reality the world could care less.

    Okay, so the storage lockers are on the other side of the metal detector. Since those in charge directed you to go there, everything's copacetic. The only thing people in line are concerned with is moving forward in the line, nothing more, nothing less. Besides, it's not like you're going to see those people ever again, is it?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Quote Originally Posted by Statkowski View Post
    Besides, it's not like you're going to see those people ever again, is it?
    Except maybe when they come to steal your firearms because of the instant infamy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: I finally went to the courthouse carrying...

    Quote Originally Posted by Statkowski View Post
    I do believe a mountain is trying to be made out of a molehill here (of course, in flatland Florida a molehill might very well be considered a mountain).

    One is only embarrassed if one is embarrassed. I, for one, don't embarrass very easily. I've been in the shower when mama-san came traipsing through with the laundry, I've watered the tires of a vehicle in downtown Washington, D.C. in the middle of the day, I've had female doctors examine me from head to toe. If you think you're suddenly the center of attraction, you might be, or not.

    If they act like it's no big deal, and you act like it's no big deal, then it's no big deal. You may think the entire world is watching you, but in reality the world could care less.

    Okay, so the storage lockers are on the other side of the metal detector. Since those in charge directed you to go there, everything's copacetic. The only thing people in line are concerned with is moving forward in the line, nothing more, nothing less. Besides, it's not like you're going to see those people ever again, is it?
    To be clear, this was not a perception issue. I have readily admitted that I was nervous, self conscious, and embarrassed. The reality is that there were approximately 20 people( 6 or 7 on line, 12 or thirteen in the main hallway, and 1 or two in the hall way next to the lockers), who were physically halted by three security guards due to safety concerns while I unholstered my weapon and placed it in a locker. Every single one of them was staring at me, as in faces toward me, eye contact being made, and foot tapping. They were made to freeze in place like a child's game of freeze tag for approximately 2 minutes, as I emptied my pockets and attempted to make sure I didn't forget anything. I had no idea it was happening until I looked at the one guard to ask a question. It is not a matter of being to embarrassed to go back, it is the thought that I will be causing an inconvenience to whomever happens to be around when this occurs. I realize that it is technically the security guards or whomever directs them, that is actually causing the inconvenience, but it is in my nature to not want to be an unnecessary problem....And once again, I have a strong feeling that that is exactly what they are counting on.....

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

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