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  1. #1
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    Default Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Chavez, after practically being given a lifetime appointment to the leadership of Venezuela, has begun the government takeover of food production in that country.

    Nationalizing the US-Based Cargill's rice production, the Fascist Dictator has begun the final chapter of the total enslavement of the Venezuelan people. When the government controls the food, the government controls the people.

    Chavez is a role model and idol to Barack Hussein Obama, who also idolized his marxist college professors.

    A Quote from "Dreams of My Father:"

    To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students.T he Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints. We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.
    BHO, who travels in the most luxurious vehicles man has ever created, sends his children to the most expensive private school in The District, enjoys only the best Champagne and Caviar, was "resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints."

    I almost can't believe there are still those who insist Obama is unlike Chavez. Our own government is nationalizing private industry as we speak. It is the fundamental definition of communism that government be the owner of the means of production. It is an overt act of communism for the government to own a single share of a US stock.

    Bernie Sanders, a well-known Socialist, was endorsed by Obama (Youtube) in his run for Senate in Vermont.

    You can see how Chavez came to power ( If you listen to the rhetoric he uses, you will see that it is not altogether different than that which is used by Obama to divide the nation and put classes in opposition, and to quash opposing views.

    As more and more spineless "moderates" give inches and miles to the leftist dictators around the world and in the US, it is not hard to see that it is only a matter of time...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Quote Originally Posted by ehidle View Post
    Chavez is a role model and idol to Barack Hussein Obama, who also idolized his marxist college professors.
    Bit extreme don't you think? Idolizes?

    Plus it's college, Bush / Clinton / etc were joining secret organizations of the powerful and wealthy using stolen bones of a American Indian swearing an oath to put Skulls and Bones over all other issues... Including being president of the United States..

    Lets all bring out the video tapes of what we did in college and see how it holds up..

    Quote Originally Posted by ehidle View Post
    BHO, who travels in the most luxurious vehicles man has ever created, sends his children to the most expensive private school in The District, enjoys only the best Champagne and Caviar, was "resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints."
    You accuse him of worshiping Marxist ideals, then present examples of how he's obviously changed his outlook on some things.. The downtrodden and poor usually do change political stances when they become the wealthy elite.. Attitudes do change..

    Quote Originally Posted by ehidle View Post
    I almost can't believe there are still those who insist Obama is unlike Chavez. Our own government is nationalizing private industry as we speak. It is the fundamental definition of communism that government be the owner of the means of production. It is an overt act of communism for the government to own a single share of a US stock.
    Ugh, Communism.. It's not Communism.. They key factor in communism is there is no private enterprise in the total economic landscape. This is far from what is happening. A sign of Socialism sure.. A sign of pure capitalism being removed sure.. But it's not communism. Learn to identify what you dislike and disagree with before trying to argue the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by ehidle View Post
    As more and more spineless "moderates" give inches and miles to the leftist dictators around the world and in the US, it is not hard to see that it is only a matter of time...
    The Right and the Ultra Wealthy Corporate world have much to blame as anyone in the ability of the Government to talk control over their companies. You act like jackasses, people are going to scream for you to be smacked down.. Hard.. Capitalism overreached and lost control over itself.. Now as a result it stands to lose much of the vaulted freedoms they want and enjoyed for so long.

    You abuse your positions, you use that power to corrupt the system, you risk losing the very system that you depend on. If corrupt CEO's and Board Members wouldn't have left the door open for this, it wouldn't be happening. Their stupidity weakened the capitalistic ideal for all our sakes..

    Do I hate that banks are being nationalized? Hell ya I do.. Do I hate people who are taking advantage of the situation to push forward some sort of World government Tin Foil hat type plan? Of course. But I reserve a healthy amount of that hate for those who opened the damn door to it in the first place.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    Bit extreme don't you think? Idolizes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    You accuse him of worshiping Marxist ideals, then present examples of how he's obviously changed his outlook on some things.. The downtrodden and poor usually do change political stances when they become the wealthy elite.. Attitudes do change..
    I present examples of how he is a corrupt leftist: "Do as I say, not as I do."

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    Ugh, Communism.. It's not Communism.. They key factor in communism is there is no private enterprise in the total economic landscape. This is far from what is happening.
    It is communism. Government ownership of the means of production is communism. Whether it happens wholesale or inch by inch, it is still communism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    The Right and the Ultra Wealthy Corporate world have much to blame -snip-

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Quote Originally Posted by ehidle View Post

    I present examples of how he is a corrupt leftist: "Do as I say, not as I do."

    It is communism. Government ownership of the means of production is communism. Whether it happens wholesale or inch by inch, it is still communism.

    Yesireee. Really getting tired of the Opologists. Sooner or later they will wake up and see what they have wrought.
    Ya got a guy in the White House whose voting record is left of the Socialist member of Congress and they paint him as "moderate".'s true....there are suckers born every minute

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Well, I'm pretty sure that I can never be labeled as a "Opologists" (cute term, btw) but I think you completely misunderstood this particular quote and its context. The key is "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully....". Even better would be to read the book to see what he said and why he said it instead of just pulling quotes out of context.

    That said, I'm more than sure O was pretty left in his younger days and still clings to many of those ideas. However he like most people - including those in Venezuela - will soon learn to be careful what you wish for. Yapping about bourgeois society's stifling constraints is one thing, actually abolishing private property is another.

    O, like Chavez will have their day of reckoning soon enough, I think, as both push the boundaries of their social agenda too far for the majority of their citizens.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Dictator Chavez Nationalizes Another US Company

    Quote Originally Posted by phillyd2 View Post
    Well, I'm pretty sure that I can never be labeled as a "Opologists" (cute term, btw) but I think you completely misunderstood this particular quote and its context. The key is "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully....". Even better would be to read the book to see what he said and why he said it instead of just pulling quotes out of context.

    That said, I'm more than sure O was pretty left in his younger days and still clings to many of those ideas. However he like most people - including those in Venezuela - will soon learn to be careful what you wish for. Yapping about bourgeois society's stifling constraints is one thing, actually abolishing private property is another.

    O, like Chavez will have their day of reckoning soon enough, I think, as both push the boundaries of their social agenda too far for the majority of their citizens.
    Chavez will quickly learn there are two things that you can never take away from people without a full scale revolution happening.

    Their Food and Their Children..

    Everything else is a sliding scale.. You can take away most of the freedom of speech and the sheep will follow, take away most of the freedom of the press and the sheep will follow, you take away most freedoms in general in the sheep will follow.

    Deny food or Take a child.. Someone is getting killed..

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