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  1. #1
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    Default I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN! - Handout - Ready For Printing

    FINAL EDIT HAS BEEN MADE - It's up to you now...

    The attachments below are NOW READY for printing and distributing everywhere you want our rights discussed...
    (The PDF files are the same except for Color Printing or Black&White with Underlined Highlights - choose either format)

    NOW - The latest update is 1/16/2021

    I don't suggest anyone distribute materials inappropriately,
    but where the public is allowed to place other types of information,
    this might be appropriate to leave...

    Thanks to EVERYONE who contributed ideas, corrections, and comments....
    (especially to HiredGoon for picking the nits where necessary...)

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger
    I was reading about dcdalton's recent encounters at a flea market and it got me to thinking that maybe, in addition to the Flyer (Available Here), which covers PA gun rights and laws in detail, that another, more conversational handout, might be helpful.....
    These are the latest updates (1/16/2021) - Ready for printing...


    Last edited by ImminentDanger; January 17th, 2021 at 01:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    I was reading about dcdalton's recent encounters at a flea market and it got me to thinking that maybe, in addition to the Flyer, which covers PA gun rights and laws, that another, more conversational handout, might be helpful.....


    Here's what I have so far.....



    You can't carry like that!

    The Constitution of the Commonweath of Pennsylvania, in Article 1, Section 21, states, "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned." While in the broadest sense, people regularly violate this sentiment, the laws of Pennsylvania do not prohibit the Open Carrying of firearms to anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm. No license is required to Openly Carry a legal firearm on foot. The latest Pennsylvania State Police Training material has made this longstanding fact abundantly clear. Hopefully, this training will help to eliminate the misconception, in law enforcement and in the public, that the act of openly carrying a firearm is illegal.

    Even though Pennsylvania issues a License to Carry Firearms, that license does not proscribe a requirement to CONCEAL the firearm. Look at the license. There is no wording to indicate concealment is required because there is no such requirement in the law. The license simply recognizes additional rights that includes carrying of your firearm in your car, allows carrying in Philadelphia, and ALLOWS you to carry concealed--but does not require it.

    You're going to ruin it for everyone!

    These RIGHTs are recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Responsibly exercising your rights as a citizen should 'not be questioned'. While you, personally, may only hunt with your firearms, or you may always conceal your handgun while carrying, others who choose to openly (and legally) carry their firearms are no less reputable and responsible citizens than are you.

    Simply carrying one's firearm in a holster that is openly visible to the public does make you more dangerous. You are no more likely to misuse that firearm because it is openly visible than if it were concealed. Responsible gun practices dictate that the firearm never leaves the holster unless you find yourself facing a criminal in a life & death situation. Most gun owners, whether they carry concealed or openly visible, are much safer with their firearms than the average citizen is with their car on the highway. Whether they choose to openly carry or carry concealed, give responsible gun owners the respect they deserve as law-abiding citizens.

    Why do you need to carry at all?

    Criminals do not publicize their schedules of times and places where or when they intend to violate your rights to Life, Liberty, and your Pursuit of Happiness. Their intentions to rob, rape, or kill you are kept private until they're ready to inflict their violation of your person or property. The police cannot be everywhere at all times and it is not their fault that they cannot respond instantly. Even the best police force requires minutes to respond to any call for help and typically the event is over by the time they arrive.

    While it is important to always be aware of your situation, and avoid unnecessary confrontations of any kind, your last opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones comes down to what you have at hand. When a criminal decides to act, you and your family are usually on your own. Every year, tens of thousands of potential victims are able to defend their life and liberty because they are legally carrying a firearm for personal protection. Responsible citizens do take personal safety, and the safety of their loved ones, seriously.

    What if everyone was carrying a firearm?

    At the heart of our free society is the concept that every citizen should be able to enjoy all the rights granted to any citizen. In concept, we are not a society of the privileged few and the downtrodden many. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Constitution of the United States, recognizes the right of EVERY CITIZEN to keep and bear arms unless they have demonstrated themselves to be too irresponsible to do so. It follows the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    The RIGHT to keep and bear arms, by law-abiding citizens, should NEVER be abridged. It should never be undervalued below the other rights recognized in our state and national constitutions. The founders of our state and national government asserted it as equal to any other right so recognized. We should do no less.

    Pennsylvania is a 'Shall Issue' state and therefore 'shall issue' a License to Carry Firearms to anyone not specifically prohibited from qualifying for such a license (allowing concealed carrying of firearms on one's person, carrying in a vehicle, and in the city of Philadelphia). Furthermore, those who have a right to own firearms are also recognized as having the right to openly carry a firearm while on foot without any license.

    While the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, as set forth in the First Amendment to the Constitution can be violated (as in libel or inciting to riot) no reasonable citizen would suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH simply because some can and do violate its spirit.

    Similarly, the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is equally set forth in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. And while it, too, can be violated (by someone becoming a criminal), no reasonable citizen should ever suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS simply because some can and do violate its spirit. THAT WOULD BE UN-AMERICAN!!!

    Simply carrying one's firearm in a holster that is openly visible to the public does not make you more dangerous. Typo?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    The Constitution of the Commonweath of Pennsylvania, in Article 1, Section 21, states, "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned." While in the broadest sense, people regularly violate this sentiment, the laws of Pennsylvania do not prohibit the Open Carrying of firearms to anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm. No license is required to Openly Carry a legal firearm on foot....
    Not sure what you're driving at here. Do you mean by committing criminal acts?

    Good bold statement.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Every year, tens of thousands of potential victims are able to defend their life and liberty because they are legally carrying a firearm for personal protection.
    statistics and sources?

    I'm not questioning that but someone will... I would include something to back up the claim.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    In reference to the title of the handout...

    So a WOMAN seen with a gun causes no problems...right SFN

  6. #6
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    Thumbs up Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    I was reading about dcdalton's recent encounters at a flea market and it got me to thinking that maybe, in addition to the Flyer, which covers PA gun rights and laws, that another, more conversational handout, might be helpful.....


    Here's what I have so far.....



    You can't carry like that!

    The Constitution of the Commonweath of Pennsylvania, in Article 1, Section 21, states, "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned." While in the broadest sense, people regularly violate this sentiment, the laws of Pennsylvania do not prohibit the Open Carrying of firearms to anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm. No license is required to Openly Carry a legal firearm on foot. The latest Pennsylvania State Police Training material has made this longstanding fact abundantly clear. Hopefully, this training will help to eliminate the misconception, in law enforcement and in the public, that the act of openly carrying a firearm is illegal.

    Even though Pennsylvania issues a License to Carry Firearms, that license does not proscribe a requirement to CONCEAL the firearm. Look at the license. There is no wording to indicate concealment is required because there is no such requirement in the law. The license simply recognizes additional rights that includes carrying of your firearm in your car, allows carrying in Philadelphia, and ALLOWS you to carry concealed--but does not require it.

    You're going to ruin it for everyone!

    These RIGHTs are recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Responsibly exercising your rights as a citizen should 'not be questioned'. While you, personally, may only hunt with your firearms, or you may always conceal your handgun while carrying, others who choose to openly (and legally) carry their firearms are no less reputable and responsible citizens than are you.

    Simply carrying one's firearm in a holster that is openly visible to the public does not make you more dangerous. You are no more likely to misuse that firearm because it is openly visible than if it were concealed. Responsible gun practices dictate that the firearm never leaves the holster unless you find yourself facing a criminal in a life & death situation. Most gun owners, whether they carry concealed or openly visible, are much safer with their firearms than the average citizen is with their car on the highway. Whether they choose to openly carry or carry concealed, give responsible gun owners the respect they deserve as law-abiding citizens.

    Why do you need to carry at all?

    Criminals do not publicize their schedules of times and places where or when they intend to violate your rights to Life, Liberty, and your Pursuit of Happiness. Their intentions to rob, rape, or kill you are kept private until they're ready to inflict their violation of your person or property. The police cannot be everywhere at all times and it is not their fault that they cannot respond instantly. Even the best police force requires minutes to respond to any call for help and typically the event is over by the time they arrive.

    While it is important to always be aware of your situation, and avoid unnecessary confrontations of any kind, your last opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones comes down to what you have at hand. When a criminal decides to act, you and your family are usually on your own. Every year, tens of thousands of potential victims are able to defend their life and liberty because they are legally carrying a firearm for personal protection. Responsible citizens do take personal safety, and the safety of their loved ones, seriously.

    What if everyone was carrying a firearm?

    At the heart of our free society is the concept that every citizen should be able to enjoy all the rights granted to any citizen. In concept, we are not a society of the privileged few and the downtrodden many. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Constitution of the United States, recognizes the right of EVERY CITIZEN to keep and bear arms unless they have demonstrated themselves to be too irresponsible to do so. It follows the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    The RIGHT to keep and bear arms, by law-abiding citizens, should NEVER be abridged. It should never be undervalued below the other rights recognized in our state and national constitutions. The founders of our state and national government asserted it as equal to any other right so recognized. We should do no less.

    Pennsylvania is a 'Shall Issue' state and therefore 'shall issue' a License to Carry Firearms to anyone not specifically prohibited from qualifying for such a license (allowing concealed carrying of firearms on one's person, carrying in a vehicle, and in the city of Philadelphia). Furthermore, those who have a right to own firearms are also recognized as having the right to openly carry a firearm while on foot without any license.

    While the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, as set forth in the First Amendment to the Constitution can be violated (as in libel or inciting to riot) no reasonable citizen would suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH simply because some can and do violate its spirit.

    Similarly, the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is equally set forth in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. And while it, too, can be violated (by someone becoming a criminal), no reasonable citizen should ever suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS simply because some can and do violate its spirit. THAT WOULD BE UN-AMERICAN!!!

    ETA: Typo - Thanks Alchymist
    awesome !! please update us with revisions. Nice to see someone taking up the reigns and contributing. rep sent

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by shefearsnothing View Post
    statistics and sources?

    I'm not questioning that but someone will... I would include something to back up the claim.
    The quickest reference I could find was this:

    If someone has a better report, similarly thorough and more recent, I'll take a look to reference it instead....

    Quote Originally Posted by HiredGoon View Post
    In reference to the title of the handout...

    So a WOMAN seen with a gun causes no problems...right SFN
    Yeh, I know.... but Gender Neutral Language is such a PIA....

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger
    While in the broadest sense, people regularly violate this sentiment
    Quote Originally Posted by novice View Post
    Not sure what you're driving at here. Do you mean by committing criminal acts?
    No.... I meant that some people regularly 'question' the right to keep and bear arms..... but they shouldn't!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Armed_in_Lancity View Post
    awesome !! please update us with revisions. Nice to see someone taking up the reigns and contributing. rep sent
    Last edited by ImminentDanger; August 17th, 2009 at 01:48 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Excellent idea! Rep sent!
    "...a REPUBLIC, if you can keep it."

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    I was reading about dcdalton's recent encounters at a flea market and it got me to thinking that maybe, in addition to the Flyer, which covers PA gun rights and laws, that another, more conversational handout, might be helpful.....


    Here's what I have so far.....



    You can't carry like that!

    The Constitution of the Commonweath of Pennsylvania, in Article 1, Section 21, states, "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned." [While in the broadest sense, people regularly violate this sentiment,] The laws of Pennsylvania do not prohibit the Open Carrying of firearms to anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm. No license is required to Openly Carry a legal firearm on foot. The latest Pennsylvania State Police Training material ( made this longstanding fact abundantly clear. Hopefully, this training will help to eliminate the misconception, in law enforcement and in the public, that the act of openly carrying a firearm is illegal.

    Even though Pennsylvania issues a License to Carry Firearms, that license does not proscribe a requirement to CONCEAL the firearm. Look at the license. There is no wording to indicate concealment is required because there is no such requirement in the law. The license simply [recognizes additional rights that includes carrying of your firearm] allows you to do certain things with your firearm, that are otherwise prohibited by statute, such as it allows you to carry in your car, it allows carrying in Philadelphia, it allows carrying during a declared state of emergency, it allows you to carry in a Gun Free School Zone, and ALLOWS you to carry concealed--but does not require it, unless you are in a state park.

    You're going to ruin it for everyone!

    These RIGHTs are recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Responsibly exercising your rights as a citizen should 'not be questioned'. While you, personally, may only hunt with your firearms, or you may always conceal your handgun while carrying, other[s] citizens who choose to openly (and legally) carry their firearms are no less reputable [and]or responsible [citizens ]than [are you]you are.

    Simply carrying one's firearm in a holster that is openly visible to the public does not make you more dangerous. You are no more likely to misuse that firearm because it is openly visible than if it were concealed. Responsible gun practices dictate that the firearm never leaves the holster unless you find yourself facing a criminal in a life & death situation. Most gun owners, whether they carry concealed or openly visible, are much safer with their firearms than the average citizen is with their car on the highway. Whether they choose to openly carry or carry concealed, give responsible gun owners the respect they deserve as law-abiding citizens.

    Why do you need to carry at all?

    Criminals do not publicize their schedules of times and places where or when they intend to violate your rights to Life, Liberty, and your Pursuit of Happiness. Their intentions to rob, rape, or kill you are kept private until they're ready to inflict their violation of your person or property. The police cannot be everywhere at all times and it is not their fault that they cannot respond instantly. Even the best police force requires minutes to respond to any call for help and typically the event is over by the time they arrive.

    While it is important to always be aware of your situation, and avoid unnecessary confrontations of any kind, your last opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones comes down to what you have at hand. When a criminal decides to act, you and your family are usually on your own. Every year, tens of thousands of potential victims ( are able to defend their life and liberty because they are legally carrying a firearm for personal protection. Responsible citizens do take personal safety, and the safety of their loved ones, seriously.

    What if everyone was carrying a firearm?

    At the heart of our free society is the concept that every citizen should be able to enjoy all the rights granted to any citizen. In concept, we are not a society of the privileged few and the downtrodden many. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Constitution of the United States, recognizes the right of EVERY CITIZEN to keep and bear arms unless they have demonstrated themselves to be too irresponsible to do so. It follows the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    The RIGHT to keep and bear arms, by law-abiding citizens, should NEVER be abridged. It should never be undervalued below the other rights recognized in our state and national constitutions. The founders of our state and national government asserted it as equal to any other right so recognized. We should do no less.

    Pennsylvania is a 'Shall Issue' state and therefore 'shall issue' a License to Carry Firearms to anyone not specifically prohibited from qualifying for such a license (allowing concealed carrying of firearms on one's person, carrying in a vehicle, and in the city of Philadelphia). Furthermore, those who have a right to own firearms are also recognized as having the right to openly carry a firearm while on foot without any license.

    While the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, as set forth in the First Amendment to the Constitution can be violated (as in libel or inciting to riot) no reasonable citizen would suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH simply because some can and do violate its spirit.

    Similarly, the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is equally set forth in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. And while it, too, can be violated (by someone becoming a criminal), no reasonable citizen should ever suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS simply because some can and do violate its spirit. THAT WOULD BE UN-AMERICAN!!!

    ETA: Typo - Thanks Alchymist
    ETA: Stats for DUG - Thanks SFN
    My suggestions are in the quote in the same manner as a Bill amendment gets written. Good idea.

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Another Handout - I SAW A MAN WITH A GUN!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    I was reading about dcdalton's recent encounters at a flea market and it got me to thinking that maybe, in addition to the Flyer, which covers PA gun rights and laws, that another, more conversational handout, might be helpful.....


    Here's what I have so far.....



    You can't carry like that!

    The Constitution of the Commonweath of Pennsylvania, in Article 1, Section 21, states, "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned." While in the broadest sense people regularly violate this sentiment, the laws of Pennsylvania do not prohibit the Open Carrying of firearms to anyone who is not otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm. No license is required to Openly Carry a legal firearm while on foot (except in Philadelphia). The latest Pennsylvania State Police Training material has made this longstanding fact abundantly clear. Hopefully, this training will help to eliminate the misconception, in law enforcement and in the public, that the act of openly carrying a firearm is illegal.

    Even though Pennsylvania issues a License to Carry Firearms, that license does not proscribe a requirement to CONCEAL the firearm. Look at the license. There is no wording to indicate concealment is required because there is no such requirement in the law. The license simply recognizes additional rights that includes carrying of your firearm in your car, allows carrying in Philadelphia, and ALLOWS you to carry concealed--but does not require it.

    You're going to ruin it for everyone!

    These RIGHTs are recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Responsibly exercising your rights as a citizen should 'not be questioned'. While you, personally, may only hunt with your firearms, or use your firearms for target sports, or you may always conceal your handgun while carrying, others who choose to openly (and legally) carry their firearms are no less reputable and responsible citizens than are you.

    Simply carrying one's firearm in a holster that is openly visible to the public does not make you more dangerous. You are no more likely to misuse that firearm because it is openly visible than if it were concealed. Responsible gun practices dictate that the firearm never leaves the holster unless you find yourself facing a criminal in a life & death situation--irrelevant of how you carry. In fact, most gun owners, whether they carry concealed or openly visible, are much safer with their firearms than the average citizen is with their car on the highway. Whether they choose to openly carry or carry concealed, give responsible gun owners the respect they deserve as law-abiding citizens.

    Why do you need to carry at all?

    Criminals do not publicize their schedules of times and places where or when they intend to violate your rights to Life, Liberty, and your Pursuit of Happiness. Their intentions to rob, rape, or kill you are kept private until they're ready to inflict their violation of your person or property. The police cannot be everywhere at all times and it is not their fault that they cannot respond instantly. Even the best police force requires minutes to respond to any call for help and typically the event is over by the time they arrive.

    While it is important to always be aware of your situation, and avoid unnecessary confrontations of any kind, your last opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones comes down to what you have at hand. When a criminal decides to act, you and your family are usually on your own. Every year, tens of thousands of potential victims are able to defend their life and liberty because they are legally carrying a firearm for personal protection*. Responsible citizens do take personal safety, and the safety of their loved ones, seriously.

    What if everyone was carrying a firearm?

    At the heart of our free society is the concept that EVERY CITIZEN should be able to enjoy all the rights granted to ANY CITIZEN. In concept, we are not a society of the privileged few and the downtrodden many. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Constitution of the United States, recognizes the right of EVERY CITIZEN to keep and bear arms unless they have demonstrated themselves to be too irresponsible to do so. It follows the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

    The RIGHT to keep and bear arms, by law-abiding citizens, should NEVER be abridged. It should never be undervalued below the other rights recognized in our state and national constitutions. The founders of our state and national government asserted it as equal to any other right so recognized. We should do no less.

    Pennsylvania is a 'Shall Issue' state and therefore 'shall issue' a License to Carry Firearms to anyone not specifically prohibited from qualifying for such a license (allowing concealed carrying of firearms on one's person, carrying in a vehicle, and in the city of Philadelphia). Furthermore, those who have a right to own firearms are also recognized as having the right to openly carry a firearm while on foot without any license (except in Philadelphia).

    While the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, as set forth in the First Amendment to the Constitution can be violated (as in libel or inciting to riot) no reasonable citizen would suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH simply because some can and do violate its spirit.

    Similarly, the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is equally set forth in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. And while it, too, can be violated (by someone becoming a criminal), no reasonable citizen should ever suggest that we deny law-abiding citizens the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS simply because some can and do violate its spirit. THAT WOULD BE UN-AMERICAN!!!


    ETA: Typo - Thanks Alchymist
    ETA: Stats for DGU - Thanks SFN

    Bold and red above is mine:
    Where in the U.S. and Pa. Constitutions is this spelled out? I see no qualifiers in either Constitution as to exceptions or who makes determinations as to who can own arms or who can not. If you are speaking of Constitutional requirements there are none. Citizen is a Citizen, If a Citizen is convicted of a crime, after they have served their time they are returned to being a Citizen with full Rights and Privileges afforded by the Constitution's. If the criminal is to dangerous to be released into the general public then don’t release them or execute them

    An OC Activist and 1 of the 3%
    Ed Stephan
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

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