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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Oley, Pennsylvania
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    Exclamation Need advice

    I consider myself a tolerant man, I don't judge others by their specific fashion requirements, religion, or monetary status. I have always felt that regardless of aptitude education of the mind could overcome even the thickist of men.

    I will also conclude that there are many, many laws on the books that I do not agree with on all fronts.

    To skip to the point I have a neighbor who lives next to me. He is a retired gentlemen trying to live out the rest of his years in peace. He has two sons one of which is very anti social and keeps to himself. And the other is not exactly a shining star of the community. He has had multiple DWI's and according to himself has refused to pay for the test conducted. So in short he cannot obtain his license for some time if ever.

    The father told me that he thought after the conviction the police would remove the firearms from his house. However they never did so even after the father informed the local police of what he had. (Expecting them to take possesion.)

    A few months ago the son with the DUI record decided he wanted an AR style rifle. They went to a gunshop (Unknown name) and attempted to purchase the firearm. The son was informed that he was not allowed to buy a firearm. So the father told the shop owner to put it in his name and the owner informed him that would be a straw purchase which are illegal. So they proceded to another shop and this time this time the father just purchased the gun whithout the son present.

    I live on a small strip of land about a quarter acre big and the neighbor in question owns about one and half acres. Every once in a while the son decides to take a pistol out back and shoot it. I do not know where he shoots or what he shoots into. I only have the small claim made by him that it is not towards anyones house. As of late he has decided to take the AR out when he goes on these "shoots". And recently it would appear he has aquired a revolver of some type. (From the sounds I would think a .38 spec)

    That is about as much backstory that I think is relevent so here is my complaint. As I stated I try not to judge anyone based off assumptions. However I have lived in this house for a year now and I have known him from the start. When ever he is around I always get this weird feeling that he just isn't up to any good. I do not know of any other charges that he has obtained but he has mentioned a past riddled with drug use. He comes home at all hours of the day and night in random stated of incoherence. Not all of the time mind you but enough to be noticed. He has made complaints about not having a job but when I mention the local markets and resturaunts he states they are beneath him. He has not had any employment since I have moved here and I don't see any attempt at it. He lerks in his yard until my girlfriend or myself take the dogs out and then just walks over and tries to strike up a conversation. She is not to fond of his presence herself and usually politely rushs in to avoid any further contact. As of late he has found interest in trying to startle me while I am outside. I have informed him a multiple of times that I care not for his antics and that I would prefer he does not. He has seen me OC on many occasions so he knows I carry. And I have noticed him tug at his coat and or pull on his pants to know that he usually has something he should not.

    So my question is, how do I deal with this?

    I will be moving in two or less years but for now I do not know what to do. I really do not know if I should get involved with a legal agency. I worry that he will think I did and then try and retailiate but I also fear that he may do something either intentionally or not that could cause someone harm. I work rotating shifts and my girlfriend worries when I'm not around. She is too young to CC and does not yet like the idea of OC for herself but does keep a revolver close while inside.

    Any thoughts are welcome and I appriciate any advice. I am going to cross post this to the PAFOA forum because I am really looking for good solid opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    Well, instead of winding up on CNN crying about how you knew this guys was no good and should have done something before your girlfriend went missing, call the local police agency and have the same conversation with them as you wrote here. I am not one who believes that if someone did something once they should lose thier rights to own a firearm, but if someone displays a tendency to repeatedly choose the dark side, oh well, we all make choices. If the circumstances are as you have stated, I would make the call right now.

    BTW welcome to the PAFOA!

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    What specifically is your fear? Are you concerned about the kid using the backyard as a range and being careless or do you think he is capable of something more sinister..I am sure there are regs on how large a property you must have to shoot...don't think an acre is enough...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    I've got to agree with headcase on this one. You need to get the law involved before something untoward happens. If it were me and I was getting those kinds of vibes from someone like that and my wife felt the same then I can assure you I would call the locals. Just my $0.02.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    Well, instead of winding up on CNN crying about how you knew this guys was no good and should have done something before your girlfriend went missing, call the local police agency and have the same conversation with them as you wrote here. I am not one who believes that if someone did something once they should lose thier rights to own a firearm, but if someone displays a tendency to repeatedly choose the dark side, oh well, we all make choices. If the circumstances are as you have stated, I would make the call right now.

    BTW welcome to the PAFOA!
    DEFINATELY!! What he said!

    You are honestly creating your own danger by saying nothing. Call the police and let them handle it. It truely sounds like this guy should not have guns. If the father gets caught up in it for the straw purchase then so be it! HE should have known better.

    Rich W.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    Call the police. This guy is not allowed to have firearms for a reason. Yet he's out back shooting...?

    I agree.... If the father gets caught then so be it. He was told at the first shop that it was ILLEGAL.
    Μολὼν λάβε

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    Check if the guy is on probation or parole as well. PO's have crazy search authority of people who are on parole - they enjoy little more freedom as if they were incarcerated.

    Call the guy's PO, call the police. Together then can get the firearms out of the home, out of possession of the guy (who it sounds like has an M1 conviction... which would federally preclude him from possession of firearms as well), and possibly a straw purchaser off the street for a bit. Its that kind of person that gives the rest of the law abiding firearms owning community a bad name.
    "The rifle is the weapon of democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military. The hired servants of our rulers. Only the government-and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws." (Edward Abbey, "The Right to Arms," Abbey's Road [New York, 1979])
    I have my rifle. Do you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    The most dangerous people are dirtbags with nothing to lose. If this kid can't drive, is unemployed, flaunts the law, is armed, and uses a tiny property as a shooting range for an AR-15, then he's one of them. In some countries, he'd be recruited to go blow himself up in a nightclub full of Americans or Israelis. Here, it's just a question of when he'll finally do something so bad that he goes to jail.

    A prohibited person can't be out back shooting, he can't walk around with a handgun even on his family's property. Depending on the response time of the police, you might call the cops the next time he's out back with a gun. Maybe get some videotape of him carrying the gun. Notify the cops the next time he's either driving without a license, armed, or both.

    The down side is that he won't go away permanently, if at all, and he'll be really pissed at the guy who dimed him out. You might need to get a restraining order so that he can't live next door anymore. Have your girlfriend get the restraining order, courts don't like creepy guys with illegal concealed weapons lurking around women.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    I would agree that I would contact the Police. I would go to the station to make the report. No need to have a Patrol Vehicle in front of the house. I would contact Adult Probation. As someone stated previuos, the POs have a good hammer to help keep them in line. Also, I would PM me with his name and address Nobody likes PIs until they need them

    Be safe (and diligent!).


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need advice

    Still trying to figure out what you are trying to accomplish? But first and foremost? DO NOT CALL THE COPS RIGHT OFF

    The father is a loser, period. He has two slacker sons that he has permitted to become parasites, this is unlikely to change. I bet if you scratched the father, you would find that he is none too different ideologically from his kids. Perhaps he is afraid of them, but regardless, they are there to stay.

    The boys will be there long after the father passes away. Period. Probably they will sell the property or wait until the sheriff evicts them long after his death. Since you plan on staying there for two years more or so, you have a limited amount of time to be exposed to them.

    That means, that they will be your neighbors for better or worse and you will have to adopt a plan of action for dealing with them.

    First and foremost would be to ascertain that his backstop is safe. You don't give many details on this. Is he shooting into a rotten barrel? What is behind his property? State game lands? A junkyard? A condominium?

    This sort of information is easily found out by walking over when he is shooting and observing. You are still on friendly terms, correct?

    Perhaps this is time to exercise that friendship.

    If you observe something that is clearly wrong, you have the inside track to advise him on changing his tactics.

    If you run into a stone wall, you could then go to the father and gently remind him that HE would be liable for any damages occurring from gunfire that originates from his property.

    Bottom line? Be a man and go to them friendly and face to face. Express your concerns about his shooting in the backyard and have them reassure you. IF he is prohibited, he will see this as a cheap insurance against you going to the cops.

    As far as his being a prohibited person? Let it go.

    DO NOT CALL THE POLICE UNTIL YOU ARE PREPARED TO GO TO WAR WITH ALL INVOLVED..I guarantee you it will become war the SECOND you call the cops.

    The cops will likely do NOTHING about it and you will have tipped your hand as a person not to be trusted or liked. You will create a level of animosity that will trigger your leaving your home quickly.

    Trust me, it will go south fast.

    Vandalism, harassment, do you want to live that way, or have your GF live that way when you are at work?

    Deal with your problems heads up, like a man.

    Don't fall into the trap of the having the cops arbitrate every little dispute that goes on in your life.

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