Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Okay, lets review the "Oh crap we're all going to die" checklist shall we?

    Survivalist Handbooks... Check..
    1,000 Rounds - multiple caliber... Check
    50 Cases of Raman Noodles... Check
    Water Purifier.. Check
    Current Road maps... Check
    Large Supply of Antibiotics and other medical Supplies... Check
    100 Roles of toilet paper.. Check (Hey, the world may be ending, but I'm not using a friggin leaf. I draw the line)
    50 lbs worth of Xanax... Double Check..

    You know what friggin sucks.. I'm only half kidding.. The decisions that are actually going through my mind even startle me.. "Do I buy a needed car repair or do I spend that 200 bucks on sleeping bags, and Survival gear?"

    Who needs that sort of shit going through his brain?!

    From the clip : " Ya know, we're not any geniuses in economics or finances... We're representatives of people. We ought to take our time, but let the people know this is a very difficult struggle. Somebody threw us into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft and we're trying to determine what's the closest shore and whether there's any chance in the world to swim that far. We. Don't. Know."

    Then how about you HIRE SOME you two bit, POS, brainless, can't understand how to program his VCR, shit stain of a Congressman.. GAH!! I'm sure their is one or two people smart enough to figure out a 50/50 shot of keeping things afloat.. Will it hurt? Hell ya, will it suck balls? More then Paris Hilton on a 4 week bender.. But they won't use their plan, because it means they won't get re-elected.. /scream

    BTW, honestly, If you haven't added Antibiotics to your list of things to have a good supply of.. Get them. Tell your doctor you have a toothache or something. One of the greatest inventions of mankind..
    Last edited by Morel42; February 11th, 2009 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    This was spoken by a fear instilling democrat!!

    I don't believe anything a politician is saying...
    NRA Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Benefactor Member

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Dannytheman View Post
    This was spoken by a fear instilling democrat!!

    I don't believe anything a politician is saying...
    Yep...gotta get that Ostimulus passed right ??

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Interesting. Kanjorski is one of the Dems that voted against the Ostimulus bill this time but he voted in favor of the bailout bill last time. However he now says that rescuing banks was NOT the idea behind that bill. This man is reminds me of a sidewinder rattlesnake. Just can't decide which way he wants to go.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    He's my Rep. He always sounds sincere when I speak to him, and oh yeah, I have spoken to him. He voted against the Ostimulus. Buys him the benefit of the doubt in my book.

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
    Hobson fundraiser Remember SFN Read before you Open Carry

  6. #6
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Don't know what to make of all of this except to say that pretty much all in the know from Bush on down were scared shitless at the time. This is no joke and not to be so easily dismissed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by phillyd2 View Post
    Don't know what to make of all of this except to say that pretty much all in the know from Bush on down were scared shitless at the time. This is no joke and not to be so easily dismissed.
    Agreed. I don't think we can dismiss this that easilly. There was an electronic run on mutual funds. This wasn't some stupid hoax. Be aware of what is possible. This sort of shit can hit us fast and hard. Just be ready.

    [ETA] I'm not dismissing that this is just now being publicized/released now for political purposes, but just that we can't dismiss it just because of who is saying what.
    Last edited by adymond; February 11th, 2009 at 01:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    He's my Rep. He always sounds sincere when I speak to him, and oh yeah, I have spoken to him. He voted against the Ostimulus. Buys him the benefit of the doubt in my book.
    Have to agree with you there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    As long as the lights stay on anyway.

    Let the credit market really fuel, and no payments.

    The entire power industry runs on day to day operations with credit transactions. Purchase and payments. If the bottom really falls out of the markets....who knows what will happen. I don't get paid, I'm not coming to work.

    Already seeing a few "strange" transactions taking place as far as power and fuel goes.
    "Disperse you Rebels! Damn you! Throw down your Arms and Disperse!" British Major Pitcairn at Lexington April 19, 1775

    "Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things" Marvin Heemeyer

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

    You ever start to think everything is so much worse then we could ever know, that the Government doesn't care about debt anymore. They're just trying anything and everything to stop it from collapsing..

    And then worry about how we will pay for it once it's not on the razor edge?


    PS - Note to self : Stop reading news in the first 10 minutes of the day. It bums me out.

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