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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    Still a little shakey, so please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors.

    Stopped into my local WalMart tonight on the way home for an item. Was walking out, about 12:30am, and crossing the parking lot to my car. Purchase was small and tucked into my rear pocket, left hand had car keys, right empty. Noticed an individual walking in my direction from my 9 o'clock. Male, 20s, dark jeans, white shirt with unzipped dark hoody over top, and dark ballcap. At about 25-30', he said "Hey man, could you help me out?". I turned to him, and asked what he needed. "I was wondering if you could..." he was still approaching, so I put my left hand up and told him in a calm voice that was close enough, what did he want? He kept approaching me, and was now within 20-15'. This time I used a voice loud enough anyone in the parking lot heard "Stop. Thats close enough, what do you want?". At this point, my right hand was on my pistol, and I snapped the thumb break open. He finally stopped, looking shocked, and asked for some change to use the phone. I had plenty on me, "No man, all I got is plastic.", "Oh, arright.". He then did a 180 and headed away, oddly enough not towards the store, but to the parking lot. Got into my car safe and sound. Called local police non-emergency number, told them that there was a suspicious man in the lot, and gave a description, they said thanks and ended the call. Drove home while the adrenaline simmered off.

    What I learned;
    I should have stopped him quicker, as the point I mentally marked as the draw line after my final warning was just a bit over 10' away, fine when my defense was non-firearm, but I'd prefer 15-20' if I had to draw and make a shooting decision.

    I need to pay attention to my shooting lane when dealing with locations like that. Several parked cars and the corner of the building were behind him, though no people were in sight.

    The snap on my thumb break is deafeningly loud to me in that situation.

    Would have preffered to have my hi-output flashlight in my left hand than my keys. Might have to work on a distance to my car where I carry my light to, then switch to keys.

    So those of you that have the knowledge, feel free to armchair quarterback the hell out of me. I feel I would have done well if things turned south, but I know it wasnt perfect.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    First of all, you are safe and home. Second, if the guy raised your hackles enough that you felt compelled to halt him that far away from you, and he kept coming, I think you were dead on to ratchet it up to the point you did. I don't know or care if his intentions were benign, but at 12:30 in a dark parking lot, he would have been much better served going to the front of the store to panhandle. I think you did just fine.

    ETA: I am fairly certain the,"can you spare some change", line was what was used in the last two rapes and subsequent carjackings in the Walmart parking lot here in East Stroudsburg....
    Last edited by headcase; April 14th, 2008 at 01:14 AM.

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
    than to those attending too small a degree of it."~Thomas Jefferson, 1791
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Reading, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    He could have asked me that from 25' away. He could have stopped the first time I asked him to, and ask me for it then. He didnt. He continued to advance on me, and I prepared for the worst.

    Yeah, he could have only wanted change. Or my wallet. Or my car keys. Or all of the above, and didnt think it was an issue to take my life for it as well. Hell, a random guy in a ski mask kicking down your door at 3am could just be cold and looking for a hot cup of fucking tea. Im going to be preapered to lethally defend my life from a stranger while Im alone in a dark parking lot.

    You can go making him some calm fucking tea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    At that hour I don't believe he was looking for change. He was using that ploy to get close to you. You were able to stop him without doing any harm and thats all that matters. But it was nice to be prepared. "The Boy Scouts motto".
    Last edited by inkie; April 14th, 2008 at 02:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    yeah good job, you didnt have to draw but were prepared to. Were you able to determine whether he walked away merely because you told him no or did he notice that you were armed and was scared away?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    Gee, there is a large store that is open all night (usually) nearby. He could ask an employee or something. If he is harassing people way out in the parking lot, he is either up to no good or is a total idiot. My vote goes to 'up to no good'.

    If you ask a stranger to stop and they don't, especially after the second time, there is something up. I also think a normal person would have shown hands and backed away apologetically, not do a 180.

    Overall a good job.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    I think you handled the situation perfectly. Far too many people would have just assumed he was harmless and let their guard down. Good job. You did very well to place your hand on your pistol at the moment you did, as he was well within threat distance and in a dark parking lot, I would hope that I would have acted exactly as you did. Just for reference, were you open carrying or was your sidearm concealed?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    Quote Originally Posted by CommonHighrise View Post
    At this point, my right hand was on my pistol, and I snapped the thumb break open. He finally stopped, looking shocked, and asked for some change to use the phone.
    It was chilly last night - so I likely know the answer.....But were you visibly OC'ing? Or were you, as the man approached, CC'ing?
    Gary in Pennsylvania
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary in Pennsylvania View Post
    It was chilly last night - so I likely know the answer.....But were you visibly OC'ing? Or were you, as the man approached, CC'ing?

    I see we're both wondering the same thing. I have a feeling he was CC'ing, as this man likely wouldn't have approached to begin with if he were OC'ing, unless of course he came up from the OP's weak side and didn't see the firearm. Carry on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Almost had to draw @ WalMart

    Quote Originally Posted by CommonHighrise View Post
    Still a little shakey, so please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors.

    Stopped into my local WalMart tonight on the way home for an item. Was walking out, about 12:30am, and crossing the parking lot to my car. Purchase was small and tucked into my rear pocket, left hand had car keys, right empty. Noticed an individual walking in my direction from my 9 o'clock. Male, 20s, dark jeans, white shirt with unzipped dark hoody over top, and dark ballcap. At about 25-30', he said "Hey man, could you help me out?". I turned to him, and asked what he needed. "I was wondering if you could..." he was still approaching, so I put my left hand up and told him in a calm voice that was close enough, what did he want? He kept approaching me, and was now within 20-15'. This time I used a voice loud enough anyone in the parking lot heard "Stop. Thats close enough, what do you want?". At this point, my right hand was on my pistol, and I snapped the thumb break open. He finally stopped, looking shocked, and asked for some change to use the phone. I had plenty on me, "No man, all I got is plastic.", "Oh, arright.". He then did a 180 and headed away, oddly enough not towards the store, but to the parking lot. Got into my car safe and sound. Called local police non-emergency number, told them that there was a suspicious man in the lot, and gave a description, they said thanks and ended the call. Drove home while the adrenaline simmered off.

    What I learned;
    I should have stopped him quicker, as the point I mentally marked as the draw line after my final warning was just a bit over 10' away, fine when my defense was non-firearm, but I'd prefer 15-20' if I had to draw and make a shooting decision.

    I need to pay attention to my shooting lane when dealing with locations like that. Several parked cars and the corner of the building were behind him, though no people were in sight.

    The snap on my thumb break is deafeningly loud to me in that situation.

    Would have preffered to have my hi-output flashlight in my left hand than my keys. Might have to work on a distance to my car where I carry my light to, then switch to keys.

    So those of you that have the knowledge, feel free to armchair quarterback the hell out of me. I feel I would have done well if things turned south, but I know it wasnt perfect.

    Sounds like everything worked out OK for you. No telling what the guy's intentions were and no reason for you to allow him to approach you to find out.

    One thing that comes to mind -- don't forget that in addition to ordering him to stop, you are allowed to move. If you watch cops (good ones anyway), if the situation lends itself they often move to a position of tactical advantage and assess initially. For you (me too) as a non-cop, maybe just keep a car between you and him. Moving will also give you more info -- if he pursues, especially at speed, you know for sure he wants more than some spare change and that is valuable info.

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