OK so my Mom (who lives in Lansdale) just called me to tell me that I "wouldn't believe" what she just saw - A young guy in shorts and T-shirt, walking down Main St. w/ a gun plainly displayed on his hip.

She rather incredulously asked 'if that was legal,' and I explained to her that it is absolutely fully legal, and that chances are I sorta-kinda "know" who it might have been (meaning someone on this forum). She knows that I have CC'ed for almost 10 years now, so she immediately thought to call me to tell me this "exciting" development ...

I grew up in Lansdale, so I found it interesting. This OC'er was passing the McDonalds and walking down near where the Tremont Inn used to be (I guess it's a Wal Green's now) on Main and Broad, around 10:00 AM...

OK so who was it

