I have been a member for over 35 years , have been involved in past elections, the directors run this origination like a THIRD world back water country. Early in the year a
Question was asked about an election , the word was for the first time in years a vote would be taken so the members would have someone on the board that had been voted in not picked , NOT ONLY VENDOR/TABLE HOLDERS who in my opinion only serve there own needs .The board has voted ( not the members ) to expand the Board from nine to eleven
as allowed for in the BY-Laws . This will save the association the cost of holding an election. This is bull . The board wants only puppets, If anyone is a member of PGCA
A board member or regular member please lets here from you. Please make me under stand this ??? Cost to much for an election? OK Lets keep obama ( I DON'T THINK SO !!)
OK MY pissed off rant, some one set me straight ( by the way I spend a fair amount at these and other shows in the area reloading supply's, optics And arms )
it is my addiction THANKS