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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    None of us WANT to have to do anything to protect and exercise our God-given Rights as enumerated in the Constitution. The Constitution and the Supreme Court should be the bulwark against those Rights being denied. But those who do not value the Constitution have politicized the Supreme Court and it has been reticent to do it's job of protecting THE PEOPLE from the government.

    Denigrating people, for decrying their loss of Rights, because they don't take up arms and start shooting people is a really stupid analysis. Just because those who value their Constitutional Rights don't overreact in panic, like those who don't value other's Constitutional Rights, does not make them inadequate or impotent or blow hards.

    Most of us who are here attacking the over reaction to and overblown projection of this coronavirus are not downplaying that it can and has been a factor in the deaths of many people. We are attacking the fact that acting like every one is 80 years old with Emphysema or COPD or Chronic Bronchitis is a DELUSIONAL scenario. I contend that decisions are being made based on the DELUSION which engenders a Massive Over-Reaction.

    No one is suggesting there should be no reaction to the virus. But well-thinking people, when addressing contagious diseases, are more apt to consider quarantining those who have presented symptoms and suggesting reasonable precautions to those who have not. Those who are scared out of their minds should not be in charge of the rest of the population. If they are so scared, they should self-isolate, shelter in place, have no contact with anyone else, and hope they don't die of their own fear.

    Everyone free of symptoms, has a Constitutional right to decide their own choice of risk. This does not prevent you from self-isolating, sheltering in place and having no contact with anyone else because of YOUR FEAR of coming in contact with the KILLER VIRUS.

    But the fear-mongers are not content to separate themselves from society nor to suggest reasonable measures - They INSIST on pursuing an OVER-REACTION to be imposed upon every other citizen who does not have symptoms and would be willing to continue on with their lives until they do have such symptoms.

    Of those who have the virus (about 10% of those tested), the actual numbers indicate 80%-90% recover without any hospitalization. This is not a KILLER VIRUS - It puts a strain on people's health. Those who are already surviving under a strained health may be pushed over the edge and die. Those with strained health should certainly quarantine themselves from exposure. But that is not the circumstance of 90% of the population.

    Those who desire to overreact in a crisis should not be in charge of the rest of the population - We need to vote them out of office!

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 7th, 2020 at 09:03 PM.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    None of us WANT to have to do anything to protect and exercise our God-given Rights as enumerated in the Constitution. The Constitution and the Supreme Court should be the bulwark against those Rights being denied. But those who do not value the Constitution have politicized the Supreme Court and it has been reticent to do it's job of protecting THE PEOPLE from the government.

    Denigrating people, for decrying their loss of Rights, because they don't take up arms and start shooting people is a really stupid analysis. Just because those who value their Constitutional Rights don't overreact in panic, like those who don't value other's Constitutional Rights, does not make them inadequate or impotent or blow hards.

    Most of us who are here attacking the over reaction to and overblown projection of this coronavirus are not downplaying that it can and has been a factor in the deaths of many people. We are attacking the fact that acting like every one is 80 years old with Emphysema or COPD or Chronic Bronchitis is a DELUSIONAL scenario. I contend that decisions are being made based on the DELUSION which engenders a Massive Over-Reaction.

    No one is suggesting there should be no reaction to the virus. But well-thinking people, when addressing contagious diseases, are more apt to consider quarantining those who have presented symptoms and suggesting reasonable precautions to those who have not. Those who are scared out of their minds should not be in charge of the rest of the population. If they are so scared, they should self-isolate, shelter in place, have no contact with anyone else, and hope they don't die of their own fear.

    Everyone free of symptoms, has a Constitutional right to decide their own choice of risk. This does not prevent you from self-isolating, sheltering in place and having no contact with anyone else because of YOUR FEAR of coming in contact with the KILLER VIRUS.

    But the fear-mongers are not content to separate themselves from society nor to suggest reasonable measures - They INSIST on pursuing an OVER-REACTION to be imposed upon every other citizen who does not have symptoms and would be willing to continue on with their lives until they do have such symptoms.

    Of those who have the virus (about 10% of those tested), the actual numbers indicate 80%-90% recover without any hospitalization. This is not a KILLER VIRUS - It puts a strain on people's health. Those who are already surviving under a strained health may be pushed over the edge and die. Those with strained health should certainly quarantine themselves from exposure. But that is not the circumstance of 90% of the population.

    Those who desire to overreact in a crisis should not be in charge of the rest of the population - We need to vote them out of office!

    I would agree with this completely for a disease that had a short incubation period and obvious symptoms. But that isn't how CV behaves. It apparently incubates for somewhere between 1-2 weeks and has a track record of having people who are infected, but asymptomatic. So, how do you account account for a disease which has people who are not only infected, but shedding a highly contgious virus for two weeks? It's not as if we can just look at people and say "Hey! You look infected. Only you have to quarantine. But, everyone else can go about their business."
    Sed ego sum homo indomitus

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by Sandcut View Post
    I would agree with this completely for a disease that had a short incubation period and obvious symptoms. But that isn't how CV behaves. It apparently incubates for somewhere between 1-2 weeks and has a track record of having people who are infected, but asymptomatic. So, how do you account account for a disease which has people who are not only infected, but shedding a highly contgious virus for two weeks? It's not as if we can just look at people and say "Hey! You look infected. Only you have to quarantine. But, everyone else can go about their business."
    I understand that - That's why those who are most vulnerable should self-isolate - so they don't come in contact with anyone that MIGHT be a carrier.

    However, not everyone who gets the coronavirus becomes significantly disabled from it. The AP is carrying this notice in many of it's stories:
    For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia and death. The vast majority of people recover.
    As I said, if the most vulnerable (and those who are scared-out-of-their-minds) DO ACTUALLY isolate themselves, how are they at risk? And if the rest of the people are willing to take the risk of becoming ill but recovering, while keeping America up and running, being productive and providing services to each other, in other words, carrying on with their lives while taking reasonable precautions, why is that unacceptable? Every day we take all kinds of risks just getting out of bed. Getting the coronavirus is one more risk to be evaluated and making a decision how much risk we are willing to take.

    We have a Constitutional Right to make that decision for ourselves. The government does not. If you find that risk too great, then self-isolate (see, that even rhymes - oh, sorry, we have been mandated to give up our sense of humor, too).

    The EDICT is a PANIC RESPONSE based on a DELUSIONAL scenario.

    The latest report I saw indicated that the Projection of Death Models are being realigned. Instead of the the 240,000 that was being touted, the new number is something in the order of 85,000. That's A HUGE DIFFERENCE of risk factors - That's 1/3 of what was original being predicted. Were the decisions being made based on 85,000 or 240,000? Oh, I can hear it now --- The difference is BECAUSE we overreacted. That's the Pink Elephant Repellent. I've been spraying my basement with PER for the last 10 years and there have been no Pink Elephants in my basement! That stuff really works!

    ETA: The latest projections are now down to 60,000 deaths - That's 1/4 of the original Fear-Mongering projection. (Before anyone in the US got the virus, the projection was that as many as 2 million might die!)

    THE PEOPLE of Idaho have the Constitutional Right to choose for themselves. And THE PEOPLE of Pennsylvania, too.

    I'm not against anyone taking reasonable measures (or even unreasonable ones) by their own choice - It's the EDICT that is the problem.


    In another example of the disingenuous nature of the rhetoric being foisted on THE PEOPLE, the (self-identified) ELITE ignore what is mandated for everyone else:

    Wife of Alton, Illinois, Mayor attends party Sunday morning and is charged (with others) for violating the stay-at-home order. According to the order, “all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except for limited purposes permitted by this Executive Order.”

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio defended his roughly 11-mile trip to Brooklyn to take daily walks despite the state’s stay-at-home order for nonessential business as necessary for him “to be most effective.”

    New Zealand’s health minister apologized after he was demoted for breaking the country’s coronavirus lockdown to take his family to the beach.

    It's not that these actions are wrong, it's that these actions have been mandated as wrong for everyone!

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 8th, 2020 at 03:05 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by Carson View Post
    I am confused. You post the below video from a fluent speaking Chinese person who claims to have found the origin of the very real virus, but then you call it a scam ?
    The scam is the response to the virus. People are still going to the supermarket, Home Depot, Septa buses and trains and Amtrak trains still running The economy has been shut down and now they're saying they don't know when they'll open back up for business. That's the scam. The virus is going to make some people sick and some will die whether you stay home or do cartwheels down Broad Street. This whole response has been to shut the economy down because all the other hoaxes to remove and discredit Trump failed miserably.

    All throughout history revolutions happen when enough people have had enough. Do what you have to do to protect you and your families. Right now while we sit here and discuss whether families should starve and lose their homes and businesses or become wards of the state people are choosing up sides. This is how it all starts. The powers create a situation where law enforcement and military will side with the government because it sounds almost reasonable that the country locks down to the point of martial law for a communicable disease. It gives troops that little bit of plausible deniability that keeps them thinking "I was shooting at or arresting Americans citizens for the children". The powers that be are well versed on what has worked and what doesn't work, they pay people to study people's reaction to certain things like slowly restricting freedoms. When the powers decide they will move only the follow through is ever questionable because of human error or human instinct to resist.

    Everyone lives in their own small world looking at the picture they have drawn for themselves. People that control the money and the power in the world look at things on a grand scale and plot to control others using plans they together concoct. The world has been this way since the first human decided they need to control all the other humans around them because they harbor the arrogance of believing they know what's best for you or telling you that so you'll play along.
    Last edited by JenniferG; April 8th, 2020 at 04:46 AM.
    Corruption is the default behavior of government officials. JPC

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Please Note: The poster was issued an infraction for this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    The scam is the response to the virus. People are still going to the supermarket, Home Depot, Septa buses and trains and Amtrak trains still running The economy has been shut down and now they're saying they don't know when they'll open back up for business. That's the scam. The virus is going to make some people sick and some will die whether you stay home or do cartwheels down Broad Street. This whole response has been to shut the economy down because all the other hoaxes to remove and discredit Trump failed miserably.

    All throughout history revolutions happen when enough people have had enough. Do what you have to do to protect you and your families. Right now while we sit here and discuss whether families should starve and lose their homes and businesses or become wards of the state people are choosing up sides. This is how it all starts. The powers create a situation where law enforcement and military will side with the government because it sounds almost reasonable that the country locks down to the point of martial law for a communicable disease. It gives troops that little bit of plausible deniability that keeps them thinking "I was shooting at or arresting Americans citizens for the children". The powers that be are well versed on what has worked and what doesn't work, they pay people to study people's reaction to certain things like slowly restricting freedoms. When the powers decide they will move only the follow through is ever questionable because of human error or human instinct to resist.

    Everyone lives in their own small world looking at the picture they have drawn for themselves. People that control the money and the power in the world look at things on a grand scale and plot to control others using plans they together concoct. The world has been this way since the first human decided they need to control all the other humans around them because they harbor the arrogance of believing they know what's best for you or telling you that so you'll play along.
    I sincerely hope you get COVID. Then you can tell us how it’s a hoax.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycanthrope View Post it for the boobies........

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by The Unknown 1087 View Post
    I sincerely hope you get COVID. Then you can tell us how it’s a hoax.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    μολ ν λαβέ
    What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms!

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by The Unknown 1087 View Post
    I sincerely hope you get COVID. Then you can tell us how it’s a hoax.
    You just dont get it do you.
    Right over your head

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    You just dont get it do you.
    Right over your head
    Well he is a millennial after all
    We the people love our country so let the government fear us.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Gov. of NJ said its to early to know if we will let kids back in school come September. I don't think people have another 4-6 weeks in them of being locked down. With the weather starting to get nice I think its just a matter of time before people say screw this I am going out and getting on with my life .Time will tell but something is going to happen.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud View Post
    Gov. of NJ said its to early to know if we will let kids back in school come September. I don't think people have another 4-6 weeks in them of being locked down. With the weather starting to get nice I think its just a matter of time before people say screw this I am going out and getting on with my life .Time will tell but something is going to happen.
    September? Whats he doing, running for president

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