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  1. #1
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    Default Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    Looking to buy a new handgun and have narrowed it down to these three choices.

    What do you suggest? I'm going with a .40 S&W, possibly a 10mm. (price of ammo?)

    What are some of the pros and cons of each gun? Best customer service, warranty?

    Thanks for any info?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    Quote Originally Posted by .300RUM View Post
    Looking to buy a new handgun and have narrowed it down to these three choices.

    What do you suggest? I'm going with a .40 S&W, possibly a 10mm. (price of ammo?)

    What are some of the pros and cons of each gun? Best customer service, warranty?

    Thanks for any info?
    I wouldn't go with the 10mm. The only one you listed that makes a 10mm is Glock, and it is basically huge. I have two 10mm, and it is a nice caliber, but unless you reload, it really isn't a practical choice to shoot a lot.

    Now that that is said, the XD and the M&P are neck and neck with me. I have never been a Glock fan, and though the Glock has the best trigger of the group, it has the worst ergonomics and just doesn't work for me. The XD and M&P are both very nice. I have more experience with the .45 version of each as that is my true caliber of choice, but both are good shooting and ergonomic as heck. It probably at that point comes down to which you like best.

    To throw another wrench in the works, look at the XD M in .40. You get 16 round capacity, all the ergonomics of the other two and a trigger just about as good as a Glock to boot! I haven't shot one, but and looking to find the right one as we speak.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    What price are we looking at with the XD M???

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    < insert the token 'whichever one you like best' comment here >

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    I'm a Glock fan, but if it doesn't fit your hand, the XD would be next on my list.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    All the pistols you mentioned are imo pretty much the same thing. Buy whatever you can get the best price on and you wont be disappointed. I either own or have owned all the guns you mentioned. None stood out as being better than the others.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    Whenever a new shooter asks for advice on a handgun for him/her I reply:

    Look at a 9mm Glock 19 or 17, a 4" Springfield XD, or a 4" S&W M&P.

    In my opinion these three handguns allow the shooter to reach a higher level proficiency quicker and easier than any other weapon systems.

    Your question is about a .40 in these brands and I will say the 9mm is my choice in any of these three, but I don't think that you can go wrong with a .40 in any of these three guns.

    Good luck with your choice.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    I throw in my .03 cents...

    M&P gives you user changeable backstraps to 'customize' the grip to your hand. New Gen4 Glock has this feature though I've yet to handle one. XD does not (XDM does).

    My understanding is replacement parts for Glocks are easy to get, followed by M&P then XD.

    Do not own Glock (grip was a tad too large with my small hands) nor XD but shot all 3 then purchased M&P.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    I would honestly think that you would be happy with any of those three you mentioned. See what fits in your hand the best and pick that one...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Glock vs Springfield XD vs S&W M&P

    When I bought my first handgun, I shot a number of different ones to try them out. I shot the Glock, the XD (XDm wasn't out at the time), a 1911, a M&P, etc. Out of all the guns I tried, I liked the M&P the best, and bought one in 9mm.

    For me, the Glock was out. Hated the way it felt and handled. It has a grip angle that is really weird and unlike most other handguns; it just didn't seem to point well to me.

    I'm a lefty, and the M&P had the best ergonomics, and the only gun with an ambidextrous mag release AND slide release. In addition, IMHO the M&P sits lower in the hand. Because of this, the bore axis is closer to your grip, and the recoil has less "flip" and more "push", which I found easier to control and keep the gun on target from shot to shot. The M&P's backstraps are also designed really well, and provide a great fit for most shooter's hands. The trigger is definitely a shortcoming of the M&P; it's gritty, creeps a bit, and doesn't always reset in the same place. However, there are a bunch of places (Burwell Gunsmithing in PA being one of them) that can do a great M&P trigger job for little cost.

    The XD was a great shooter, and the closest to what I liked about the M&P. There was slightly more muzzle flip because the bore axis seemed to sit higher in the hand, and the XD didn't have an ambi slide release, which I wanted at the time. The XD also didn't have backstraps; the new XDm does, but I never shot this weapon so I can't comment.

    Hope my comments help!
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