I live in south philadelphia not to far away from where these so called 'flash mobs' are happening and have been wondering what would I do, or should I do if I ever was caught in a group of 1,000 kids with no regard or respect for anything.
If you havnt heard about these 'flash mobs' that are happening around here, they are basically when very large groups of teens gather together and terrorize whatever is in their path. This includes random beatings to bystandards.
Now, I know the first defense would be to get out of there, but these kids have no problem dragging people out of their car or taking over a store, just as what happened before. Say you were in that store, or in that car and hundreds of kids wanted your wallet, or just to kick you in the head for a while.
So what would you do? Would you draw down on a large group of teens and probably cause even more of a riot? What are the options? Theres probably to many "what ifs" in this question, but I think its a good question.
Please, please save the "move out of philly" answers, I know, I know, I know!