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  1. #1
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    Default Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor
    Butler County lawmaker announces 'under the radar' candidacy for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor
    By JAN MURPHY, The Patriot-News
    March 10, 2010, 11:03AM

    In throwing his hat into the ring for the nine-way race for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler, said his goal in running is to redefine the state's second-ranking executive branch office.

    Metcalfe said instead of being a loyal lieutenant to the governor, he would be a gubernatorial watchdog who would hold the governor accountable.

    "If the the governor like so many politicians breaks his word and raises taxes, supports more government programs ... or signs laws that infringe on our rights then I will be ready to challenge the governor in the next primary election," Metcalfe said. "I will be there to watch every move the governor makes and I will publicly expose him if he violates the trust of the people."

    Metcalfe, a six-term House member who has advocated limited government and opposed tax increases, said he also is seeking re-election of his House seat.

    As lieutenant governor, he said he would favor putting the Governor's Residence and the lieutenant governor's home up for sale, but said he would live in the lieutenant governor's residence until it sold.

    He said he has no intention of endorsing either Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett, the state's attorney general, or Samuel Rohrer, a House member from Berks County.

    Metcalfe said he purposely kept his candidacy below the radar of the state party, which he said tries to push out legitimate candidates who can take on the party-backed candidate for an office. He added, "This is not the last blindside for the Republican establishment."

    Other candidates seeking the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor are the party-endorsed candidate Jim Cawley as well as Steve Johnson, Stephen A. Urban, John Kennedy, Chet Beiler, Jean Craige Pepper, and Russ Diamond. The Democratic candidates seeking the office are Jonathan Saidel, Scott Conklin and Doris Smith-Ribner.
    Representative Metcalfe is about a pro-gun as you can get. I will be supporting him in his run for the nomination and I ask that the rest of you support him too.
    Proud friend of the Noble family.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    I was going to vote for someone else, but I think Metcalfe deserves a seond look.

    "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    This is good news. I've been following him for the past few years and definitely feel that he is the man that I will be supporting in May. BTW for those of you who don't know him I can truthfully say that he is responsive to all Pennsylvanians whether they live in his district or not.
    Bill USAF 1976 - 1986, NRA Endowment, USCCA

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    In case anyone needs more evidence that Rep. Metcalfe is pro-gun, he introduced HB 1541 into the General Assembly:
    Proud friend of the Noble family.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    He's my Rep. right now. I think he'd be a GREAT Lt. Gov!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    I don't agree with all his positions, but there's no denying that he's rabidly pro-gun. I'll be giving him a look.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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    "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." [sic]
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    You won’t find anyone you 100% agree with on anything, this included many of our own spouses.

    Its much more enjoyable to cast a vote FOR someone, rather than voting against someone or voting for the lesser of two evils as many time is all the same, lame choices the two party system ever give us.

    We definitely live in exciting times, maybe the last chance to change course as a state and a nation and move back to a Republican form of government,

    That is IF people decide to really support the underdogs candidates if you believe in them.

    I remember helping Rep Metcalfe, through FOAC get elected the first time to office, I haven’t been disappointed in my investment of volunteering my time in that cause.

    I spent over the years many hours in Rep Metcalfe office discussing and working on pro gun legislation and fighting against bigger government.

    No one is perfect, we had disagreements, Still I know Daryl Metcalfe would put the best interest of ALL the Citizens of PA FIRST in the big picture, something that is typical not done in harrisburg by to many elected to any office.

    AFTER Many, many years of working within the existing political structure of both parties, this is the first time I am actually excited about some of the people running for the top seats in PA government that are REALLY pro gun for a change, hasn’t happen in a LONG time, don’t know who is going to survive the primaries to make it to the fall election. The voters get to choose if its the two party system choice or voting for the best person.

    At the primary level ALL of the Citizens that care more about the freedoms and rights rather than towing (R's & D's) parties line can go give their time to change the future direction of PA IF YOU DECIDE TO……… or you can sit back and let the two parties people that run the show behind the scenes choose the direction as they have forever, The choice is your get involved or let someone else decide YOUR Future.

    What was the last year that anyone can remember that so many really strong pro gun people were running for the top seats in PA?
    Learn how to really SUPPORT the 2nd Amendment cause Go To

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    Proud friend of the Noble family.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    Here is an article in the local paper giving some of you not famliar with Rep Metcalfe efforts on our behalf over the years, to protect our rights and trying to make sure our hard earned tax money is not wasted.

    The Metcalfe Factor


    He was once rated as having the most conservative voting record in the state House.

    He has vigorously criticized Republican and Democrat governors.

    To liberals, he's the embodiment of what they consider to be a right-wing wing nut.

    But he's the darling of conservative constituencies, such as gun owners who want to protect the Second Amendment and preserve their ability to defend themselves, their home and their property.

    We're talking about Rep. Daryl Metcalfe of Cranberry, who has a decent shot in the nine-way Republican primary for lieutenant governor on May 18.

    He's the only elected official from Western Pennsylvania in the race, which gives him an outside chance to defeat the Republican Party's endorsed candidate, Bucks County Commissioner Jim Cawley. Bucking the Republican establishment, Metcalfe has a chance to garner support among tea party and patriot groups.

    They could be a factor in this primary.

    Three things you can be sure of:

    • Attorney General Tom Corbett's campaign isn't exactly thrilled with Metcalfe's late entry into the race because Corbett, the favorite in the primary for governor, would be saddled with a liability if Metcalfe wins -- no disrespect intended. After the primary, governor and lieutenant governor candidates are yoked together.

    • Democrats would love to throw darts -- air radio and TV ads -- attacking a Corbett-Metcalfe ticket. They'd try to make Metcalfe, who's battle-scarred from his own controversial statements, the face of the campaign.

    • If a Corbett-Metcalfe ticket wins (or theoretically Corbett's opponent Rep. Sam Rohrer of Berks County somehow wins the primary and the general election), Metcalfe would honor his pledge to make the governor "look over his shoulder" by calling him out if he strays from a conservative agenda of cutting spending and taxes.

    Metcalfe and Rohrer, also one of the most conservative members of the House, would probably get along just fine.

    There isn't much Corbett can do about it. First of all, these kinds of nine-way races are a crapshoot, dependent on geography, name recognition and party endorsement.

    Corbett is pro-life and pretty conservative himself. But he's supported by a lot of "institutional Republicans" and generally is viewed as someone who would work with the establishment of both parties.

    Whoever's elected faces a mess with spiraling pension costs and the loss of federal stimulus money, which both Corbett and Rohrer told GOP state committee members that Pennsylvania should never have accepted. Democrats would counter that doing so would have meant a massive tax increase last year.

    From another perspective, it would have prompted massive spending cuts in the cost of state government, which has increased by $3,600 per family of four since Democrat Gov. Ed Rendell took office in 2003, according to the Commonwealth Foundation.

    Some would say that's a good thing.

    Unless of course it's your ox getting gored. Then groups mobilize to travel to the state Capitol and lobby against their spending cut.

    Rendell has said Pennsylvania legislators don't have the courage to raise taxes.

    Actually it's that they don't have the courage to say yes to significant spending cuts.

    Metcalfe, if he wins the primary, will have a target on his back larger than the state of Texas.
    Learn how to really SUPPORT the 2nd Amendment cause Go To

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Daryl Metcalfe is running for Lieutenant Governor

    I am supporting Sam Rorer for Governor, Daryl Metcalfe for Lt. Governor, Bill Russell for District 12 House Rep, Peg Luksik for Senate

    An OC Activist and 1 of the 3%
    Ed Stephan
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

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