Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    What we ALL have to do to undo the part of Federal Gun Law that 'prohibits' carrying on person or even in the trunk, locked, in your vehicle....
    within 1000' of a school !! Think this through, this even pertains to OFF-DUTY officers of da law.

    There isn't anywhere one can drive, bicycle or walk in any city or town...that doesn't come within 1000' of a school, eventually. Think on that ! If they were to enforce that law eventually every citizen would be convicted of a Felony. If you are a gun owner.

    Wake UP !!

    What if your home is within 1000' of a school, you're in TROUBLE, with a capitol 'T'

    These whack jobs in the Disneyland - on - the - potomac have got us by the gonads. Now they want to pass the same thing within 1000' of a politician.

    How bout WE pass a law THEY can't come with 1 mile of this country !!!

  2. #22
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    Quote Originally Posted by davemi View Post
    What if your home is within 1000' of a school, you're in TROUBLE, with a capitol 'T'
    If your home is within 1000' of a school, wouldn't you have a LTCF issued by the county, that school is in? Unless the county line runs right between the school property and yours, that is.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights already gives me the right to carry, so why does anyone need a state permit?

  4. #24
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    because contrary to popular beliefs the government could care less about your "rights", such as in NY i believe to be able to legally carry You have to be the victim of a violent crime, even then you can be denied the "right" to carry"
    Last edited by B_Markewinski; April 11th, 2011 at 08:37 PM.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    As a follow up to the original post, all the 5 bucks of extra money collected from all US from the LTCF permits that was collected & put into modernization fund that was not given back to the sheriff department (for a variety of reasons) was dumped back into the general fund on May 10, 2011. Its gone

    Before and part of the May 9-10th rally and HBG lobbying event WE (working with the PA sheriff group) tried unsuccessfully to get all the monies collected up to that point (a million plus) still remaining to paid to sheriff depts. till it was exhausted for the purposes it was intended.

    The other part of dealing with this is covered in this post here.

    Are YOU Tired of Paying to Exercise YOUR ‘Right to Keep & Bear Arms’? Aug 26, 2010

    PICS Senate Law and Justice Legislative Hearing May 11, 2011

    Along the same concept of improving our rights.

    The long term goal would be to create a two tiered system one to remain as basically it is with much needed upgrades to existing language with issuing LTCF permits that is kept for reciprocity agreements with other states.

    The other would be to turn back the clock to the pre 1930’s era when PA lead the nation with the first state that required permits to carry firearms when the president of a NRA lobbied for PA (plus several other states legislators) to adopt one. Right before the president of the NRA lobbied congress for the adoption on the NFA and used PA as example of reasonable gun control measures that should be taken.

    Presidents of the USA has done us wrong in the past by comprising and doing bad deals, so has the NRA as this is historical fact, like it or not …

    .............In case you don’t know what this concept is.
    It’s often referred to as Constitutional Carry.

    .......... Where you don't need no government permit or ask for permission slip before exercising a Constitutional right.

    Several states legislators have already chosen to take this Freedom choice.

    We are in the process of trying to make this happen for PA, we are drafting the actual language and shopping for the right sponsor.

    Details to follow when available as this will be all out war for moving this in PA, IF you thought 7 years with Castle Doctrine was tough you ain't seen nothing yet..

    The prime sponsor is going to take major heat over Constitutional Carry in the media with many other others that will be opposed to the concept.

    As far too many, including many gun owners have been brain washed in supporting a government granted permission slip with this being treated as privilege, instead of this being a Right.

    So both the proposed language and prime sponsor got to be exactly right before introduction

    One of the big major hurdles that we are trying to fix right now is the removal of the no stops with the transportation of unloaded firearms without a LTCF permit. Till this get done, Constitutional Carry is staying on the back burners.

    We can really use you help right now for this goal IF you are willing.

    2011-12 Getting rid of NO STOPS clause with the transportation of gun w/o LTCF
    Learn how to really SUPPORT the 2nd Amendment cause Go To

  6. #26
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    It will never fly! It has been always said that; there is a small minority that will ruin things for the majority. If enough get off our duffs and write to our state reps. as well as show that firearms enthusiast; aren't the ones they need to worry about. We will be able to change things. Being in LE, I can honestly say that no LEO in his right mind would enforce such action. It would only be enforced if there are furtive movements that show a possible act of violence is about to occur. It is all about how it is articulated by the LEO, a mere encounter does not always warrant an arrest. Lets not forget this country was founded by Attorneys and Law Makers alike. We need to stay on top of these issues and address them accordingly as they arise and work with the law makers. So; they will not think that we are a bunch of gun toting uneducated nuts! Let's not cause the problem but be the solution. Outlandish outburst articles are not what we need. The small amount of people whom have caused mass casualties with there actions have brought these new bills about; not the law abiding gun owner. We as the Majority need to keep our heads and fight to keep our rights collectively as we move forward through the clean up of the past wrongs.
    Last edited by Hondo; July 19th, 2011 at 03:09 AM.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    I'm confused as to what in this thread you're specifically replying to, so I've got a few questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by Hondo View Post
    It will never fly!
    To which post or statement does the "it" above refer to?

    It has been always said that; there is a small minority that will ruin things for the majority. If enough get off our duffs and write to our state reps. as well as show that firearms enthusiast; aren't the ones they need to worry about. We will be able to change things. Being in LE, I can honestly say that no LEO in his right mind would enforce such action.
    What "such action" are you referring to?

    It would only be enforced if there are furtive movements that show a possible act of violence is about to occur. It is all about how it is articulated by the LEO, a mere encounter does not always warrant an arrest. Lets not forget this country was founded by Attorneys and Law Makers alike. We need to stay on top of these issues and address them accordingly as they arise and work with the law makers. So; they will not think that we are a bunch of gun toting uneducated nuts! Let's not cause the problem but be the solution. Outlandish outburst articles are not what we need.
    Which "outlandish outburst article" are you talking about, or are you making a general statement?

    The small amount of people whom have caused mass casualties with there actions have brought these new bills about; not the law abiding gun owner. We as the Majority need to keep our heads and fight to keep our rights collectively as we move forward through the clean up of the past wrongs.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    my son belived in his right to carry till he was forced to use his gun the guy my son was forced to shot was a related to a cop you can hear his 911 call on you tube erie parties /joel atkin which is missing 20 to 30 sec also if you go to face book joel atkin on the profile page is what he says happened that day also on the profile page is all the papers supporting my questions please let me know if i have the right to ask these questions and if you would send this to as maNY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS

  9. #29
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    Anybody know when Philadelphia first issued gun permits? What year? also what rules did you have as an armed security guard prior to 1974??

  10. #30
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    Default Re: [PAFOA Blog] Pennsylvania seeks to standardize firearm permit process

    Quote Originally Posted by Mdot View Post
    Anybody know when Philadelphia first issued gun permits? What year? also what rules did you have as an armed security guard prior to 1974??
    Don't know, but please don't crosspost. I've removed all the other ones.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

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