Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    "It's been a very disappointing year for us, especially considering what he campaigned on," the group's president, Paul Helmke, said during an appearance on MSNBC. "This year they ran away from the issue, and actually signed two repeals of good gun legislation."

    Perhaps he's working for the gun industry and their Wall Street backers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceAndLove View Post

    Perhaps he's working for the gun industry and their Wall Street backers?
    You know, he was awarded the "firearm salesman of the year" by some in the industry

    Be safe (and do not believe the Brady Bunch, they still love him).


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Poor Obozo, he can't seem to please anyone!
    Or, ia it that he really is just plain stupid?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    BOs gun control will be attempted thru a UN treaty. Don't let him fool anyone
    RIP -The US constitution.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Looks as if when this obama character slipped into the white house last year, the Brady mob entered into the same thought process as many pro-gun people. With both houses of congress under his control, people figured than even an unqualified, know-nothing marxist puppet stooge like obama would easily get his leftist radical agenda pushed through with ease. Nope! Didn't happen!

    Non of us figured how completely incompetent, arrogant and politically stupid was obama. Instead of even moderate success, the obama regime has thankfully been a delightful failure. The extremists of the democrat party managed to follow obama right off the cliff. His political support is now the kiss of death for any candidate. The guy is now a jinx. This is all too good!

    With the key proposed legislative bills either on life support or in their death rattles, new anti-gun laws aren't even on the table.

    Stay tuned as the leftist jackals rip each other apart.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt Quahog View Post
    Looks as if when this obama character slipped into the white house last year, the Brady mob entered into the same thought process as many pro-gun people. With both houses of congress under his control, people figured than even an unqualified, know-nothing marxist puppet stooge like obama would easily get his leftist radical agenda pushed through with ease. Nope! Didn't happen!

    Non of us figured how completely incompetent, arrogant and politically stupid was obama. Instead of even moderate success, the obama regime has thankfully been a delightful failure. The extremists of the democrat party managed to follow obama right off the cliff. His political support is now the kiss of death for any candidate. The guy is now a jinx. This is all too good!

    With the key proposed legislative bills either on life support or in their death rattles, new anti-gun laws aren't even on the table.

    Stay tuned as the leftist jackals rip each other apart.
    Dont count his horse out of the race yet, the left never quits, never and they will look for another way to get what they want. They messed up and got arrogant and tried the frontal attack and it is now being repulsed. They will look for a sneak attack now.
    The only reason that BO did not go after guns is that he thought he could do the little things later, its not that he is opposed to banning guns.
    RIP -The US constitution.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Obama dont give a rat's ass about Gun legislation one way or the other, he is not the Clintons, he is not obsessed with it, he has bigger Fish to fry like invading and defeating all the enemies that Israel wants defeated, after all they own him, in America he who pays the piper calls the tune as they say, thats what the big obsession with Iran is about, that and that America is broke and grinding to halt rapidly , It all depends on the Chinese on wether or not or for how long they will decide to fund the US.

    Get your head s out of the sand folks and see whats really going on, we are a Bankrupt captive nation.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Obama's strategy was never to enact direct gun legislation. His strategy was to make everyone completely dependent upon the government for medical care, so the government would get to decide who lives and who dies.

    With that kind of power, banning guns morphs from what would be the most difficult constitutional battle in history, to a simple policy decision by some bureaucrat in his gigantic medical bureaucracy.

    "We're sorry. You possess dangerous items in your home and therefore you are assessed a dangerous items surcharge of $10,000 per annum per person in your household."

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    O seems to have gotten a lot of "F's" (okay..everything) but this one is a good thing. Just a matter of time until he gets around to us. Thankfully, his agenda has hit some huge speed bumps (again, thankfully), but folks, DO NOT get complacent with this guy over this issue. He's gunning for us too !!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama given an "F" by Brady Campaign

    Obama will try to backdoor it through the UN.
    But hopefully that won't work, To many people bought guns after the
    2008 election and the libs who supported gun control know they would
    lose their seats after the next election.
    WE THE PEOPLE have spoken, but will they listen.

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