Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    Cop Tases 10-Year-Old Girl

    Arkansas mother suggested stun gun treatment for unruly daughter
    NOVEMBER 18--An Arkansas cop tasered an unruly 10-year-old girl after her mother called police to report that the child was crying, screaming, and refusing to go to bed. The tased girl, Kiara Medlock, is about 65 pounds and 4' 6", according to her father. Anthony Medlock, a truck driver who does not live with the fifth grader and her mother, provided TSG with a recent photo of his daughter, which can be seen at right. According to the below Ozark Police Department report, when Officer Dustin Bradshaw arrived at the residence last Thursday, he found the girl "screaming, kicking, and resisting every time her mother tried to touch her." Bradshaw added that, "Her mother told me to tase her if I needed to." After Kiara continued to refuse her mother's instructions, the cop concluded that "there was not going to be a peaceful resolution of the issue." Bradshaw warned the girl that she was "going to jail," but the child continued kicking and crying and resisted his attempt to handcuff her. During the tussle, Kiara "struck me with her legs and feet in the groin, reported Bradshaw, who countered with a brief "stun to her back" with his Taser. The child, not surprisingly, "immediately stopped resisting and was placed into handcuffs. She would not walk on her own and I had to carry her to my police car." Kiara was then transported to a youth shelter. (1 page)

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    The cop couldn't wrestle a 10 year old girl to the ground without tasing her? What an incompetent douche...Good thing the mom didn't tell him to just shoot her...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    I'm not going to say too much on this particular story, because I wasn't there to witness it. However, she did assault an officer, and was out of control. BUT, I really don't think he should have even been there. Maybe some proper parenting skills would have sufficed? You call the cops because your kid wont go to bed??? Seriously, let's get a little real here. Do you call the cops when your toast burns in the morning too from your lack of common sense?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    Quote Originally Posted by NikeBauer21 View Post
    I'm not going to say too much on this particular story, because I wasn't there to witness it. However, she did assault an officer, and was out of control. BUT, I really don't think he should have even been there. Maybe some proper parenting skills would have sufficed? You call the cops because your kid wont go to bed??? Seriously, let's get a little real here. Do you call the cops when your toast burns in the morning too from your lack of common sense?

    Calls like this are an example of a common feeling in today's society, turn to the government for help with all your problems. Which, of course, is another symptom of lack of personal responsibility.

    Do we really want the government telling us how to raise our kids?? Sure, so long as it's easy or I don't have to do it myself.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    I'm a bit torn... I think in this case the officer acted correctly and in line with what was occuring. 10 year old kicking him and punching him in the groin, mother approves the use of force, no lasting impact... what would have happened if he grabbed the girl by the arm and twisted it behind her break and broke it?

    I do believe taser has really gotten overboard in the usage though, just not in this case
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    I'm a bit torn... I think in this case the officer acted correctly and in line with what was occuring. 10 year old kicking him and punching him in the groin, mother approves the use of force, no lasting impact... what would have happened if he grabbed the girl by the arm and twisted it behind her break and broke it?

    I do believe taser has really gotten overboard in the usage though, just not in this case
    I agree with you. As you said, when two forces resist eachother, eventually one loses, and it's not pretty. If the girl kept resisting the officer what could he do? He could keep attempting to force her arms behind her back, and she would have kept resisting, once the forces got to a certain point, the break would happen, and the officers greater force would destroy the girls lesser force.

    So that he didnt have to break her arm, he tased her. It made her stop, and there was no lasting effects except maybe she was sore for a few hours or another day or so. Much better then a broken arm.
    Quote Originally Posted by headcase View Post
    let them eventually bring the FBI to kill my wife and son over fucking chickens....

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    I think inadequately trained police officers are the thing that's getting out of hand.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    I think the fact that mother called the cops in the first place is what is getting out of hand.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    We arrested people for years before tasers . I have had to handle small children fighting . Never once broke ones arm . I guess if you are going to tase old grannys you might as well tase small children .

    Maybe once a week they should go by the nursing homes and pre schools just for practice .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Are the use of Tases Getting out of hand ??

    Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
    The 2A does not GIVE us the right. It tells the gov they can not INFRINGE our right.

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