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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Who wrote Hellthscare? Watch Beck tonight; you will know why it must fail.

    Oh...and they wrote TARP and ummmmm Cap and Trade.....and no Representative reads the bills ?? 1,000 pages here, 1,000 pages there, this stuff had been in the works for years just waiting for this moment. Socialists in WH and controlling Congress.

    The Apollo Alliance

    July 29, 2009 by Procrustes

    Below Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck explains the Apollo Alliance on his July 28 show. Beck mentions the Obama administration’s “stimulus” blueprint, “The New Apollo Program: Clean Energy, Good Jobs,” which you can read here.

    The Apollo Alliance describes itself thusly:

    The Apollo Alliance is a coalition of labor, business, environmental, and community leaders working to catalyze a clean energy revolution that will put millions of Americans to work in a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs. Inspired by the Apollo space program, we promote investments in energy efficiency, clean power, mass transit, next-generation vehicles, and emerging technology, as well as in education and training. Working together, we will reduce carbon emissions and oil imports, spur domestic job growth, and position America to thrive in the 21st century economy.

    Watchdog describes the Alliance in more direct terms:

    True believers with an absolute belief that government is the solution to all social and economic problems, allied with labor unions, subsidy-seeking companies and global warming / weather control advocates.

    As Beck outlined on his show, the “coalition” are the same usual suspects, “spun off” in late 2007 from “its founding organizations, Campaign for America’s Future and Center for Wisconsin Strategy.” As Beck reported, the Apollo Alliance is “a project of the Tides Center, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.”

    Again we turn to for a description for CAF:

    Labor-dominated lobbying and electoral network heavily influenced by progressive plutocrats and secret donors working on anti-corporate, anti-military, welfare-state, and other “progressive” programs. [...] Helped incubate the Apollo Alliance, now a project of Tides Center.

    Check out the names and associations of the 130 founders (1996), which includes such luminaries as former SDSers Tom Hayden, Todd Gitlin, Heather Booth and Steve Max; familiar names as New Party, Institute for Policy Studies and Progressives for Obama members Frances Fox Piven, Barbara Ehrenreich and Jim Hightower; plus SEIU’s Andrew Stern and AFL-CIO’s John Sweeney.

    Apollo’s current board of directors includes:
    # Phil Angelides, Chairman, Canyon Johnson Urban Communities Fund
    # Frances Beinecke, President, Natural Resources Defense Council
    # Robert Borosage, President, Institute for America’s Future
    # Leo Gerard, International President, United Steelworkers Union
    # Gerald Hudson, International Executive Vice President, Service Employees International Union
    # Mindy Lubber, President, CERES
    # Nancy McFadden, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for PG&E Corporation
    # Kathleen McGinty, former Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
    # Terence M. O’Sullivan, General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America
    # Ellen Pao, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers
    # Michael Peck, Principal, MAPA Incorporated
    # John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress
    # Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club
    # Dan W. Reicher, Director of Climate Change and Energy Initiatives, Google
    # Joel Rogers, Director, Center on Wisconsin Strategy

    Socialists, Communists, Maoists

    Not to travel too far down the rabbit hole, watchdog reports that Robert Borosage’s Institute for America’s Future (IAF) is connected with Campaign for America’s Future. In 2004 IAF board members included Los Angeles Mayor and Obama Economic Transition Team member, Antonio Villaraigosa, of whom Trevor Loudon has written, and AFL-CIO president and Democratic Socialists of America member, John Sweeney (named in many articles here).

    If you scroll down to the funding section of’s article you will find a George Soros connection. In 1999 IAF received $100,000 in start-up funding and $465,000 in 2005 from Soros’s Open Society Institute. The Tides Foundation gave IAF $100,000 in 2001, $225,000 in 2004, $218,791 in 2005, and $152,196 in 2007. You may recall from earlier RBO posts that Tides works as a donor money laundering operation.

    Also, the Sandler Family Supporting Foundation gave IAF $100,000 in 2005. Yesterday RBO connected Democratic mega donors Herbert and Marion Sandler to Henry Louis Gates Jr., Obama friend and mentor and the subject of the recent Gates-Gate scandal.

    The Apollo Alliance has a long list of endorsers, including Green for All, the organization founded by “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones; Change to Win, an ACORN entity; ACORN itself; SEIU (son of ACORN); the Ella Baker Center, another Van Jones entity; and the Working Families Party (need we say ACORN?).

    RBO has done a number of articles on San Francisco Bay Area radical agitator and committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Van Jones, which you can read here; here; here, here; here; here; here; and here.

    In RBO’s March 7 article, Meet Arthur Z. Schwartz: ACORN’s new mouthpiece and another Obama radical supporter, we went into some detail about ACORN affiliate, the Working Families Party — which is also affiliated with the George Soros-funded Drug Policy Alliance and the New Party on whose ticket Obama first ran in 1995 for the Illinois State Senate.

    Just in case you are not yet sufficiently familiar with ACORN, browse RBO’s ACORN Reader.

    And if that is not enough to boggle the mind, visit RBO’s The Obama Socialist /

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New York, New York
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    Default Re: Who wrote Hellthscare? Watch Beck tonight; you will know why it must fail.

    It's great that you brought up this Apollo Summary, thank you.
    Unfortunately, there are very few available sources of honest information revealing the actual situation with our rulers caused by the specific mentality of the President.
    Therefore, it would be extremely helpful if such "summaries" appear as often as any next Obama's secret is unfolded. Such information must reach all Americans, including those who don't have money or wish to pay for the Fox News Channel.
    It would be a great help to start an All-Nation Billboard campaign "What everybody should know about Obama" (or "Obama for dummies")
    Constantine Ivanov
    Queens, NY

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