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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
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    Default Redress of grievances: american people

    The American Writ of Grievances:
    A Declaration of Injustice and Corruption; A Demand for Redress

    I. Introduction
    II. Address to Government Officials/ Declaration of Intent
    III. Grievances
    IV. Signatures

    I. Introduction
    The existence of American governance has been marked by periods of wealth and destitution,
    fortune and failure, and ethics and corruption. Throughout the ebb and flow of human
    governance, the will of the American people is to endure and innovate; to rise above and triumph
    over the burden of the impossible. The greatness of the American Republic isn’t simply an
    invention of an arrogant consciousness; it is the sum of a great collective of individuals that
    challenge the imperfections of mankind to govern itself in an ethical manner. Any consideration
    that holds to an assumption that the American Republic will die with a whimper at the hands of
    corruption and unscrupulous politicians is an exercise in ignorance of the true collective of
    power in the United States: We, The People.

    II. Address to Government Officials/ Declaration of Intent
    To all Senators, Congressmen, Judges, Lawmakers, and anyone charged with fulfilling an office
    of the public trust-
    Take heed in these words, for you have betrayed the very public that brokers your authority.
    A legitimate government derives its just authority only from the consent of the governed.
    Inherent to this consent, are duties with which you have been charged and responsibilities
    unmatched by those whom your actions impact on a daily basis. While the pressures are
    unenviable, the solemn nature of this charge is one that has been abused for far too long. So long
    has the government gone about the business of overseeing a nation of wealth and excess, that the
    collective of government has forgotten the duty of preserving a nation founded in freedom and
    consecrated by the blood of our forefathers. Too long has government gone about dictating the
    terms of prudence and prosperity while ignoring trespasses on freedom from within.
    The following is the People's Writ of Grievances. Take notice that this petition for a redress of
    grievances is not a request for the consideration of our plight, rather this is a demand and order
    put forth by a sovereign people; that the government be restored to acting within the boundaries
    of the social contract that grants its existence.
    -We, the People.
    We the people; residents of the greatest experiment in governance ever to be known to mankind,
    party to the greatest successes and innovations in history, the heart and soul of the greatest nation
    on earth have stood idle for the last time in viewing the unobstructed trespasses of a government
    evolving into tyranny. It is our birthright as the citizens of the United States, and our duty as
    children of our Creator to stand in solidarity against those who would infringe on our God given
    rights to liberty. No more shall the trespasses against our tongue, our sovereignty, and our way of
    life go unanswered. No more shall the impetus of conformity to unconstitutional laws inhibit us
    from enjoying the rights guaranteed us by the struggles and triumphs of our forefathers. No more
    shall our elected representation spit in the face of the very mandates and concessions that grant
    them their employment under our republican form of government. No more will the eagle
    slumber as vultures creep into the sanctity of her nest.
    We the people of the United States of America, having triumphed over the depredation and filth
    of tyranny once before, emboldened with solidarity in reverence to the platitudes of our
    forefathers; hereby issue this writ of grievances.

    III. Grievances
    We, the people of the United States of America have observed many abuses, scandals,
    shortcomings, and ethical violations of our trust and confidence in our government to fulfill its
    responsibilities. Enumerated below are our 5 continual grievances. The resolution of which is not
    a request, but a demand that the government act on them to restore the public trust and uphold
    the social contract that grants its legitimacy.

    I. The United States government has abused concessions granted to it by the People when the
    social contract that grants the government its legitimacy was formed. The rule of law has been
    perverted to correct issues that society should have been left to correct on its own. The rule of
    law in a republic should be blind, and the exercise thereof should be equal for all citizens. The
    government, having entrenched policies and precedent to promote mob rule among the
    electorate, is patently in violation of the Constitution by using mob sentiment to override the rule
    of law. The United States of America never has been, is not, and never should be misrepresented
    as being a democracy. As enacted by the adoption of the Constitution, we are a Republic.

    II. The United States government has repeatedly corrupted the understanding of, and infringed
    upon the application of the bill of rights. Among all abuses, the restrictions against the second
    amendment prove particularly nefarious. Legislation and court rulings that prohibit aspects of,
    and inhibit the exercise thereof are dangerous to a free society. Limits upon the right to bear arms
    with the aim to correct a perceived societal deficit undermine the legitimate application of the
    Constitution. Furthermore, the government has capitalized on the ignorance among certain
    groups of people to marginalize fundamental rights. It is not prudent, proper, ethical, or moral to
    suspend the protections of any protected right for a semblance of security and order within
    society at large. The gross and negligent expansion of the executive branch brought about with
    the passage of the Patriot Act is dangerous to the continuance of a free society. The rights of the
    people to be secure in their persons, homes, effects, thoughts, and privacy are and ought to be
    held as absolute except in cases, as the Constitution directs, where probable cause or a warrant
    dictates the need for intrusion upon these rights. Any law that lends to the possible
    circumvention of checks and balances by a unilateral executive is an affront to liberty.

    III. The Congress and Senate have perverted the intent of our founding fathers concerning the
    nature of their service to our country. The lure of corruption to representatives of the electorate
    who have remained in office too long has littered our history and shaped our future in an unjust
    manner. In spite of decades of indecision, Congress has seen fit to raise representative salaries to
    levels unfitting of their performance that lends to the distortion of public service into a career
    path, explicitly undermining the concept of representation entirely. The Congress and Senate
    have come to resemble aristocratic guilds instead of the bodies of representation they are
    intended to be.

    IV. The United States government consistently fails to secure our borders and protect our
    national sovereignty. The government has allowed concessions in trade and commerce treaties
    that erode the foundation of sovereignty and put the nation’s security in jeopardy; making
    treaties that should benefit the nation and economy detrimental to national security.

    V. The United States government has failed to uphold the system of checks and balances, and the
    three branches have repeatedly acted beyond the scope of their Constitutional authority. The
    Supreme Court in particular, has put the legitimacy of the Constitution at risk by issuing rulings
    that act as legislation, an area of law which is Constitutionally delegated to the legislative
    branch. The system of checks and balances is the cornerstone of the public trust. A free people,
    having given consent for the government to oversee the rule of law, cannot tolerate abuses of the
    delineations of power that lead to the disenfranchisement of the political minority, the
    circumvention of legislative process, and the deconstruction of ethical barriers of power
    implemented to restrict corruption.

    Μολὼν λαβέ

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    pocono lake, Pennsylvania
    (Monroe County)
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    Default Re: Redress of grievances: american people

    well said, well thought out. where do i sign?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Reading, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: Redress of grievances: american people

    Add my signature to that one.

    Marshall J. Fletcher
    Free Citizen
    Reading, PA, USA
    Please help my Baby Kitties and I avoid being homeless.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Redress of grievances: american people

    i cannot take credit for this, but was free to post. we are hoping to have 2,000 + signatures on it by the 13th of september. we have a huge TEA Party Rally that usually gets over 1,000-2,500 in attendance on Sept. 12th. after that i will send off copies to all senators and reps
    Μολὼν λαβέ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    PGH, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Redress of grievances: american people

    I am busy Sept 12th.
    Bring the copy you are having signed to the shoot and i'll sign there.

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