Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Susquehanna, Pennsylvania
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    Default A question for all

    I've read the thread at

    I've answered the question. But like EMPTY MAG said it's great to chest thump. MY children are grown my wife is dead so it's an easy choice for me.

    But the question is when gun control comes it will be in the form of laws and the outlawing the manufacturing of gun and ammo outlawing hunting or target ranges nobody at the door kicking it in to take your guns. Be honest in your answers heres the question


    For my part I know who I'm voting for.
    I write to each member of the house or Senate both Federal and State to make my views on gun control know. But even that may not be enough.
    Talk to each candidate for any office, mayor, council etc.
    Contribute to org. that support the 2nd amendment

    I still feel like I'm losing ground so a big part of this question is to get idea to turn the anti trend around

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???
    Last edited by larrymeyer; May 10th, 2009 at 06:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Unfortunately I'm in exactly the opposite scenario from you.

    Single income (me) - Wife and 3 year old child and we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans.

    I have a few guns that may or may not be registered that they wouldn't find without tearing my house apart but the registered weapons would sadly go away. I can't afford prison time as it would most likely cost me my job and with that goes everything else, including my ability to support my family.

    I hope it never happens, as a Monroe county resident our voices don't matter worth a damn to PA politicians, (Thank you for redrawing those awesome district lines you piece of shits) but I do still email and fax whenever I can and on every gun issue I see advising them how I feel.

    Who knows if it makes a difference but it can't hurt to try right?
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    Unfortunately I'm in exactly the opposite scenario from you.

    Single income (me) - Wife and 3 year old child and we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans.

    I have a few guns that may or may not be registered that they wouldn't find without tearing my house apart but the registered weapons would sadly go away. I can't afford prison time as it would most likely cost me my job and with that goes everything else, including my ability to support my family.

    I hope it never happens, as a Monroe county resident our voices don't matter worth a damn to PA politicians, (Thank you for redrawing those awesome district lines you piece of shits) but I do still email and fax whenever I can and on every gun issue I see advising them how I feel.

    Who knows if it makes a difference but it can't hurt to try right?
    Looks like your the only honest man on the forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    I would get the hell out of here. If I was born in NY or NJ soon as I turned 18 I would have been gone. If it came down to no where else to get away from gun bans I would have to choose freedom and join the militia! Or start it! Thats right I said it. I am now waiting for the power to go out in my house and my phones and computer to freeze. If noone hears from me "the man" got me. Fight hard!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Frankly, I think the attempts to sway opinion through political means is futile. We have gone beyond the tipping point and will, in all likely hood, continue to slide into an Orwellian type of society. (Have you read 1984 lately? It's spookier now than when I read it in the sixties in Junior High School.)

    The only question is at what rate? It may take a few years or a few decades, but the slide will continue. The slide will continue because the vast majority of our population is not capable of critical thinking and analysis, thanks to the public educational system. As a result, few minds can be changed by logic and reason. The sheep feel, they don't think.

    So, I think the prudent strategy is to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. I don't worry about those things that are out of my control, and those things that are in my control are in such good hands, I don't worry about those either. Just like Alfred E. Newman, "What, me worry?"

    One of my firearms is an M1 Garand, manufactured in April 1943, for the express purpose of fighting a tyrannical government. It still works as well as the day it was manufactured. Comforting, just in case the worst happens.
    "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G.K. Chesterton

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Not what I ask for in this thread like I said everyone says they will stand up and fight, While I believe some will most won't never said they would kick in your door drag you to git-mo what I ask was

    What are you doing now to try and prevent that from happening. May not be you but your children who would pay the price

    Please don't high jack this thread with I'd kill the whole squad of soldiers if they came for my guns. Because they would be coming with M4 Abrams. and I don't think you have the fire power to take one out. Remember Ruby Ridge, Both of the Move house in Phila (Mayor Good and the PSP took out a whole Block on one and Mayor Rizzo took out another), The Branch Davidian, and how many more you haven't heard about?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    What am I doing right now? A few things, but I tend to think the most important is bringing more people into the (responsible) firearms owning community. Either that, or spreading the truth about responsible firearms ownership, that is, getting people out of the "anti-gun" mindset, and trying to get them to be pro-gun even if they don't aim to own any guns. While it's great to write letters to politicians, ultimately the politicians get their jobs from everyday voters, ergo you address the root of the problem by turning more voters pro-gun.
    Safety is a good tool for tyrants; no one can be against safety.

    Μολὼν λαβέ

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Quote Originally Posted by larrymeyer View Post
    Not what I ask for in this thread like I said everyone says they will stand up and fight, While I believe some will most won't never said they would kick in your door drag you to git-mo what I ask was

    What are you doing now to try and prevent that from happening. May not be you but your children who would pay the price

    Please don't high jack this thread with I'd kill the whole squad of soldiers if they came for my guns. Because they would be coming with M4 Abrams. and I don't think you have the fire power to take one out. Remember Ruby Ridge, Both of the Move house in Phila (Mayor Good and the PSP took out a whole Block on one and Mayor Rizzo took out another), The Branch Davidian, and how many more you haven't heard about?
    Just to be clear - I would stand and fight in defense of this country against foreign invaders... ie: look at whats going on in Pakistan... I would fight for my home against them but there is no way you would survive a fight against our own gov't and if you do its going to be a long time in prison for ya.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Behind You, Watching, Always Watching
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Actually doing several things.

    1. Tons of letter writing and emails to politicians (as futile as that may be I won't stop)

    2. Talking to anyone and everyone in the 'non gun' world to get them interested either in shooting OR in protecting the rights our forefathers bestowed on us. The second has worked a lot better than I had hoped. I have seen no less than 10 people I knew were 100% against guns that now realize it is an important right to protect so I won't stop yacking about it.

    3. Yes I watch who I vote for BUT I will not vote strictly on a politicians stance on guns especially if their stance on other important issues is 100% against what I believe in.

    4. Donations to organizations I feel are standing up for ALL the rights that have been taken from us, or that may be taken from us.

    You see I look at all this from a different perspective than most. I don't have 'tunnel vision' about guns rights, like it's the only right that has been violated because plain and simple there are a lot more. Gun rights are just another in a long train of abuses (where have I heard that before).

    If you stuff ONLY gun rights down the throat of the average Joe they tend to tune you out. However if you show them the 'paper trail' of abuses of rights that has been going on for over 8 years now they tend to listen and then when you get to gun rights they understand and are receptive.

    WE (as gun owners and patriotic Americans) have to look at the bigger picture and then use that bigger picture to educate the masses. Maybe 'gun rights' don't matter to citizen A but non warranted wire taps might bug them so that's your 'in'. Maybe the guy next door wonders about trillions of dollars being flushed down the toilet while he has no job .. that is the 'in' with him. You start with what bothers them and then add all the pieces together so they see the connection ... that helps wake them up.

    I've said it before and I will say it again, we have to stop being a 'gun rights only' voice and become an ALL rights voice to the public, just screaming 'gun rights' and ONLY 'gun rights' makes us look short sighted to 'them'. If we can become well rounded, educated voices for the erosion of ALL American rights we may be able to change a hell of a lot more minds and bring more to the realization that something is wrong.

    And yes, as I have said before and will say again .. the rights bestowed on us by our forefathers mean an awful lot to me and I will fight as hard as I must to protect ALL THOSE RIGHTS. I also know my wife, my son and my friends will be beside me if that fight ever comes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: A question for all

    Donations, email, volunteering in local youth programs, massive fundraising for sportsmans clubs and youth programs.

    I'm crazy busy and blessed with the ability to donate, so I do while I can.

    I'll die with my boots on if need be, I'm not checking out without running out of ammo. Wife isn't either.

    And if you want to race, name the place and I'll show you where it's at mother f@#$&#!

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