Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    Remember the guy who said that he wasn't going to be party to torturing anybody? The same guy who was supposedly going to adopt a "the buck stops here" attitude?

    Evidently, Gitmo didn't get the memo.

    Mohammed al-Gharani, who has spent seven years in the camp, said that he had been hit with batons until his teeth broke and tear-gassed after refusing to leave his cell. The mistreatment started 20 days before Barack Obama became the American president, he said.

    "Since then I've been subjected to it almost every day," he said. "Since Obama took charge he has not shown us that anything will change."

    [GySgt_Hartman] "Well, no sh*t!" [/GySgt_Hartman]

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Northampton, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    Unfortunately, the article doesn't support the conclusion reached in the thread title and description.

    Granted, it wouldn't surprise me if the alleged mistreatment continued happening for a while under Obama, but that's not what the article said. It said the alleged mistreatment started 20 days before Obama took office, and gave no end date. And seeing that the subject has, at best, a 14-year-old's education, I wouldn't expect him to know the difference between the election of a president and his inaugeration.

    But as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if its true, as Obama's administration has been marked so far by doing everything half-assed and not coming close to fulfilling any of his campaign promises... I'd even argue that nothing he has done so far qualifies as "change", but merely a continuation of the same failed policies, with a few embellishments to flavor them with his party instead of the other one.
    Safety is a good tool for tyrants; no one can be against safety.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    Yea, Obama changing anything is laughable at best. The secret detention sites and torture will continue....

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Default Re: From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    I have to jump in here and say that I don't really know if I believe this guy.

    For instance I can claim that Obama and Rham have taken turns butt raping me. All because I advocate for smaller government and private ownership of firearms. Doesn't make it true.

    As an example, I think it would be pretty easy to tell if his teeth had been broken by batons. Has he had to see the dentist since he was there? If not his claims of that are debunked. The teargas for not leaving his cell, well he's lucky they just gassed him and didn't send in a dog to chase him out.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    Well.. I have no idea if what he says is true, false, or some twisted combo of the them.

    But I'll say this much. If it does come out that Obama did order or even allow the same type of things that Bush/Cheney did..

    Obama can go F himself. I don't care what else I agree or disagree with him on.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: From the "NFW" dep't, accusations of Gitmo torture under Obama's "rule"

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    I have to jump in here and say that I don't really know if I believe this guy.

    For instance I can claim that Obama and Rham have taken turns butt raping me. All because I advocate for smaller government and private ownership of firearms. Doesn't make it true.

    As an example, I think it would be pretty easy to tell if his teeth had been broken by batons. Has he had to see the dentist since he was there? If not his claims of that are debunked. The teargas for not leaving his cell, well he's lucky they just gassed him and didn't send in a dog to chase him out.
    1. That's nigh on a sentence fragment.

    2. I would think that it would tend to make you more of an advocate for smaller guns, rather than government.

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