First I want to thank you for reading this. My topic is freedom and my hope is you will read and or listen to what I have to say. I apologize in advance as I am not a "writer".

For the last 220 years our ancestors and ourselves have allowed men to gain power over us. We put our faith in men and documents made by men. These documents do not make us freer but do in fact prescribe the method in which we may be enslaved.

Please wake up! I dont care if you are a Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal - You are playing a game of power, and you are giving men the power to destroy and enslave in your name.

If you identify yourself as "American" don't think you are any better, you see the problem is GOVERNMENT. I do not advocate the violent overthrow of government - although it be morally and even ethically righteuous to remove an entity that uses coercive monopoly against people. I advocate removing their power structure.

This power structure is made up of YOU who are reading this. You give power whenever you vote in someone who wants to control you, your neighbor, the rich guy in the mansion, the poor guy down the street. You give power to this entity when you give them what they want the most from you.

YOUR OBEDIENCE. You see government is NOT a necessary evil... It is an unecessary one, and therefore it is only evil.

Governments throughout history have enslaved us through various measures:
1. They steal your life
- They steal your life because they control the rights to gain and keep property. The set up a currency and declare it is the only legal currency in the region which they have control over. Let me do a brief summary of what labor is... labor is a trade of time for money, and since man exists only in a finite ammount of time you trade your life for the goods and services which you need for survival and those which you hope increase your happieness. Government enslaves you by taxing you on average about 50% of the value of your labor.. you are all including me, therefore a SLAVE. Difference between you and I is: I KNOW I AM A SLAVE. You think you are a CITIZEN.

2. They demand your allegiance.
- No war has ever been started between anyone without the government being the one who started it through imperialism and power grabs. Government fools you into thinking that the war is necessary, it then demands your LOYALTY after enslaving you to defend your fellow citizens. In actuality it is asking you to defend THE GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENTS DECLARE WARS NOT FREEMEN.

The following are links to a free book called the market for liberty which for those of you brave enough to not be a slave should read. or listen to both the audio book (about 6.5 hours) and the pdf format are free.


Soon I am going to start organizing civil disobedience around PA - starting with western PA - and then moving on to hopefully all of PA.

The sooner you learn and UNDERSTAND the truth about what government and I mean ANY government is you will realize that you have been duped. We do not need government - there is nothing that government can do that the free market cannot do better.

Please read this. PM me if you want to help get involved.