Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    My wife and I will be relocating to NYS for her next job position. We wanted it to be in PA but nearby was as good as we could do for the moment. Obviously NYS has a lot of gun laws neither of us are happy about and having gotten somewhat involved with NRA activities here I've been curious about what kind of effort is afoot to fix the problems there. Thus far I've scrounged up a little info but it doesn't seem to be anywhere as large as PA or even CA's. We'll be often in PA as she's from the Philly area (and I love it there) and probably do a lot of our shooting in the friendlier place.

    My question is how much collaboration and cooperative effort, if any, is there between the sizable pro 2A crowd in PA and the much needy in NYS? I'd imagine there are a lot of folks with friends and family on the wrong side of the line at times and under the less friendly circumstances. I gather there's a fair bit of dialogue with/concerning the far less fortunate in NJ who are really taking a shelling. It seems, at least from a cursory examination, that there's at least a halfway decent starting point to get traction in NYS reform. Yes, yes, I know, there's the big bad bloomberg and lots of his nasty little minions and a lot of inertia, but even if carving a tiny fleck out of the stone wall at a time can be done, it should be done. There's at least one mutual interest in CCW reciprocity: there currently isn't any recognition of the PA LCTF in NY and I'm sure there's lots of folks wanting it to be, so what's been done to try to get it and what's the status of that now? Difficult, yes....oh believe me, I read and hear about difficult all day long. But the baby steps, the trial and error...where is it?

    Any thoughts? Experiences? Pool of knowledge I should find and consult? Again, I've read up a little about this stuff and would like to try helping achieve the change of the stuff I don't like rather than sitting and taking it. There is never a total absence of something to do; there is some effort to be made to some effective end.
    "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws--that's insane!" -- Penn Jillette

    "To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." -- Ted Nugent

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    Moving from the Peoples Republic of California to New York is going from one bad to another. Good luck and best wishes that someday you can move to a free State like PA.
    Ya know, they do run train service from several PA cities into NY. It would be worth the hassle of commuting like that every day to actually enjoy my gun rights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowfin View Post
    My wife and I will be relocating to NYS for her next job position. We wanted it to be in PA but nearby was as good as we could do for the moment. Obviously NYS has a lot of gun laws neither of us are happy about and having gotten somewhat involved with NRA activities here I've been curious about what kind of effort is afoot to fix the problems there. Thus far I've scrounged up a little info but it doesn't seem to be anywhere as large as PA or even CA's. We'll be often in PA as she's from the Philly area (and I love it there) and probably do a lot of our shooting in the friendlier place.

    My question is how much collaboration and cooperative effort, if any, is there between the sizable pro 2A crowd in PA and the much needy in NYS? I'd imagine there are a lot of folks with friends and family on the wrong side of the line at times and under the less friendly circumstances. I gather there's a fair bit of dialogue with/concerning the far less fortunate in NJ who are really taking a shelling. It seems, at least from a cursory examination, that there's at least a halfway decent starting point to get traction in NYS reform. Yes, yes, I know, there's the big bad bloomberg and lots of his nasty little minions and a lot of inertia, but even if carving a tiny fleck out of the stone wall at a time can be done, it should be done. There's at least one mutual interest in CCW reciprocity: there currently isn't any recognition of the PA LCTF in NY and I'm sure there's lots of folks wanting it to be, so what's been done to try to get it and what's the status of that now? Difficult, yes....oh believe me, I read and hear about difficult all day long. But the baby steps, the trial and error...where is it?

    Any thoughts? Experiences? Pool of knowledge I should find and consult? Again, I've read up a little about this stuff and would like to try helping achieve the change of the stuff I don't like rather than sitting and taking it. There is never a total absence of something to do; there is some effort to be made to some effective end.
    We don't vote in NY so there's not much we can do to influence lawmakers there.

    There are two basic approaches: (1) abandon NY and NJ and invite all the sane people to move to PA. This would help ensure that the group of irrationals who would waive their rights don't become a majority in PA. (2) you are going to have to get some major grass roots going (good luck with that in NY). Politicians understand two basic motivators: campaign contributions and votes. Money is best but the purpose of money is to get votes and win the election, so actual votes are theoretically better. If you can find a way to deliver the votes to pro-American, pro-rights candidates, the other pols tend to take notice.

    I have chosen path #1. Move to a free state and do as much as you possibly can to keep it that way. About half the country is pretty much lost. At this point, I'd just write it off. Places like California, New York and New Jersey have gone so far down the path to gov't as overlord, they will likely never change and you can waste your entire life living with that oppression. Let the gun banners move to gun ban states, and let the rest of us move to America. Pennsylvania -- America starts here.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowfin View Post
    My wife and I will be relocating to NYS for her next job position. We wanted it to be in PA but nearby was as good as we could do for the moment. Obviously NYS has a lot of gun laws neither of us are happy about and having gotten somewhat involved with NRA activities here I've been curious about what kind of effort is afoot to fix the problems there. Thus far I've scrounged up a little info but it doesn't seem to be anywhere as large as PA or even CA's. We'll be often in PA as she's from the Philly area (and I love it there) and probably do a lot of our shooting in the friendlier place.

    My question is how much collaboration and cooperative effort, if any, is there between the sizable pro 2A crowd in PA and the much needy in NYS? I'd imagine there are a lot of folks with friends and family on the wrong side of the line at times and under the less friendly circumstances. I gather there's a fair bit of dialogue with/concerning the far less fortunate in NJ who are really taking a shelling. It seems, at least from a cursory examination, that there's at least a halfway decent starting point to get traction in NYS reform. Yes, yes, I know, there's the big bad bloomberg and lots of his nasty little minions and a lot of inertia, but even if carving a tiny fleck out of the stone wall at a time can be done, it should be done. There's at least one mutual interest in CCW reciprocity: there currently isn't any recognition of the PA LCTF in NY and I'm sure there's lots of folks wanting it to be, so what's been done to try to get it and what's the status of that now? Difficult, yes....oh believe me, I read and hear about difficult all day long. But the baby steps, the trial and error...where is it?

    Any thoughts? Experiences? Pool of knowledge I should find and consult? Again, I've read up a little about this stuff and would like to try helping achieve the change of the stuff I don't like rather than sitting and taking it. There is never a total absence of something to do; there is some effort to be made to some effective end.
    there's a speed train that runs from Philadelphia, PA to's MUCH cheaper to live in PA BTW...
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    I suppose you don't see that retreating only guarantees the enemy victory and that they're not content to stop at where they're at. You seriously underestimate the size and scope of what we're up against. They are not content to leave PA alone--do you think the person who just got put in the White House is going to just leave you with what you have? Do you realize that voters across state lines do vote for what affects you whether you acknowledge it or not? Do you see that unless we do something to reverse what goes on in the enemy controlled states it will be made into national law and we are left with nothing? Is even the possibility acceptable to you?

    The anti gun movement has the sole purpose of wiping out what you and I have and ever will have. They don't rest in their pursuits. They don't want to live and let live. Their ends are not negotiable. Feeding them your little finger to spare your hand does little to delay and nothing to quell their hunger for the rest of you. It is a ravenous plague, its purveyors are like locusts who know nothing but to devour and destroy.

    I have no desire to live with oppression. I wish to act to end it, partly in that it's the right thing to do, but mostly in that I realize there is no retreat or hiding from it and losing is an unacceptable option.
    Last edited by Yellowfin; March 8th, 2009 at 05:22 AM.
    "You can't stop insane people from doing insane things by passing insane laws--that's insane!" -- Penn Jillette

    "To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic." -- Ted Nugent

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowfin View Post
    I suppose you don't see that retreating only guarantees the enemy victory and that they're not content to stop at where they're at. You seriously underestimate the size and scope of what we're up against. They are not content to leave PA alone--do you think the person who just got put in the White House is going to just leave you with what you have? Do you realize that voters across state lines do vote for what affects you whether you acknowledge it or not? Do you see that unless we do something to reverse what goes on in the enemy controlled states it will be made into national law and we are left with nothing? Is even the possibility acceptable to you?

    The anti gun movement has the sole purpose of wiping out what you and I have and ever will have. They don't rest in their pursuits. They don't want to live and let live. Their ends are not negotiable. Feeding them your little finger to spare your hand does little to delay and nothing to quell their hunger for the rest of you. It is a ravenous plague, its purveyors are like locusts who know nothing but to devour and destroy.

    I have no desire to live with oppression. I wish to act to end it, partly in that it's the right thing to do, but mostly in that I realize there is no retreat or hiding from it and losing is an unacceptable option.
    You come up with a plan for NY and you can count me in. I have solved their labrinth and jumped through their statutory hoops many times to transport personal weapons there in order to compete in NYS, and their present laws are a comedy of foolishness designed and effective to make exercising a basic right as inconvenient, expensive, time consuming and downright dangerous as possible for law abiding citizens while simultaneously doing nothing to control criminals.

    I don't vote there however, and the duly elected leaders there could not give one rat's ass what I think. I am therefore compelled to conclude that the best plan is to concentrate our influence in free states and leave the oppressors and the oppressed to gather together elsewhere and have no influence in our affairs. I think there would end up enough free states whereby the feds would actually lose their overreaching need for control if more than half the reps and senators were elected from free states rather than the patchwork of hybrids we have.

    I recently read that at least 25 states have recently enacted sovereignty resolutions in one form or another (don't know if that number is accurate but that's what it said). Imagine if those same 25 states were as concerned with our liberties as they are with their prospective tax burdens under the "stimulous."

    Anyway, no need to get exercised. I have my plan; you have yours. If I can help you, I will. But my limited brain power can't suggest a course of action that is likely to be fruitful for NY. The majority of the people there vote for oppressors, preferring a utopian illusion instead of the sometimes messy realities of freedom, and that's a fact of life.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: NY - PA pro 2A cooperation

    tip for the aspiring new yorker... I heard if you fight it long enough and make your reason to carry "range" they will eventually break and give it to you in new york state. I heard this from a former new yorker that was in my utah class and actually showed my his nys ccw. mind you that the nys ccw is no good in nyc. if you are sucessfull at fighting the beurocrats and can pull this one off, you can get ur pa ltcf from centre county and get a utah to get you legal in 35 combined states, and we'd probially all be jealous of you... good luck.
    my goal: to get every good person in the philly region responsibly armed.


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