Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default 30 Days: Gun Nation

    Fox's 30 days did an episode that had an extreme anti go live with a rather stereotypical gun nut for a month. I found that it shows the potential for education through exposure, but the portrayal of the shooting types as uneducated was rather upsetting (as I relax after finishing my 3rd senior history exam in 2 days).

    Still, it's encouraging to see some progress made on an anti by taking one to the range and educating as I am attempting to make progress with my Students for Concealed Carry on Campus group.
    While the wicked stand confounded, call me with Thy saints surrounded.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    I think I posted this a while back, but it was definitely interesting to watch...The crying during shooting clays was a bit much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    I watched that one when it was on TV.
    ““Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice.””



  4. #4
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    Smile Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    My friend is in that episode! She worked at the gun store, so she was filmed a lot. By the time the final cuts were made, she only appeared in the background in a couple scenes (like the gun show).

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    it would be nice if someone with a little bit up-stairs who also happens to like guns and collects them is filmed instead of the typical back woods gun collector. It makes people think that guns are only owned by people who are "not that smart"

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    I"m watching the show now. Random thoughts written during the show.

    WOW!! So typical of liberals. Change people, make them conform to your standards instead of accept people for who and what they are.

    So negative: Every gun shot is someone dying, boohoo, boohoo!! Jesus, that was so sappy!

    I love how her statements are blanket and not fact based. Ex. I think carrying a concealed weapon will get used against the person carrying.

    Now she's complaining about how the child is being raised. Not to her liking and or standards, imagine that??

    I like how they used emotional women for support the anti-gun movement. 15children a day are killed by Ms. Gun Control. Kinda forgets that the anti's includes ages from 0-23 and never mentioned that most are involved in crime or committing a crime when killed.

    I won't say it was an anti conversion but definately educational.

    It amazes me how many antis don't know about background checks by FFL's, the forms, the whole shabang. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    Anti's almost never know the facts and those that do ignore them. When you are driven strictly by fear based emotion you are easy to manipulate. And Liberals are MASTER MANIPULATORS.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    Anti's almost never know the facts and those that do ignore them. When you are driven strictly by fear based emotion you are easy to manipulate. And Liberals are MASTER MANIPULATORS.

    There was a statement in the episode about people who carry guns being driven by their fears, while antis are driven by their grief.

    People who carry guns in my experience do so not out of fear but rather because they are realistic, aware, and have decided to take responsibility for their own safety.

    The anti's "grief" that was mentioned sounds to me like a cover word for fear... JMO.

    We have the laws in place to curb gun violence, but the problem is they are not enforced, but rather go uncharged or are used as leverage in plea agreements. If we'd start sentancing the criminals to the maximum penalties, and not grant parole then we might just see some impact. If capital punishment were used more and if the method was not something akin to putting down the beloved family dog with terminal cancer, then maybe we'd see some impact.
    I know, I know... preaching to the chior.
    It just gets under my skin that legislators pass laws increasing the punishments for an offence when a gun is involved, etc which are the only realistic ways to curb the violence without infringing on the law abiding... and then the prosecutors turn around and plead those things out in order to get an easy conviction (or because they are too lazy to do their job right). They were put in place to curb and punish not to be used as a bargaining chip. If the time for the crime is 20 then lock the door for 20! If the punishment is death, then so be it. Why should you & I pay to feed & clothe that criminal for the rest of their life just so some prosecutor can have an easier day by pleading the guy into a confession with taking the death penality off the table?

    Why can't libs wake up & smell the coffee?
    Let us never forget the sacrifice of those who have fought for us all.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 30 Days: Gun Nation

    "Some states allow people to carry old west style out in the open" God it annoys me when they use the old west BS when talking about OC.

    I think in the end it opened her eyes a little bit and perhaps un-demonized guns a little bit for her. Can I volunteer to un-brainwash a anti?

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