Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    When I joined this site, I did so because I am a self-admitted "gun nut" that enjoys shooting, owning, and collecting guns for self defense. I thought that I had found a site with like-minded members, people that I could post with, and maybe meet, and shoot with. It's hard for me to find people that share my interests.

    I went from feeling welcome to feeling like the local bastard stepchild the first time I posted that I was a cop. Suddenly, I was called a fascist, a pig, and several other rude and vulgar names. Why? Because of my profession. It's understandable. Like a soldier, no one loves a police officer until the bad guys are at their door.

    But unlike a soldier, who is honored and respected here, a police officer is scorned. We are either too stupid to know our jobs, too lazy, corrupt, or just plain unnecessary. Members here expect us to enforce the letter of the law, not our personal opinions. We are supposed to do this like mindless automations, with no thought towards the end result.

    Unless... You don't agree with the law. DUI checkpoints? Even though the people who interpret the laws, the ones who are elected to the system of checks and balances, have found that these checkpoints are within the law, members here think that they should be done away with. Possession of marijuana? It is against the law to possess marijuana, but because some people think that the "war on drugs" is a waste of time, we should just let users go. Never mind the fact that drug addiction is the leading cause of property crime in the US. Never mind that drug users commit robberies and burglaries to fund their habits. Even dope smokers. Since the "crime" is "not serious" we, as police, should just look the other way. Even speeders. I have read members on this site say that if they were stopped by the police, they would just say, "I'm driving at a speed that is safe on this roadway."

    If the police enforced the letter of the law, then if you got caught speeding, you would always get a ticket, every time. No excuses, no reasoning with us, ten over the limit, here's your ticket. Same thing with any other violation. No warnings for that headlight being out. But that would be hassling people, right? This is hypocrisy, pure and simple.

    Other members have said that the police should merely answer calls for service, waiting around the station like firefighters and EMTs. That we should also not become involved in any situation that is not a violation of the law. However, that is not what is truely expected of us as police officers. The general public expects us to be proactive, because if we prevent a crime through early detection of another offense, or we solve a crime through self-initiated detection, then we've done our jobs. Furthermore, we respond to all sorts of calls, not just criminal incidents. This is expected of us.

    I have heard so much bigotry, hatred and vile crap from members of this site, that it makes me sick. I am not corrupt. Nor am I lazy, or stupid. I do my job to the best of my ability, with no attempt to "ruin" anyone's life with fabricated evidence or any of that other crap that members here are so quick to accuse cops of. If someone breaks the law, it is they that have to face their consequences, but that was a decision that they made.

    Two years ago, I did a traffic stop on a drunk driver who had several warrants and drugs in his car, and a legally owned, but improperly carried, 40 caliber pistol in his car. (No LTCF) After I arrested him, he informed me that he was actually considering shooting me when I first stopped him, but he didn't. To me, this is a negative encounter with a firearms owner. Do I now lump all gun owners into the same group as this asshole? I haven't and I don't. Just because of one moron acts in an illegal manner doesn't mean that I don't trust all gun owners.

    Maybe members here can follow this example.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    You are correct.

    Those who break the law should pay for it.

    Now, how about the LEO's who break the law?
    Nothing happens to them......

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    You are correct.

    Those who break the law should pay for it.

    Now, how about the LEO's who break the law?
    Nothing happens to them......
    You may or may not believe this, but we do try to police ourselves. There are units in the AG's office, PSP, and the larger police departments, that exist to police the police. And when cops get caught dirty, they usually get stiffer sentences for their crimes, and that's the way it should be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    It's like any other profession, there are some bad LEO's that ruin the reputation of the truly good LEO's.
    I and others on here have had the unpleasant opportunity to meet some of these LEO's in official and unofficial capacities and they act like they can get away with or do anything they want. A good example is MtnJack’s case where the officers just plain lie. The vitriol that you have experienced should have not have directed towards you or any of the “Good LEO’s”.

    Keep up the good work and be safe
    Last edited by edstephan; January 4th, 2009 at 10:24 PM.
    FeedBack:  797An OathKeeper and OC Activist, 1 of the 3%, Ed Stephan

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    Let me be the first to say thanks for what you do. You can only control your own actions, not those of your co-workers. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by edstephan View Post
    It's like any other profession, there are some bad LEO's that ruin the reputation of the truly good LEO's.
    I and others on here have had the unpleasant opportunity to meet some of these LEO's in official and unofficial capacities and they act like they can get away with or do anything they want. A good example is MtnJack’s case where the officers just plain lie. The vitriol that you have experienced should have not have directed towards you or any of the “Good LEO’s”.

    Keep up the good work and be safe
    I agree 100% with Ed. Several of us have had unpleasant encounters with some of the bad apples. It's like I said in another thread, those bad apples are pulling the good guys down. I can't blame anyone for having hard feelings, and I can't blame the good LEO for feeling that they are being targeted. I don't know how to fix it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    Coming out of High school, I wanted to become a Police officer, or work in some type of law enforcement. I went straight to Desert Storm out of High school, and worked in the family profession when I came home, since my father kind of "nudged" me towards it all of my life (Plumbing & Heating).

    I know many people in law enforcement from Police Chiefs, down to Patrolman. I work for cops, and they are some of the nicest people to do work for. The only problem I have is.. with the PSP and the way they conduct themselves. The "intimidation factor" just doesn't work for me..and it rubs people the wrong way.
    I could share another bad PSP story but it ends just like all the others..PSP not doing anything, and acting like I'm bothering them.

    Township and Boro cops are a much different story. They act nothing like the PSP..and are actually there to serve the public. Sure you have asshole cops on both sides.

    I truly respect the women and men in uniform who are here to protect and serve us. . You guys have a tough job, and you're "stereotyped" way too much. But with's the few bad apples that give the good ones bad names.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    I don't target people as jackasses just because they are with the police. I have not read any posts from you that would lead me to believe you are a bad person or officer. I have had opportunities to meet with and encounter officers who do not know the law and are bullies and manipulators (not their fault really, they are trained to be that way). I welcome you here to PAFOA and value your viewpoint as I'm sure many here do. Don't take offense to the people who lump all police into the category of the bad ones.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by Montanya View Post
    Don't take offense to the people who lump all police into the category of the bad ones.
    More importantly, don't lump yourself (referring to the OP) in with the bad ones, when the bad ones are rightfully criticized.
    Get your "Guns Save Lives" stickers today! PM for more info.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Believe it or not, Police Officers are not evil.

    If I neg repped everyone that talks bad about people that work retail around here I would break my rep button.

    Interaction on the internet changes social dynamics and generally emboldens those that take issue with authority.

    police are people.

    most people are stupid, lazy, ignorant, ill-informed, and make decisions based on emotion or irrational befielf systems. It holds true for all sides.

    I know a great many cops. In my experiance the great portion of them have been good people. Good people still make mistakes.


    it is what it is

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