Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Need a Good Comeback

    ok grilla, Greg someone help me out i am no good at responding to these kinds of posts..

    this was posted on a Biker forum i go to and there is a section for police and such.. someone asked about best way to conceal on a bike and i said that the most comfy way was to OC well this was one of the guys responces

    ""Let me clarify....I have ZERO issues with decent people being armed. None whatsoever. I had a permit before I was sworn in, and still do. I do think, particularly where I live (Close to DC) that open carry is inappropriate, at best....for several reasons.

    I have seen this arguement on numerous websites, and the open carry reponse is always....a little...I gotta say...lame. The same old repsonses to justify running around with a gun so that the world can see that you are armed.

    First, it does frighten, put people off, whatever. There are some people that do not want that around their children, there are some people that get scared and do not understand.

    I know, I know, its their ignorance, their problem...I get it.
    But, by alienating the people that do not understand, you turn people against carrying weapons at all. People complain, and more businesses put up signs forbidding carrying at all, more people look at gunowners as idiots, tools, cowboys, does not have a great effect on others, quite often.

    I know, I's "your right" to be armed. It's your "right" to show the world that you are carrying a gun. How cool.

    Let's use something else, so that you can see exactly how others might appreciate your "right". I LOVE cigars. I smoke ALOT of them. It is my right to smoke them in public places, at playgrounds, in bars, at the park. You can't tell me not to smoke near a group of children, a family having a picnic outside, etc. It is my right. Yet, amazingly, I choose not to excercise that "right", because it offends....and I don't want to irritate everyone to the point where "No Smoking" signs start popping up. I smoke where it is appropriate. Another example....loud pipes. I am a firm believer in loud pipes. Keeps the cages away from me. I see a definate safety value. many times have you seen some a$$clown reving his bike up to show the world how cool he is? In the middle of town, or riding through a residential neighborhood, etc. Those people look like idiots, and are nowhere near as cool as they think they are. I dont rev up my bike in crowded areas, and I keep the revs down coming through my neighborhood at night. Perfect parallel.

    About 2 years ago, I was in the local Harley shop. I stood in line behind a guy who had his pistol out for the world to see. It was cold outside, yet he had made sure to wear only a tucked in t shirt, so that everyone could see that he had a gun. He talked loud, drew attention to almost seemed like he stuck his right hip out just a little more....At that time, I was not working uniform. I had long hair and a nasty looking goatee (I looked so dirty that my wife was embarassed to go out in public with me..) and looked like a dirtbag. While standing in line, I began inching closer to him....and closer...until I was less than 6 inches away. He was too busy trying to impress the girl behind the parts counter to notice. (She rolled her eyes after he left..) Open top holser, completely unaware. It took him more than a minute to notice how close I was. I could have snatched his gun at any time. Total idiot...but he thought he looked cool, and tough, with that gun.

    Real badasses (And I am not saying I am one...)don't have anything to prove, and generally shy away from attention.....they have enough self confidence not to need any more validation. They tend to be quiet, well mannered, and respectful of others. They don't run around screaming...LOOK AT ME...I HAVE A GUN!! Those of us who have gone in harm's way generally don't look at open carry make you look like a wannabee.

    Lastly, unless you have been trained how to defeat a gun grab, use at least a level II security holster, and have a secondary weapon to help defeat that gun grab, open carry is tactically retarded. You are inviting someone to snatch that gun from you. You gun is only yours while it is in your holster, or in your hand. You being armed does not impress alot of criminals...ask any cop who has been on a little while...people fight the police all the time, irregardless of them being armed. A gun doesn't make you tough.

    Again, NO problem with decent people being armed. Wholly support it. Think it's great when some scrote suffers from "accute victim selection failure". I fully believe in the RIGHT of self defense. I was always my depts "gun guy". I believe that carrying a gun should be a right, not a priviledge.

    Just cover it up. It doesn't make you look cool...just the opposite."

    i would like to get a good long response to this guy, remember not everyone is from PA on this board this is a world wide forum..

    thanks for any help, like i said i know what i want to say just not how to do it politely and correctly!
    Tigers love pepper, they don't like cinnamon !

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Ask him why he OC's in uniform!!!!!!!!

    It's not for the cool factor!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    If anything is "lame" it's the analogies he uses...

    Second-hand smoke has been scientifically linked to lung cancer.
    Chronic exposure to loud noises has been scientifically linked to hearing loss.

    By his argument, the sight of a holstered, inanimate object will cause blindness!

    What an ( | ) !

    "I can't complain, but sometimes I still do... Life's been good to me so far!" - Joe Walsh

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    Ask him why he OC's in uniform!!!!!!!!

    It's not for the cool factor!
    OMG! That alone has got to be one of the BEST "Stumped him" comebacks EVER - yet it's soooo simple!

    And when he replies "Because uniform regulations/standards require it."

    Reply - "Yep. For goooood reason. And what is that reason?"

    Great comeback!

    Gary in Pennsylvania
    “No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Personally, I would just ignore it.

    He's entitled to his opinion right or wrong.

    Is what he said really of that much concern to you? If it is then be prepared to get into it with him. Personally, I think he's a jackass and not worthy of my time or effort.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    Ask him why he OC's in uniform!!!!!!!!

    It's not for the cool factor!
    Hehehe. That is a good one. What else could it be, Public Safety? Protect and Serve?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    How about, "The Jerk Store called, and they're running out of you."


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    Personally, I would just ignore it.

    He's entitled to his opinion right or wrong.

    Is what he said really of that much concern to you? If it is then be prepared to get into it with him. Personally, I think he's a jackass and not worthy of my time or effort.

    You do know, you broke my button!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    ya i know i should let it alone but i just hate when they bunch up rediculous things to use for an answer and do it in a condecending way ...
    Tigers love pepper, they don't like cinnamon !

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need a Good Comeback

    Quote Originally Posted by 4XLT View Post
    ok grilla, Greg someone help me out i am no good at responding to these kinds of posts..

    this was posted on a Biker forum i go to and there is a section for police and such.. someone asked about best way to conceal on a bike and i said that the most comfy way was to OC well this was one of the guys responces

    Your answer didn't really deal with the question since OC isn't concealed. I'd have informed him that I prefer inside a vest, shoulder carry because that's one place I've never landed on and you can get to it with the jacket still zipped up 3/4 of the way. But that's my preference.

    ""Let me clarify....I have ZERO issues with decent people being armed. None whatsoever. I had a permit before I was sworn in, and still do. I do think, particularly where I live (Close to DC) that open carry is inappropriate, at best....for several reasons.

    I'd say that if OC is legal then it isn't inappropriate ever. It's all that's left of the 2A and his opinion holds no weight.

    I have seen this arguement on numerous websites, and the open carry reponse is always....a little...I gotta say...lame. The same old repsonses to justify running around with a gun so that the world can see that you are armed.

    If it's lame then why does every uniform LEO carry that way? I guess they are just lame.

    First, it does frighten, put people off, whatever. There are some people that do not want that around their children, there are some people that get scared and do not understand.

    Same as above. Are children afraid of LEO's? What makes a police officer so special? Is it that they are 5 times more likely to shoot innocent people then those that aren't LEO's? Fear is taught. It's not the gun but the parents that show and tell their children to be afraid of guns. I'd invite this guy to a open carry dinner and show him that children aren't afraid of guns.

    I know, I know, its their ignorance, their problem...I get it.
    But, by alienating the people that do not understand, you turn people against carrying weapons at all. People complain, and more businesses put up signs forbidding carrying at all, more people look at gunowners as idiots, tools, cowboys, does not have a great effect on others, quite often.

    It sounds like it's his problem as well. (projection) And still LEO's with guns will be allowed in those places because they are 'special'.

    I know, I's "your right" to be armed. It's your "right" to show the world that you are carrying a gun. How cool.

    Yes it is your right! How noble. Uncool on his part not to understand the constitution or respect others rights.

    Let's use something else, so that you can see exactly how others might appreciate your "right". I LOVE cigars. I smoke ALOT of them. It is my right to smoke them in public places, at playgrounds, in bars, at the park. You can't tell me not to smoke near a group of children, a family having a picnic outside, etc. It is my right. Yet, amazingly, I choose not to excercise that "right", because it offends....and I don't want to irritate everyone to the point where "No Smoking" signs start popping up. I smoke where it is appropriate. Another example....loud pipes. I am a firm believer in loud pipes. Keeps the cages away from me. I see a definate safety value. many times have you seen some a$$clown reving his bike up to show the world how cool he is? In the middle of town, or riding through a residential neighborhood, etc. Those people look like idiots, and are nowhere near as cool as they think they are. I dont rev up my bike in crowded areas, and I keep the revs down coming through my neighborhood at night. Perfect parallel.

    Smoking a cigar isn't a Constitutionally protected right. Neither are loud pipes. No perfect parallel at all. How about using one of the rights protected under the Constitution like free speech. I find his opinion offensive and he should just shut up and never voice his opinion again!

    About 2 years ago, I was in the local Harley shop. I stood in line behind a guy who had his pistol out for the world to see. It was cold outside, yet he had made sure to wear only a tucked in t shirt, so that everyone could see that he had a gun. He talked loud, drew attention to almost seemed like he stuck his right hip out just a little more....At that time, I was not working uniform. I had long hair and a nasty looking goatee (I looked so dirty that my wife was embarassed to go out in public with me..) and looked like a dirtbag. While standing in line, I began inching closer to him....and closer...until I was less than 6 inches away. He was too busy trying to impress the girl behind the parts counter to notice. (She rolled her eyes after he left..) Open top holser, completely unaware. It took him more than a minute to notice how close I was. I could have snatched his gun at any time. Total idiot...but he thought he looked cool, and tough, with that gun.

    So he would consider me to be a real scumbag because of the way I dress. More attitude from someone who thinks he's superior. You get that close to me and you'll find an elbow on the chin as I turn around. What a d**k! And show me one example of a bad guy taking a gun from a regular Joe. Just one! It just doesn't happen. Happens to cops in uniform so I'd say that all uniform police should carry concealed.

    Real badasses (And I am not saying I am one...)don't have anything to prove, and generally shy away from attention.....they have enough self confidence not to need any more validation. They tend to be quiet, well mannered, and respectful of others. They don't run around screaming...LOOK AT ME...I HAVE A GUN!! Those of us who have gone in harm's way generally don't look at open carry make you look like a wannabee.

    Most of us that carry openly don't act like the person in his example. Basing his opinion on that one person shows a lack of judgment on his part. We just go about our business and try our best not to draw attention to ourselves.

    Lastly, unless you have been trained how to defeat a gun grab, use at least a level II security holster, and have a secondary weapon to help defeat that gun grab, open carry is tactically retarded. You are inviting someone to snatch that gun from you. You gun is only yours while it is in your holster, or in your hand. You being armed does not impress alot of criminals...ask any cop who has been on a little while...people fight the police all the time, irregardless of them being armed. A gun doesn't make you tough.

    Again with his opinions and attitude. Tactfully retarded? Then all uniformed police officers must be in this category Most of us do carry with level II retention. Police get in fights with people because it's their job to detain and arrest. We are under no obligation.It's the police who get way to close to criminals and try to subdue that have their weapons taken. And this is a last ditch effort. So again all LEO's should carry concealed. Training hasn't stopped criminals from taking their guns.

    Again, NO problem with decent people being armed. Wholly support it. Think it's great when some scrote suffers from "accute victim selection failure". I fully believe in the RIGHT of self defense. I was always my depts "gun guy". I believe that carrying a gun should be a right, not a priviledge.

    Open carry is that right! Concealed carry is the privilege. I'd hate to have you and your opinion on my local police force, let alone being the departments 'gun guy'. Full of attitude and opinion and no respect for the law.

    Just cover it up. It doesn't make you look cool...just the opposite."

    So all Uniformed LEO's are uncool? It's not about being cool you ignorant ***. You claim that it's a right but don't do it. A right unused is a right lost and from what you've said in this whole rant is that you don't respect the peoples rights. You make me sick!

    i would like to get a good long response to this guy, remember not everyone is from PA on this board this is a world wide forum..

    thanks for any help, like i said i know what i want to say just not how to do it politely and correctly!
    Hope this helps. It's opinions like his that make it hard to carry openly.
    Last edited by stephpd; December 26th, 2008 at 08:12 PM.

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