Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Default ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun parts

    You can't despise the ATF enough.

    'Patrick “Tate” Adamiak never sold a single real firearm—not one—even though he sold thousands of dollars per month of military gear and gun parts legally on his former website.

    Adamiak was one of Gun Broker’s top 500 dealers, until the ATF decided to target him personally and lie under oath about the facts of his case. Now, unless someone quickly rights this unconstitutional wrong, Adamiak will be held in federal prison until 2042.

    Adamiak, clearly, is the type of American most people admire.'

    ATF and federal prosecutors lied to send a man away for 20 years. An active duty sailor, the Navy continued to pay Adamiak and would grant him an honorable discharge after his conviction since they felt he did nothing wrong. According to his father, the ATF seized a model Sten Gun and when they couldn't get a non-firing gun to fire, they lied and said it was a machine gun anyways.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    next to my neighbor, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    That's why we have a second amendment. Shoot and ask questions later. Just like they do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Upper Gwynedd, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    That story broke my heart. That could be any of us. I made a small donation and I hope others that can, do as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Child of the corn, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    Real shame. Met his dad at a gun show a few years back right after this happened, great guy. Tate had made silver coin rings and dad was selling them, proceeds went to GOA and the legal case

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    Quote Originally Posted by borekfk View Post
    You can't despise the ATF enough.

    [I]'Patrick *Tate* Adamiak never sold a single real firearm*not one*even though he sold thousands of dollars per month of military gear and gun parts legally on his former website.

    The BATF&E deals with suppositions - "it could work".

    You have to mind your step with what they regulate. This is why it is wise to constrain their power.

    I remind people that there are worse things than the BATF&E. This was proven at Waco Texas in 1993.

    While the BATF&E did not call of their dynamic entry to the Davidians, they also did not use "sonic torture", cut off electricity (and thus well water) and then use CS "pyrotechnic" rounds to end the siege. The FBI HRT did these acts.

    If you dislike the BATF&E enforcing Federal gun laws, contemplate the FBI doing that job.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneCC View Post
    The BATF&E deals with suppositions - "it could work".

    You have to mind your step with what they regulate. This is why it is wise to constrain their power.

    I remind people that there are worse things than the BATF&E. This was proven at Waco Texas in 1993.

    While the BATF&E did not call of their dynamic entry to the Davidians, they also did not use "sonic torture", cut off electricity (and thus well water) and then use CS "pyrotechnic" rounds to end the siege. The FBI HRT did these acts.

    If you dislike the BATF&E enforcing Federal gun laws, contemplate the FBI doing that job.
    Something to remember when people who hate the PSP demand an end to PICS, so the FBI can decide who can have any guns instead.
    Ending PICS doesn't move us "1 step closer to ending background checks". It only takes power away from the PA govt representing 12 million of us, and hands it to the FBI that covers 350 million. Guess who's more responsive to gun owners.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Berks County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun p

    Presidential pardon deserved.

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