Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    I hope that they catch these guys. The story does not state it, but I assume that the fox died. Video at the link.

    Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Authorities said the fox was chased through a field for more than 30 minutes and ran over multiple times by two people on snowmobiles.

    LEBANON COUNTY, PA — State wildlife authorities are searching for two snowmobilers who they say chased down and ran over a red fox in Lebanon County.

    The Pennsylvania Game Commission said the incident happened Monday afternoon in a field near the intersection of SR 501 and Locust Street in Heidelberg Township.

    Authorities said the fox was chased through the field for more than 30 minutes by two people driving snowmobiles. The suspects ran over the fox multiple times with their snowmobiles during the "horrific incident," authorities said.

    Investigators shared a video of the incident on Facebook.

    The first suspect was operating a black snowmobile with yellow skis. They were dressed in black pants with a black and gray jacket and a silver metallic helmet. The second suspect was operating a black and white snowmobile and was wearing fluorescent orange pants, a black jacket and black helmet. Authorities said they are believed to be residents of the area.

    Anyone with information about the incident is encouraged to report it to the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Southeast Region at 1-833-PGC-HUNT or the Operation Game Thief Hotline at 1-888-PGC-8001 or online at

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    I know guys that hunt predators and this sickens me. Hell, I will shoot any coyote I see. This is just messed up. What the hell is the matter with people???

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Yeah, foxes control poop machine geese. Bastards.

    Diversity is the greatest weakness, excellence is the greatest strength. JPC

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    I would have shot them if I saw it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    A case where the punishment should be equal to the crime.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    If they aren't caught through investigation, they will brag about this. People with this mentality will sit at a bar and say I did such and such. Just like guys who get caught in prison for unsolved crimes. They confess and someone will look into it. Give it some time
    Last edited by Daycrawler; January 26th, 2025 at 06:36 PM. Reason: sp
    Aggies Coach Really ??? Take off the tin foil bro.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Quote Originally Posted by wew3 View Post
    I hope that they catch these guys. The story does not state it, but I assume that the fox died. Video at the link.

    Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Authorities said the fox was chased through a field for more than 30 minutes and ran over multiple times by two people on snowmobiles.

    LEBANON COUNTY, PA * State wildlife authorities are searching for two snowmobilers who they say chased down and ran over a red fox in Lebanon County.

    The Pennsylvania Game Commission said the incident happened Monday afternoon in a field near the intersection of SR 501 and Locust Street in Heidelberg Township.

    Authorities said the fox was chased through the field for more than 30 minutes by two people driving snowmobiles. The suspects ran over the fox multiple times with their snowmobiles during the "horrific incident," authorities said.

    Investigators shared a video of the incident on Facebook.

    The first suspect was operating a black snowmobile with yellow skis. They were dressed in black pants with a black and gray jacket and a silver metallic helmet. The second suspect was operating a black and white snowmobile and was wearing fluorescent orange pants, a black jacket and black helmet. Authorities said they are believed to be residents of the area.

    Anyone with information about the incident is encouraged to report it to the Pennsylvania Game Commission*s Southeast Region at 1-833-PGC-HUNT or the Operation Game Thief Hotline at 1-888-PGC-8001 or online at
    Watched the video, totally disgusting, I'm sure PGC will do their best. I wonder if Pa. can revoke drivers license for useing a vehicle as a weapon?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    From WGAL: 1/25/25

    The Pennsylvania Game Commission said two people came forward and confessed to chasing and running over a fox while riding snowmobiles.
    A 17-year-old and a 20-year-old are facing four criminal charges each.
    The Game Commission is not releasing their names at this time.
    Witnesses captured two snowmobilers on video harassing the animal on Monday afternoon in a field at Route 501 and Locust Street in Heidelberg Township, Lebanon County.
    The abuse went on for more than 30 minutes, according to the Game Commission.
    Game wardens weren't able to locate the fox, so its condition is unclear.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Future murderers, exterminate them now before its too late.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Snowmobilers Who Chased, Ran Over Red Fox Sought By PA Officials

    Register them as democrats and turn them loose.
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

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