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Thread: SHOT Show 2025

  1. #61
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    Default Re: SHOT Show 2025

    LOL... Good luck. Oh wait, trump is our president. Could have a chance. I can see it now, two car batteries.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: SHOT Show 2025

    I am really interested in the PSA 570. I think that*s a pretty cool concept.
    Senator Joe McCarthy was right.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: SHOT Show 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyF View Post
    I'm actually scandalized by what I've been seeing from Shot Show over the last few years.

    Once upon a time you couldn't get most traditional firearms manufacturers to even consider any "forward thinking" designs for firearms and PRACTICAL accessories. The last five to ten years, especially within the last 3 to 5 years, it's like the floodgates have been opened and anyone with a 3D printer and a CNC mill is churning out questionable and what seems to be "LEGO" inspired crap from their garage. This especially includes products from brand names I've never heard of before. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And this from someone who has always been tech oriented.

    Granted, some of the stuff is clever and useful but I'd reckon only about 10%. I can't begin to count how many videos of Shot Show I watched, or tried to watch, and had to stop before the video actually ended.

    The end result of all this "innovation" is that there will be a crap-ton of useless, insidious, and in many cases, downright humorous novelty firearms and accessories in the hands of American shooters. If an enemy ever dared attack America with ground forces, and were met by the unorganized militia showing up with some of these gadgets, there would be no need for a firefight as they would all die laughing.

    And not one, NOT ONE, traditionally styled bolt action rifle purported to be the best thing since sliced bread, sported iron sights, at least not that I saw.

    TonyF --Old school curmudgeon.

    Questionable how, exactly? Have you tested or researched any of these things that you're outright dismissing? Gun manufacturers need to innovate to stay afloat. There are only so many ways you can build an AR or bolt gun before you need to come up with either something entirely new, or something to make your AR or bolt gun stand out above the others.

    Are people only supposed to buy guns to support the militia? They aren't allowed to own a gun just for fun or competition?

    Bolt guns not coming with iron sights has been a thing for decades. The Remington 700 I bought 25 years ago didn't come with iron sights. Nor did my Ruger m77. Just a place to mount a scope. And in the case of the Ruger, I had to buy Ruger specific scope rings.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: SHOT Show 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
    Questionable how, exactly? Have you tested or researched any of these things that you're outright dismissing? Gun manufacturers need to innovate to stay afloat. There are only so many ways you can build an AR or bolt gun before you need to come up with either something entirely new, or something to make your AR or bolt gun stand out above the others.

    Are people only supposed to buy guns to support the militia? They aren't allowed to own a gun just for fun or competition?

    Bolt guns not coming with iron sights has been a thing for decades. The Remington 700 I bought 25 years ago didn't come with iron sights. Nor did my Ruger m77. Just a place to mount a scope. And in the case of the Ruger, I had to buy Ruger specific scope rings.
    I remain unconvinced that there is much, if any practical utility in any of the "shiny new objects" on display at shot show 2025 that cannot be accomplished with traditional and conventional designs.

    The primary reason for "innovation", in most cases, is to get the consumer to spend money that they otherwise wouldn't spend.

    Insofar as iron sights having been done away with by manufacturers for quite some time is true and more's the pity. How counterintuitive that we wouldn't be caught dead with an AR15 that wasn't outfitted with a BUIS but somehow it doesn't seem to matter with a sporting bolt action rifle.

    I'm reminded of the story of when Carlos Hathcock once attended a prominent gun show somewhere in Texas. He was invited to peruse the exhibit that had been set up by a National Guard Sniper Team which displayed all of their "shiny new objects" (e. g. high tech rifles and laser rangefinders, etc., etc.) and his response was "what's all this sh!t"?

    The moral of the story? Spend your money on ammo and practice, practice, and practice some more.
    Last edited by TonyF; February 12th, 2025 at 03:18 PM. Reason: qualifier: in most cases

  5. #65
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    Default Re: SHOT Show 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyF View Post
    I remain unconvinced that there is much, if any practical utility in any of the "shiny new objects" on display at shot show 2025 that cannot be accomplished with traditional and conventional designs.

    The primary reason for "innovation", in most cases, is to get the consumer to spend money that they otherwise wouldn't spend.

    Insofar as iron sights having been done away with by manufacturers for quite some time is true and more's the pity. How counterintuitive that we wouldn't be caught dead with an AR15 that wasn't outfitted with a BUIS but somehow it doesn't seem to matter with a sporting bolt action rifle.

    I'm reminded of the story of when Carlos Hathcock once attended a prominent gun show somewhere in Texas. He was invited to peruse the exhibit that had been set up by a National Guard Sniper Team which displayed all of their "shiny new objects" (e. g. high tech rifles and laser rangefinders, etc., etc.) and his response was "what's all this sh!t"?

    The moral of the story? Spend your money on ammo and practice, practice, and practice some more. whatever strikes your fancy, and stop worrying about what other people think.

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