Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by R L Suehr View Post
    How about, who pissed in your cheerios today???

    I took that as a serious question and wondered how often that happens to myself when I read that post.
    He's always like this in gun show threads.
    As soon as I saw the question posed last night, I chuckled in anticipation of exactly that type of response.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by mokoitis View Post
    This has happened to you how many times?
    To answer your question: It happens more than most people not engaged in the business realize. It's happed to us a few times; though oddly enough, on guns we sold outright and not transfers. We don't do that many transfers; usually for people we know and trust to vet their buyers. Unfortunately many of the private sellers don't care who buys their items as long as they pay. If the private seller sells his handgun to some lowlife who can pass a PICS, who's straw buying for some other lowlife who can't; it's no issue for them as the paper trail of transfer responsibility is on the FFL and not the transferor. As Marines55 pointed out, the onus of that third party transfer stays with the FFL for as long as they have said FFL. Nobody likes an onus.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by R L Suehr View Post
    How about, who pissed in your cheerios today???

    I took that as a serious question and wondered how often that happens to myself when I read that post.
    mokoitis has been nothing but argumentative with every interaction he has had with me….and others. He is only here to argue with people as he contradicts his own statements just to argue with someone. I could ask him questions about his job (if he has one) and how many times he was screwed over by a complete stranger….but i dont. no one pissed in my cheerios today…im just tired of the bullshit and i dont tolerate it from certain people. Again, my point is more than valid that none of the folks on here would drive 2 hours to perform $20 worth of work and guarantee it for life. If someone says that they would, they are either lying or stupid.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    He's always like this in gun show threads.
    As soon as I saw the question posed last night, I chuckled in anticipation of exactly that type of response.
    yet another chuckster that hides behind the anonymity of a computer screen name, chiming in only to add nonsensical responses that benefit no one in the thread. as soon as i saw the name pop up, i chuckled to myself knowing that he had nothing of importance or validity to add. i was right.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    You must be a hoot at parties!
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    i can also tell you from personal experience . when the alphabet bois have a target ? they will milk them for any other person who has had an interaction with them . the gunbuster gun thefts in wv that linked to a pa buyer /seller / cohort ? got me a visit over what my personal interaction with the pa cohort was or pertained too . my ass was saved by my personal records i keep , in case of these incidents . it was also the only time my c&r books were asked for or perused .

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marines55 View Post
    mokoitis has been nothing but argumentative with every interaction he has had with me*.and others. He is only here to argue with people as he contradicts his own statements just to argue with someone. I could ask him questions about his job (if he has one) and how many times he was screwed over by a complete stranger*.but i dont. no one pissed in my cheerios today*im just tired of the bullshit and i dont tolerate it from certain people. Again, my point is more than valid that none of the folks on here would drive 2 hours to perform $20 worth of work and guarantee it for life. If someone says that they would, they are either lying or stupid.
    I wasn't aware you had history with the other poster. I don't recognize the name, but I'm not nearly as active as I used to be either.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marines55 View Post
    the legal issue resides in the act of transferring a firearm from an out of state person to someone in state directly on the spot. all out of state firearms must be shipped to an FFL and the FFL then transfers said firearm to the purchaser. no *on site* immediate transfers (even between dealers) are legal. many FFLs will break this law unknowingly by thinking they conducted the background check so what does it matter? The ATF distinctly describes this scenario in detail during its interviews. ALL firearms must be transferred to an out of state dealer prior to the transfer. for instance, if a PA dealer is at a MD show, they cannot simply sell a gun and walk it over to a MD dealer for them to do the transfer. C&R eligible firearms are exempt for this law. if you are an out of state seller, you can only take an order for a modern firearm and must then ship it to a transfer dealer. Not sure if i worded that properly or if it makes sense. I have seen this exact scenario unfold many times at various show locations. I have also seen a specific MD private seller break this law many times. He told me that he has a Maryland issued FFL that allows him to buy and sell without doing any paperwork that he calls a *table top license*. He sets up at Oaks, York, Harrisburg, and various flea markets. He is so full of shit, that he actually believes his own lies.
    My understanding is this federal law restriction on off permanent business premises dealing by FFLs (such as gun show transfers), at least according to ATF, applies only to out of state FFLs (with their business inventory). This restriction does not apply to in state FFLs as their gun show table would be their temporary business premises.

    There is also no federal law restricting private parties from transferring their firearms to an out of state FFL on their business premises nor any restriction on that FFL from receiving those firearms on their business premises from the out of state private party.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by R L Suehr View Post
    I wasn't aware you had history with the other poster. I don't recognize the name, but I'm not nearly as active as I used to be either.
    no worries at all on my end. I give respect when people give me respect. Emptymag and Mokoitis have much to learn in that field. im guessing this is why others have contacted me and informed me how to block them specifically and perhaps why one of them is no longer a moderator.

    that being said, i answered the question to the best of my ability based off of personal experience and the experience of other FFL holders. I meant no ill will at all and gave a full and complete answer to why most dealers no longer do personal transfers at a show. I understand that many people have little knowledge of what requirements an FFL holder is bound to, but when i try to explain it to everyone, i am met with argumentative persons like the two mentioned above, that do not have an actual FFL but rely on FFL holders to consign their firearms for them. the points obviously go over their heads.

    I too am not as active as i once was because of these few chucksters that feel a compulsory need to throw a snarky remark into the mix but never add any real information to the post. im guessing those fudds live. a lonely and unproductive life and need to interwebs anonymity to make themselves feel better.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Third Party Transfers at Gun Shows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marines55 View Post
    enough to never put myself in that position again. id ask you how many times you did something for someone that cost you money*but im sure you probably dont do things for other people. and im positive if you did do something for someone and it cost you money*you would never do it again. any other stupid questions you want to ask?
    You don't like a question, so you call it "stupid"?
    I guess that means you don't want to answer.
    Last edited by mokoitis; February 15th, 2025 at 08:39 PM.

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