Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Smile Please, can we all get on the same page?

    I just read another thread and WBOGGS made a statement about "if all that bailout money were divided up among all the voters, each would get......." (not a direct quote, but it is the same thinking we are seeing WAY too often). Please folks, we need to get on the same page. We need to be educating anyone we hear making this argument. Yes, if it were divided among all the voters each would get a sizable chunk of money. But, each would also have to pay out an even more sizable chunk of money that they receive. Where, exactly, do the people making this argument think this money is coming from. Is the government just going to print it? GOD I hope not!! Can you say "INFLATION"? No, it will come right out of our own pockets. TAX MONEY is where it will come from. We need to remember this: government does NOT have any money other than what we give it !!!! Government is like a spoiled rotten little bastard child. Nobody wants it, it does nothing except cause problems and break things and throw tantrums. So, we have to be vigilant and keep our eyes on it. We have to throw out the babysitters we hired, if they can't or won't do the job correctly, or if we catch them stealing from our sock drawer.
    But please, can we all get this one little point right: The money comes from US. Anything or anybody that gets bailed out is merely taking money from our pocket into theirs. We cannot bailout ourselves, because the government will tack on fees and salaries as "handling costs" in the process of taking our money and then "redistributing" it back to us. So, even if they give that money to us, it will be far less than what they took in the first place. If you like that idea, send me twenty bucks, I'll keep it for a while. When i get tired of hanging onto it, I'll send it back to you, minus the ten or fifteen bucks I'll need for doing this service for you. Cool?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    Good observation.

    That is why, If I get a welfare check from the Gov.,
    It goes trhough the shredder, then mailed bak.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Perry South, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    Unfortunately, I need to accept whatever help I can from the government at the moment, as my finances are.... well, let's just say that if I didn't have some sort of welfare, I'd be out on the street in the cold right now.

    Sorry, can't be on the same page as you guys, I'm not doing so well as to stand on my own.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with giving a "hand-up" to those needing it. (Note: I did not state "those deserving it", as I don't believe there is a class of people who 'deserve it', rather there are folks who at times will 'need' it. I hope this comes across as I intended it to sound)
    There is no shame in needing help at times. NONE WHATSOEVER ! There is shame in adopting the mindset of "Da man be handin out da wefare, and I bees reddy to grab my share o de wefare". A LOT OF SHAME THERE !
    I truly hope your misfortune is temporary and that your recovery is quick and complete, but , do not feel any less an American for accepting a little help. Don't let anyone make you feel that way either.
    My intention with my original post is this: I hear too many folks making the argument that "they want their share of the bailout". Well, I've already got my share. It resides in my pocket and comes to me by way of my paycheck that I earn by working hard each and every day. I don't need someone sticking their liberal dummycrat hand in my pocket, pulling out all MY money, and giving me back half, or less, and wanting me to say 'thank you'.

    I just want Americans to realize when you say "give that bailout money to us", you could save your breath by doing this: Reach into your pocket, withdraw all the money you find in that pocket, transfer it to your other pocket, and smile. "Why smile ?", you might ask. Because, you got a 'bailout' and you got every cent back that you paid in. That is a lot better than you will get in a government 'bailout'. Please, pass this education on to your fellow Americans. The future of our country depends on them being smart enough to NOT be fooled by a shiny 'bailout' and some fancy words.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    I dont understand really what this thread is about.
    This is the national politics section, and yet you seem to have started a thread based on disagreeing with another members post in some other thread?

    Paragraphs make reading posts easier too.

    Usually threads in the politics section are for discussion about specific political issues, bills, canidates, stuff like that.
    Last edited by Shawn.L; November 30th, 2008 at 08:59 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes a person can type something , and in their own mind, believe that they conveyed exactly what meant to, but, in fact, completely not make any sense at all.
    What I meant was: I saw that someone else had made a statement, that is all too common these days. I did NOT mean to say anything demeaning to , or about, this individual, rather I meant to highlight an all too common mistake that we, as a country, are making. The statement, in common terms, "Why don't they give all that money to the tax-payers and it would then stimulate the economy".
    The mistake is one of thinking that these bailouts are the government "giving" something out, a 'gift' if you will. I wanted to point out that it is not a gift, rather, it is OUR money , taken from us, and given out to others. These 'others' are not deserving of my money, and I am pretty sure they aren't deserving of anyone else's money either. They squandered their own money, and got themselves into debt(mortgage bailout) or made promises to people that they could not deliver on without bankrupting their own future(GM, Ford, Chrysler bailout).
    I suppose I made a mistake or misread what I hear others saying, or perhaps they are saying something other than what they meant. This would be the very definition of 'miscommunication'. When I see the comment "why don't they give all that money to us....", I see a person who is ill-informed as to where that money comes from. I was taught that when you see someone making a mistake that could cost them dearly, it is wrong to not point that out to them and try to lead them back to wiser decisions.
    I was trying to lead them to the wisdom that is "a bailout can't help if they give it to us, as they took it from us to begin with".
    Does that help clarify what I was trying to convey?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    This is for ShaunL. I missed your question of why this thread is in the "national forum". I posted it here because it affects our entire Nation. I don't believe it to be "political". By this I mean, if the bailout mess destroys anything, it won't be a political party, but it will be our Nation getting destroyed. Does this answer your question?
    Really, I was not trying to piss anyone off but if I offended you, too bad. I have my beliefs and you can have yours. I'm not offended if you believe you are entitled to a bailout. I WILL be offended if you get a bailout and it comes from my pocket! It seems I offended you in some way, but for the life of me, I can't see how anything I said could have offended anyone except someone with their hand out for a bailout.
    If someone here was planning on a 'bailout' to finance Christmas, or their vacation home, or whatever, and I offended them, TFB!!!! I don't think anyone here is quite that lazy, or stupid, to think that they should not get a job and live the life they can afford, according to the fruits of their own labor.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    I think you need to take a deep breath and get a beer. You seem a little high strung right now .

    But seriously, if i had my choice, i'd sooner see money going back to taxpayers that actually pay taxes then to bail out mismanaged companies.

    I'm sorry but if your company got bail out money, the top ceo's and the whole b.o.d needs to be replaced. Giving our tax dollars to mismanaged companies is a bad idea. I don’t care how anyone tries to spin it.

    Given a choice, i'd sooner see tax payers receive a break than give the money to incompetent greedy ceo's.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Please, can we all get on the same page?

    Guns4Fun, I agree, I'd rather see voters get money than businesses. BUT, only if that money is already in governments hands. What these bailouts are doing is saying "here, have some dollars, lots of them, we'll go see Joe Taxpayer and rob him, and his kids, and his grandkids!"
    The whole point of my original post was the government is robbing our future and our kids future to come up with these bailouts. The money is going to be taken from us. I'd just as soon keep mine, thank you very much.
    You are correct, I am a little high strung right now. Rightly so, too. If I told you" I am going to, sometime very soon, come into your house and rob you, and your kid's houses, and their kid's houses, and rob them, and I am going to do it every payday for something like the next one hundred years, and you are powerless to stop me", do you suppose your blood pressure might rise just a bit? This is exactly what is happening! I am just trying to shine the light of day on it.

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