Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by WillyK View Post
    Reloading supplies take up less room and cost a lot less. Or at least they did before the primer problem started. Couple hundred factory loads in brass cases per caliber and load up on reload supplies based on how many rounds per year you expect to shoot times how many years you expect to need need them.
    Here's the problem with reloads - you need to be able to focus on your work, you need good lighting and reasonable accommodations. Your gear has to be dry and clean.

    People asking about "disaster" times always assume no electricity, no heat and lots of discord. These are not good conditions for reloading.

    So if you are fixing to depend upon reloads, ensure that you have as part of your reloading dry, well lit and peaceful conditions, so that you can focus on making safe and accurate ammunition.

  2. #52
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneCC View Post
    If the Government turns ugly? My first order of business is surviving in prison or a concentration camp. No guns, just lots of hard asses who need to be dealt with in a low key way.
    Why in the name of God would you allow yourself to be taken to a prison or a concentration camp? You know how that ends, right?


  3. #53
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRabbit View Post
    Why in the name of God would you allow yourself to be taken to a prison or a concentration camp? You know how that ends, right?

    Ignorance of history. We have hindsight today that they were not fortunate enough to have.

  4. #54
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Don*t be silly. Of course they had hindsight. Most of the sheep got on the trains willingly. Like most of us today willingly complied with masking requirements during the Chinese flu thing*. Remember that?

    Remember being *mask shamed* by your Karen and Chad neighbors because you didn*t wear one? The whole damn train car thing just happened on a really small scale, right under our collective noses. Pun intended.

    Personally, I know I won*t be seeing Gene in the camps. Metaphorically speaking, I*ll be the guy behind the mg34 set up in the apartment building front hallway when the mask police show up.

    How much ammo do you need? As much as you can move and defend apart from your every day training/recreational shooting needs.
    Crusader's local #556 South Central Asia chapter

  5. #55
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by cdi View Post
    Don*t be silly. Of course they had hindsight. Most of the sheep got on the trains willingly. Like most of us today willingly complied with masking requirements during the Chinese flu thing*. Remember that?

    Remember being *mask shamed* by your Karen and Chad neighbors because you didn*t wear one? The whole damn train car thing just happened on a really small scale, right under our collective noses. Pun intended.

    Personally, I know I won*t be seeing Gene in the camps. Metaphorically speaking, I*ll be the guy behind the mg34 set up in the apartment building front hallway when the mask police show up.

    How much ammo do you need? As much as you can move and defend apart from your every day training/recreational shooting needs.
    Yeah, if you can't carry it with you, it isn't much good.
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

  6. #56
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by cdi View Post
    Don*t be silly. Of course they had hindsight. Most of the sheep got on the trains willingly. Like most of us today willingly complied with masking requirements during the Chinese flu thing*. Remember that?

    Remember being *mask shamed* by your Karen and Chad neighbors because you didn*t wear one? The whole damn train car thing just happened on a really small scale, right under our collective noses. Pun intended.

    Personally, I know I won*t be seeing Gene in the camps. Metaphorically speaking, I*ll be the guy behind the mg34 set up in the apartment building front hallway when the mask police show up.

    How much ammo do you need? As much as you can move and defend apart from your every day training/recreational shooting needs.
    I don't consider an apartment a very defendable position. You can't alter the terrain to be more favorable to you such as physical barriers and camouflage. And even if you can defend it, the government has shown that you will loose regardless, and drop bombs on you. So you need to have anti air as well.

  7. #57
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySmith View Post
    I don't consider an apartment a very defendable position. You can't alter the terrain to be more favorable to you such as physical barriers and camouflage. And even if you can defend it, the government has shown that you will loose regardless, and drop bombs on you. So you need to have anti air as well.
    Apartment notwithstanding, preppers are good at hoarding, but don't understand that those with the wherewithal to take their stores will just wait until they're asleep, (i.e., defenses need to be staffed 24x7x365).

  8. #58
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    I can't believe what I'm reading but, I guess with the paranoia at a critical mass, I'm not too shocked. Early on in this thread, someone brought up the very real truth that living past 1k rounds of exchanged gunfire is pretty unlikely. Those on here who have served in combat should agree. And there aren't any fortifications on earth that cannot be overtaken. Especially a house, condo, apartment, or tall building. Period. And why talk about being up against LE and especially Local LE? It's rhetoric like that that keeps these poor bastards up at night.
    Posted earlier, this is why you should have ammo stocked away and how to ascertain how much to keep on hand:
    Qs = Quantity you expect to shoot per range session.
    Qy = Number of range sessions per year.
    Ql = Number of years you expect to shoot.

    (Qs x Qy) x Ql

    Take a deep breath and enjoy shooting recreationally. If you are nothing but "Me against Them", you're playing too many video games, hanging on the wrong forums and you're watching too much John Wick Hollywood s%$t.
    Spoiler Alert! In the original movie, the hero is dead in a matter of minutes.
    In a real SHTF event, bug out, travel light, go rural and fightback against an oppressor, (or .... aliens, zombies, vampires, etc), only when you have joined forces with others in an organized fighting unit.
    Just step back from the situation long enough to make sure the aggressor in the SHTF event isn't YOU!
    Engineers make things idiot proof! Evolution makes better idiots!

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    ^^^you talk legit... can be in my squad.

  10. #60
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    Default Re: How much ammo should you have....

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySmith View Post
    I don't consider an apartment a very defendable position. You can't alter the terrain to be more favorable to you such as physical barriers and camouflage. And even if you can defend it, the government has shown that you will loose regardless, and drop bombs on you. So you need to have anti air as well.
    Maybe that's because you've not worked in an urban war zone where people are still trying to scratch out a living.
    Crusader's local #556 South Central Asia chapter

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