I have to say, despite the msm trying to paint this guy as just a big dumb oaf, he constantly is proving that there IS a brain in there, and a pretty quick-witted one at that! I'd really love to see him pull this one off in GA.

Bitch slap of Obama:


>>> Walker told "Fox & Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade that he's never met Obama and that the former president is irrelevant.

"He forgot to tell people I created one of the largest minority-owned food service companies in the United States of America. So I do sign the front of a check, which he's probably never done except when he was in the White House," said Walker.

"I created businesses; I sit on a publicly traded board. So those are things I've done outside of football. Put my resume against his resume. I put it up any time of the day, and I think I've done well," added Walker. <<<