Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Northampton, Pennsylvania
    (Northampton County)
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    Default 🤤'Like a dystopian nightmare' - Two cars crash into Bradford County home within 24 h

    🤔 did they play lottery

    The homeowner and neighbors describe waking up to the same shock two nights in a row.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SEPA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: 🤤'Like a dystopian nightmare' - Two cars crash into Bradford County home within 2

    They obviously need some front yard art.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    The cold, dark, void, Pennsylvania
    (Clearfield County)
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    Default Re: 🤤'Like a dystopian nightmare' - Two cars crash into Bradford County home within 2

    I think they need to lookup what dystopian means.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    On a hilltop, Pennsylvania
    (Bradford County)
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    Default Re: 🤤'Like a dystopian nightmare' - Two cars crash into Bradford County home within 2

    My wife goes right by that house on her way to work every day. It's freaking nuts! However, it sits directly across from a 90 degree turn in the road with no stop sign, and within a mile of two bars back up the road. Frankly I'm surprised it took this long for the house to get whacked. I notice they now have huge concrete blocks right across the front on the road side of the sidewalk. Cant believe they didn't have them there already, the neighbors on at least one side of them have had concrete there for years.

    Two nights in a row? That is just batshit nuts.
    Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
    (Chester County)
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    Default Re: 🤤'Like a dystopian nightmare' - Two cars crash into Bradford County home within 2

    The home of a family that doesn't live too far from me is on a back-road at the crest of a hill with a sharp curve in the road. They would often see evidence of cars that didn't negotiate the curve, either just tire tracks in their yard, or sometimes trees on their property that were hit by the cars. Most of the time the drivers remained on-scene (not always voluntarily) when a tree was hit, but the bigger concern was that it happened often enough that he feared for his kids' safety when they were playing in the yard or that eventually someone will end up driving through his house.

    The home owner went to a town meeting with reps from EMS and the police, who often had to deal with the incidents, and PennDOT to discuss having a guardrail placed in front of his house. The PennDOT response was that the road met all PA roadway engineering requirements with regard to speed limit and signage, and they aren't responsible for every road where drivers disregard the speed limit and warnings to slow down when approaching sharp curves.

    The home owner said if PennDOT won't put up a guardrail, he'll have some boulders placed along the edge of his yard to stop cars who don't make the curve. He was told by PennDOT that if he did that he could be held responsible for injuries suffered by anyone hitting the boulders because they'd could be significantly worse than someone going through his yard and hitting a tree or guardrail. IOW, the driver would be responsible if one of his kids were seriously injured, but he'd be responsible if a driver went off the road, hit a rock and was seriously injured.
    You are a straight white man. You don't get to be the victim, sweetie.

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