Can't tell from the angle if the guy shooting these armed robbers draws from his pocket or from his belly. Either way, looks like he drew with his left and had to drop the bag held in his dominant hand and switch the gun over before engaging. He still got off his shots quicker and better than the street rats but that could have really cost him. Something to keep in mind as we all tend to carry in our dominant hand. Fortunately for me I was trained in the military to always keep my right hand free so I'd be ready to salute if I encountered an officer. This discipline works great for me cause I'm a lefty.

In any case, he seems to draw from the front somewhere. Does anyone routinely carry appendix? Would certainly have some slight tactical advantage but it always makes me nervous - you know so close to my boys.

This defensive shooting happened in LA, so chances are the shooter got charged for illegal carry and probably more. Oh well, his choice to live there. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.