Please find a way to make VPN unblocking a more straight-forward process...

For example, on the "you're banned, motherfucker!" Page, add a button or some other mechanism to submit your IP Address for unblocking, for a user who is logged in.

-page already knows the IP address
-page already knows who to the user is
-it just needs a "submit" button to send these values somewhere or to someone

Otherwise, the user has to determine what their IP address is, then disconnect from the VPN, then get into PAFOA to send a message to Dan

This is happening to me several times per day. Sometimes my VPN works, I drive somewhere else, and without even disconnecting the VPN, it's suddenly banned.

I don't bother to submit IP addresses because it's such a pain in the ass, and the server seems to work again later anyway...I'm really not sure what is going on.

I use ExpressVPN...their servers in NY, NJ, and Washington DC sometimes are banned and sometimes work..and it can go back and forth between the two multiple times per day. Making it easier to report these situations would help a lot.

Another idea, if it were at all possible, set things up to only ban IP addresses for users under a certain post count or reputation level, or subscription level (I realize the forum sw may not give you this level of control).