We are witness to the most obvious post turtles in history. A pair of incompetents who their own party didn't like, elevated by a Marxist cabal through electoral cheating, to the presidency.

Joe didn't get there by himself.

He doesn't know what to do now that he's there.

Anyone arguing as though Joe is making his own decisions, is naive. He's being told what to do, by people who don't want America to succeed. It's clear even to Joe that if he doesn't obey his masters, they'll take him out as easily as they put him in.

I'm thinking that he wears the mask so that we don't notice that his lips aren't moving when we hear him speak.

The only question is what order his anti-gun mandates will come in, whether by un-Constitutional executive orders, or by un-Constitutional legislation. Whether they start with universal registration, annual taxes, bans on entire categories, freezing new guns, or something else.

The power behind the throne doesn't care about enraging the voters; they aren't in office, they can get new Dems to replace the ones they burn.