What I notice is the crappy maintenance of the roads. They have crowns in center so high that if you have a smaller narrower vehicle it forces you back and forth from side to side over the crown trying to keep your little piece of garbage car going straight. I see this with those little micro cars like the Mini Cooper and some of the other roller skates they refer to as automobiles today. The last time I got on the Turnpike at KoP I got behind one of those little homo cars and it was struggling back and forth on the crown going uphill on the older asphalt. It probably fared better when it got to the newly paved concrete over the Schuylkill up to about the Trooper Barracks.

Years ago I remember travelling back and forth from New York City on the New Jersey Turnpike and the crown was very severe. The perfect car for that road back then was one of those big ass 70's Eldorados that could straddle the crown. I drove back from there with a a guy from Philly in his 70's VW Squareback wagon and I thought the thing was going to rollover a couple of times. I guess if you're a revenue hunter you use those kind of roads to your advantage to meet monthly quotas.