Applicants for an LTCF in Lackawanna County have to come to the front door of the courthouse, a deputy will come to the door and you request an application. You then fill it out, bring it back the the front door and the deputy will then put your completed application, which needs to be sealed in an envelope, into a lock box. Your application will eventually be processed and you will be called to come and pay, get your picture taken, and be given your LTCF. My concern is the following sentence in the article, "Any application that is not completed in full or placed in a sealed envelope will not processed and will be destroyed, the sheriff*s office said." Once the sheriff's office accepts an application, are they obligated to approve or deny or can they destroy an application because it is not in a "sealed envelope", or is missing any bit of information, even trivial things like the zip code of a reference or something else trivial?